Status: Active

Over My Head


~Dustin's P.O.V

I wake up, at 6:00, on a Saturday morning to the sound of my alarm clock. Its a very unpleasant thing when your used to getting up at 12:00 on the weekends. I quickly hit the large snooze button on the top in hopes that if the noise stopped so would the pounding in my head but it's a failed attempt. So I slowly rise out of bed and slide on a pair of wrinkled skinny jeans from the floor over my boxers. Almost silently I slip out of my bedroom door and into the bathroom where I dry swallow 2 aspirins and then brush my teeth to get rid of what tastes suspiciously like vomit.

After I'm done with that I walk down the hallway and into the kitchen just as quietly. I reach up into the junk food cupboard and instantly grab my hot fudge Sundae pop tarts cause everyone knows how they fix hangovers. I sit down on one of the bar stools in the kitchen and eat a pop tart while trying to shield my eyes from the rising sun outside. When I realize its a lost cause I lay my head down on the counter and get an urge for nicotine.

So I cross the kitchen into the living room and open the front door. What I see makes me freeze in my footsteps and do a double take. There sitting right on my porch steps like it had been there forever is a medium sized basket with something wrapped in a blue blanket. I walk up to it expecting to see a birthday present that someone left on the wrong steps but am instead greeted by a pair of bright green eyes that looked shockingly similar to mine.

If any ones seeing me at the moment I probably look cool and collected but on the inside I'm freaking out not knowing what the fuck is going on. I squat down next to the child and am pleasantly surprised to realize that there's a piece of paper pinned to his blanket. It reads:

Dear Dustin,
I know right now your thinking what the hell and I don't blame you. To put long story short this baby boy is yours. After you broke up with me I found out I was pregnant and my parents shipped me off to live with my grandmother after I said I would not get an abortion.
I was going to give him up for adoption but then he was born. The moment I saw him I thought two different things. One was that he looked just like you and the other was that I could never just let him go to an orphanage. So I named him Andrew James Moore(yes he does have your last name because at the time I thought that it would be best if he had at least had that part of his father with him at all times) and brought him back to my grandmothers house. At first everything was okay but then it became a mess. I started to fall behind in school and we didn't have enough money to pay for the baby. Eventually it got so bad that it was either get rid of Andrew or starve to death. I still didn't want him to go to an orphanage so I thought," Hey, maybe Dustin would like to keep Andrew," and here he is.
If you end up not wanting to keep Andrew then I would understand but I had to try something. Also I should probably add in that he is three months old. Good luck in what ever you should choose and tell Andrew that I love him.
Alice Mary Woodstine

After I read the note I re-read it about five times until it actually hit me what was going on. I'm a sixteen year old gay boy who just found out he was also a single father. Yes I am gay and its the whole reason why me and Alice broke up. Turns out that girls don't like when there boyfriends tell them there gay after they had sex together. I pick up Andrew carefully and check to see if Alice left anything else that is his but she didn't. So I cradle Andrew in one arm and grab the basket with my other arm.

When I get inside the door I drop the basket on the ground and walk to the couch so I can hold Andrew better and not be afraid I'm going to drop him. This whole time he's kept his eyes open and hasn't cried much so to say I'm impressed is an understatement. Once I'm completely comfortable on the couch with the child in my arms I'm able to look at him closer. Alice was right about one thing though, he looks exactly like me. When I reach down to shift him a little he takes one of his hands and grabs onto one of mine. His is so small compared to mine. That's when I make two very important decisions. "Baby boy I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you with me and I think from now on I'll call you Andy," I tell him with a smile. He gives me a small smile in return and a little giggle. But after that he let out a very high pitched cry that woke up my parents and had them running for the living room. It also brought back my headache but that's besides the point. I don't know whats to come but whatever it is I wont get rid of my baby boy Andy because even though I only met him minutes before I already love him.