Status: Ongoing!

I Am

I Am a Broken Soul

I am Krissy. I hate the name, but that's what my mother calls me. I am a bit unstable. If I were a man, I'd be a womanizer. I have to work on my emotions. I can't let myself get too deep.

There are lots of things I have to remind myself of. Like that we all have to get along with everyone else. Like some of the things I say and do, people don't like. I say fuck that. If you can't deal with me, then I can't deal with any of you. Take a breath, count to ten.

I guess that explains why none of my relationships work out. I'm just trying to figure out what it is that made me this way. Probably my alcohol abuse. Then, I have to figure out if I want to stay this way. Could I ever really give it up? But I want you to know that I can change if I'm up to it, and I'll do it just to prove that I can. I can say that to all of your faces that put me down. I got better and you didn't.

I am a broken soul, and I would never let you in for it could be a trap.
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