Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

The Break Up

Flashback to one year before:

Laurel- meet me @ the park in 10 min! love ya! jacob.

Laurel sighed and answered, "kay, ill be there." Laurel munched on her cereal; today was the day, it had to be done. Jacob was a good boyfriend, his only flaw was that he was caught 3 times kissing a different girl, and he wasn't drunk or high. Laurel had enough.

"Hon, you okay?" a voice came out of nowhere.

Laurel jumped, "Oh god, dad, don't do that! Yeah, everythings fine, I'm breaking it off with Jacob."

Laurel's dad raised his eyebrows as he poured himself some coffee, "Why? I like him, he's actually not on pot!"

"Yeah, I know, but he did get caught kissing Stacie for the 3 time!" Laurel said as she put her breakfast bowl into the sink.

"You're right, hon, I'm sorry," her dad said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Kay, thanks, I got to go, Jacob wants to meet st the park, probably to apologize and stuff," Laurel said shrugging, reaching for her keys, and grabbing her Johnny Depp bag.

"God, Laurel, that bag is so tacky!" her dad said.

Laurel rolled her eyes, "He's hot, dad, it's a girl thing!"


"Bye, dad!" Laurel called.

"Bye! Oh, when will you be back?" her dad asked.

"Um, I don't know, Lexi and I might see a movie or something!" Laurel responded.

"Kay! Remember your curfew!" her dad called.

"Uh-huh, dad!"

Laurel hopped into her car and began driving to the city park, but the whole way there, her mind was on how Jacob would react to the breakup. Jacob was one of those rare guys who are cute and sensitive.

Laurel pulled into a parking space, hopped out of her car, straightened her tight black jersey shirt and her skinny jeans, and begaing walking around, looking for Jacob.

"Over here!" Jacob waved. Laurel took a deep breath and walked right up to him.

"Laurel, I am so sorry and stupid for making out with Stacie!" Jacob put on his best apology face on, just for Laurel.

"Jacob, I'm sorry, but this is the 3 time that you've done something like this and I refuse to get hurt anymore! I think that it would be better if we split up fro good," Laurel stated, avoiding Jacob's hurt face.

"God, Laurel, please don't do this to me! I really love you and I will kill myself if we aren't together!" Jacob said, tears welding up in his eyes.

Laurel simply nodded,"I'm sorry," and turned away, going back to her car. Laurel drove away, but she didn't get far enough to not hear Jacob's cries and screams of pain.

She pulled into Lexi's driveway, noticing that Lex's older sister's car was there.

"Laurel!" Lexi came around the corner of her house.

"Lex, it's over!" Laurel answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Do you want to talk about it?" Lexi asked, comfortingly.

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, let's go, Laurel," Lexi said. But before the two girls could take a step, Lexi's mom came running outside.

"Laurel, did you leave Jacob?"

Laurel was shocked, "Yeah, why?"

"3 people jsut saw him commit suicide in the park!"

Laurel stood there, her mouth open adn tears streaming down her face.

Breakups, they can kill...
♠ ♠ ♠
these stories will probably be slow updates. please comment!