The Sting of Sand

Egyptian Gold

"I have been considering whom I shall choose as my successor," the Pharaoh began, his regal crown twinkling with a mysterious and magical power. Sudhaker looked upon her father with respect and discomfort as her stomach twisted and knotted, cramping with anticipation. "I have taken into account your age as well as Ankhet's." He is intentionally drawing this out, she thought impatiently. "Currently, I believe you to be most fit for the throne. You will tutor Ankhet and I will allow you to rule until he comes of age, when he will success you." Sudhaker began to protest, but was cut short by her father's disapproving glare and a harsh interjection. "Do not disrespect me, daughter. I have told you far too many times that I take pride in your accomplishments; however, men are more proprietary for the throne. You are aware of this."

"My lord, will you allow me to explain?" she asked stiffly. He gestured for her to continue. "As you know, I have been studying much further beyond my age and gender would typically allow. I have been learning since I was old enough to walk. I have learned to write, advanced mathematics, and sciences. I have studied plants and animals, even the most productive methods of building pyramids for the royal family. I am fluent in seven languages and nearly four more. I am beyond ready to ascend the throne should you pass, father."

The Pharaoh shook his head, his eyes cold.

"I have already told you that I have taken your education into consideration, Sudhaker. I have no need to further explain myself to my daughter. Such is the way of things: if you were born male, you would already have claimed the throne."

"Yes, Father," Sudhaker whispered. Her voice wrestled in her throat, attempting to be free of the cage that was her chest. All the efforts and time she had placed in her studies since she was small seemed all for naught. She kept her head low until her father was gone, slumping on her bed as she tried to make herself feel better. A pain just beneath her ribs caused her to double over. With a hand to steady her, she stroked her huge bulbous stomach in an attempt to soothe one of the children within. "Everything is all right, Rajesh." After a few long moments, the baby was calm once more. Her husband, Mikhael, entered the room and sat beside her, placing a gentle hand on her stomach.

"I have heard the news. I am sorry," Mikhael said softly, wrapping his arms around her. His large hands were comforting. "You are still the brightest and fairest." She smiled a little.

"Of course you'd say that. You are my husband, after all."

"I say that not as your husband, but as a man," he corrected, his enchanting hazel eyes captivating her. "Even so, is it not the same?"

"It's nice to hear, nonetheless."

Mikhael produced a flat box from the folds of his sash. "I came upon a deposit of pure gold the other day. I made this for you." Inside the box was a circlet made of the gold, twinkling with a fond light that seemed to mirror that of her father's.

Sudhaker took it gently from the box, the cold of the metal sapping the warmth from her fingers. "It's beautiful!" Mikhael slid it over her hair, where it fit almost perfectly. He smiled, obviously pleased with her response. She realized then how fortunate she was. Almost all Egyptian women had husbands, but it was rare for a couple to be as intimate as Mikhael and she were.

"I am weary," she said finally. "Is it nightfall yet? I've not had the chance to go out today."

"It's twilight," Mikhael answered, his hand clutching hers, feeling how the knuckles now protruded. "But if you wish it, we will rest now." She nodded and he helped her lie on her side with care not to jostle her over much. She winced in pain as the children adjusted to her new position. He kissed her forehead gently and crossed the room to begin stripping his outer clothing. As he did so, a servant announced that he needed to enter. Mikhael covered himself with his coat and called the servant into the room.

"I apologize, my liege," the servant said quickly, his head bowed nearly to the ground in respect. "The Pharaoh has requested your presence in the throne room within the hour."

Mikhael nodded and began to re-dress. The servant bowed once more as he left the room, allowing them privacy before Mikhael was to leave.

"What could he possibly want of you?" Sudhaker asked a little impatiently.

"Don't worry, just rest."

She sighed, but didn't argue. Closing her eyes, she listened as he finished dressing. Within a minute, he was gone. Thoughts of her childhood came back to her and she bathed in nostalgia, slowly falling into a comfortable sleep.