The Invincibility

Chapter One.

Chapter One, Part One: Milly.
“Hey! Wake up!” A clear male voice rung out through the fog.
“Mmmm…” My head was spinning.
“Is she okay?” A woman, this time.
“Come on, that’s it.” I was in his arms, he was helping me up.
“What happened? Why am I...?”
“You had an accident.” He looked down on me softly.
“Accident?” I was a safe driver…never even a parking ticket.
“You swerved your car off the road.”
“Oh God.” The woman again. “The car…”
“You should be dead.” Another male voice.
“What’s your name?” The first man asked, as he placed me in the back of the parked car.
“Willamena?” He replied, an eyebrow raised.
“Milly for short. Everybody calls me Milly.”
“Will. Will Jones.” He extended me a hand, as I took it, I noticed a small tattoo with a strange letter. The engine burst into life as they set off down the long country street. They drove in silence for a while.
“Willamena.” Will turned to face me. “Can you tell me the last thing you remember before you crashed?”
“I…I had a dream.” Will stiffened up.
“Will? Tell me she didn’t?” The woman looked back, worried.
“Tell me. What did you dream? What did you see?”
“I…I don’t know.” He put his hands around my face.
“This is important Willamena.”
“I can’t…I can’t remember.” The car sped off. Will didn’t take his eyes off me.
“Maybe it’s just a coincidence?” The second man broke the silence.
“No. She’s it.”
“Uhhh…” I felt weak. “I’m what?”
His voice stopped as I slipped into darkness…

Chapter One, Part Two: Uncertain Allies.
“I don’t like it.”
“Well Chalice, what do you like?”
“Shut up Liam.”
“Excuse me for being so bold, but how else will we find out how?” Another voice.
“To save the world?”
“It may well be.”
“We’ve had this discussion before Will. She can’t stay here. What if she finds out?”
“What if she’s a spy? An alien?”
“Fuck off Liam, this isn’t funny.”
“Settle down lively-lumps.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“You know full well what I mean.”
“Erg, this isn’t time to argue about my boobs.”
I opened my eyes. The people from the car were there, talking. I was on a silver bench.
“Well, when is it the time?” The man asked.
“Oi!” Will interrupted. “Enough. No more debating. She’s staying here.”
“To do what exactly?” A pause.
“Receptionist. We need a new one. Oh, and that boobs definitely bigger than the other.” The woman Chalice bristled and Will turned towards me. “Evening Willamena.”
“Oh, um. Hi.”
This is Chalice and Liam. They gave me forced smiles.
“Well?” Will glared as I sat up.
“Hello Willa-“
“Millie, please.”
“Hello Millie.” Liam gave me his hand.
“May I…where am I?”
“This is Headquarters. Underground, quiet.”
“Do you want me to show you around?”
“How about to her room?” Chalice retorted snappily. “Well, we haven’t even decided if were keeping her or not.”
“Don’t worry. This is enough. Go home, the both of you. Now. Willamena. What I’m going to tell you might be a little hard to believe.”
“I don’t know…I just totalled my car, I’m about ready to believe in miracles.”
“Well. First of all, take this.” Will handed her a silver ankh hanging on a thin white chain.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“It is. But why?”
“For protection.”
“From what?”
“We hunt majick and majickal objects. We teach majick users who miss-use the art a lesson, if needed. Were also Material hunters. We look after many items of deep origin and we learn how to use our powers. For good.”
“Sure. And I play professional tennis.”
“No, really. Want proof?”

Chapter One, Part Three: Asylum.
Will casually set his hand on fire with a flick of his wrist.
“Touch it.”
“It’s cold. Trust me.” I put my hand tentatively in the flame. It was almost cool, and the flames danced and frolicked over my hand.
“Wow. So, it is true!”
“Majick? It’s around.”
“So…I’m coming with you, right?”
“I can’t believe it! Protecting the world from the forces of evil! Using majick, fighting dragons!” I twirled around. I didn’t believe it at all!
“Hey, uhm. Listen. You’re not coming out with us.”
“What? But…”
“It’s dangerous. There is power far beyond anything you’ve ever read about. You can’t go out there.”
“Then why…”
“We have to keep you here. It’s…important.”
“Wait. Do I get ANY kind of say in this?”
“Well…Not really.”
“Well then, what the hell do I need this for? Fuck this!” I raised my hand and threw the Ankh as hard on the floor as I possibly could. Tears stung my eyes as my freedom was taken away from me.
I stared up at the roof. The ankh shined in my mind. I felt stupid. There must be a million reasons why I couldn’t go. I must have seemed like such a child.
“I have to get out.” I spoke aloud. Nobody was around to tell me not to. I crept quietly along the corridor. A pale blue light was shining from a room. It was the one shown to me as Wills. I looked in quickly. There was a girl asleep on the bed. I blinked my eyes and it was Will again. I kept along my way. There was the Ankh on the table. I felt the urge to pick it up. I didn’t need it.

Chapter One, Part Four: And In The End.
I smiled over my victory and took another swig of booze.
“You snuck out to go to the pub?” Will. He’d found me. I didn’t really care.
“Yes.” I replied.
“I’m impressed.” He sat down next to me. “How much have you had?”
“Just a couple of beers.”
“You got out of the headquarters…how’d you do it? Oh, just a beer thanks.”
“Look. I’m sorry for the way I acted. I’m not really that big of a child. I swear.”
“It’s okay. Apology accepted.” Will swilled his glass. “Hm. Will you tell me later?”
“I just did. It was easy.” At that, he leaned in towards me.
“What if I give you a kiss, would you tell me then?” He grinned cheekily.
“What...I already told you.”
“What if I just kiss you anyway?”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Wouldn’t I?” He moved in closer. I was drawn into his eyes. A perfect blue. I found my body moving closer to his…felt my eyes close. Then I put my lips against his. He smelt like fresh air and pinecones.
“What…what was that?” As it ended.
“A kiss. I had to get you back to base somehow. And, in fact, you kissed me.”
“I don’t feel too good.”
“C’mon, lets get you home.”
“Mmno…that’s not…” I couldn’t control my head. My body felt alien to me.
“Can you walk?”
“Yeah.” I stood and walked tentatively to the exit.
“This one.” He showed me the car. I stumbled forwards and fell.
He loomed up in the distance…but I was too busy looking at the decay. The world…fire for as far as I could see. A single tear ran down my face. His voice broke through the noise. It wasn’t clear, it kept breaking up. The wind caught it. Threw it around.
“If you had the power to change your destiny…
If you had the foresight…
Would you do it?”