Status: I hope you like it :)

Well Played Mr. Beverly

Chapter 1

“So I pretend to be your girlfriend for the rest of the year and you can guarantee I will get into Yale?”

“Yes Sophie for the fourth time I will guarantee you into Yale”

My entire lunch has consisted of standing behind the bleachers striking a deal with the most well known promiscuous, boy, that has ever attended Bridgeport High school.
Confused? I thought you might be. A week ago Derek Beverly, the wealthiest and most popular male going to our high school approached me all high and mighty thinking that I would be begging him for this deal. Well he was wrong. Oh but him, being the conniving person he is knew I had dilemma and since his daddy dearest is the Dean at Yale he lured me in like a moth to a flame. I sold my soul to the devil for a good education.

The terms of this contract are quite simple actually, I pretend to be his girlfriend, and he gets me into Yale. I must go to his family functions and convince his parents that we are a devoted couple. If they are not satisfied, well he is cut off from his trust fund, and I don’t get into Yale. I was wondering why he choose me and not one of the hundreds of easy leg spreading females that attend our high school, well that’s simple, I’m one of the very select few that has not thrown myself at him. So I’m one of the few that is classy enough to take home. He also has some sick pleasure in trying to make me fall in love with him. I cannot tell my friends or he cannot tell his. It’s strictly between me and him. We must act like a couple in every outdoor setting that anyone can see us. Behind closed doors I’m getting as far away from him as I possibly can. I threw this part in for my pleasure. No sluts. If he “cheats” on me with any girl I still get into Yale, but he loses his trust fund.

As the late bell rang Derek and I walked back to class not acknowledging each other, the deal wasn’t supposed to start till tomorrow. So for now I can have one last day until I start living in hell.

“Ah Ms Dailey it’s nice to see that you finally decide to grace us with your presence.”

“Sorry Mr. Jay I was having some female problems” The perfect response, especially for a male teacher, they never want to know about our problems. I heard Derek chuckle as he walked into the door

“You too Mr. Beverly, and I don’t want to hear your excuse” I giggled as I saw Mr. Jay roll his eyes. “Alright class it’s time to partner up today is a working day and since the projects are due on Friday I know most of you haven’t even started”

“SD where were you? I was waiting and you didn’t show up?”

“Sorry B I wasn’t feeling good so I went to the bathroom to wash my face.” And that was the first lie of many I would start to tell my best friend Baylee.
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so i hope you like it :)