Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

The Deal

“What do you want?” Lexi asked with a glare. This was beginning to be stupid and neither of the girls was going to put up with it longer.

“First, I have grown tired of seeing Laurel and Spencer flirt,” he smirked, “So, Laurel; I want you to break his heart. You better do it well because I will be watching. And as for you, my dear, sweet and beautiful Lexi, you will marry me and we will be leaving to go to Cuba.”

Lexi’s jaw dropped. This guy must be joking! That stupid jerk thinks he can just claim her as his wife! Laurel didn’t know what to think…her best friend leaving for Cuba? Getting married to a bastard?????

“There is no way in hell I am marrying you!” Lexi spat.

“Then I guess Spencer will be happy in jail, your sister will be heart broken and the world will think you guys are animal freaks,” he laughed.

Laurel gave a worried glance to Lexi. Laurel didn’t want this to happen what-so-ever.

Lexi looked down with tears falling down her face. She tried to suck it up. She looked up at Justin with an ice cold glare, “I do.”

Justin smirked, “Go get packed, babe.”

Lexi walked off slowly and laurel stood there unable to process what had just happened.

“So, my dear, are you ready to break the love of your life?” Justin laughed.

Laurel glared at Justin not knowing what to do…he is ruining her and her best friend’s life!

“Go on, puppy dog,” Justin patted my head, “We have some business to do. I don’t want to keep my fiancé waiting.”

Laurel walked zombie-like…waiting to break the love of her life’s heart.

When Lexi got to the house, her eyes were all puffy and red and so was her nose. What was she supposed to tell her parents? What had she gotten herself into? Why is this happening to her? These questions were racing through her mind and repeated over and over again. What will Luke do? Will I ever see Luke and laurel again?

“Lexi! Lex wait!” yelled a voice. By this time Lexi was walking up to her bedroom getting ready to pack up for the rest of her life.

Luke followed her trying to make her stop but she wouldn’t. She continued to pack while Luke stood there confused.
“What are you doing?” he asked.

Lexi tucked a shirt into her suitcase that she retrieved under her bed. She looked up at Luke. She collapsed to her knees and sobbed. She couldn’t do this. Especially on her own. Luke bent down and held her while she cried on his chest.

“What’s going on? What happened?” he asked worriedly.

“I’m being forced to marry someone…” she didn’t know how much she could let alone, should say.

“Who!? I can kill them,” he growled.

Lexi shook her head in his chest. She wiped her tears and held everything in. this…what she was about to do will be all for her best friend….no for her sister: Laurel.

Lexi continued packing absentmindedly while Luke was doing everything to stop her. Finally Lexi had packed the last bit of clothing into her suitcase.

She looked at Luke with puffy red eyes, “I am going to Cuba,” she began calmly, “I don’t want you to search for me and I don’t wish for anyone to know why I am going or where. Understood?”

He didn’t answer.

“Understood?” Lexi said a bit louder.

“Loud and clear,” Luke said.

“If anyone asks where I am, just say that you last saw me hiking in the woods. Goodbye Luke,” Lexi walked away waiting for her life to be nothing but a living hell.

But being with Justin wouldn't be the worst part in this hell hole. It was never seeing Luke or Laurel again.
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not much but i hope you liked it