Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

Giving Him Up

Laurel sat on the park bench, shaking. She had texted Spencer to meet her at the city park. Justin had picked the park just to cause Laurel more pain. He even made her sit on the bench that Jacob had died on. The blood was never covered up so Laurel touched the blood of her lover.

Laurel's phone beeped, she had a new text message: Break his heart, like you did to Jacob's. Remember, I am watching. Justin.

Laurel began crying and looked around for Justin; she knew he was watching, she didn't know where.

Justin was standing in the gazebo, Laurel saw him and he waved back, cruely.

Her phone beeped again: No time for crying, here he comes. Justin.


Laruel looked over and saw Spencer waving. She weakly waved and tried to smile, but she obviously failed.

"Hello, my beatiful rose!" Spencer said kissing Laurel on the lips.

Laurel couldn't say anything but she gripped the dried blood.

"What's wrong? You're so tense! Is it that kid? I'll kick his ass!" Spencer said.

Laurel burst into tears,"Spencer, I need your help..." but her phone beeped: Don't you dare! Justin.

Laurel turned around, "I'm getting to it, you son of a bitch!" She screamed in hysterics.

"Laurel what's going on?" Spencer sounded worried.

"Spencer, I love you, but this is wrong! I can't be dating a teacher! What if this gets out? What will we do? Run away to China?" Laurel asked, slowing her breathing down.

"Laurel, are you suggesting tath we should break up?" Spencer asked.

Laurel sat there for a moment, then nodded,"More then that! I want you to, to remove me from being your student-teacher!"

Spencer just sat there, staring.

"I'm sorry, Spencer!"

"Don't apologize! God, by all means, leave me in the dust and don't care about what I feel!" Spencer snapped.

Laurel's eyes began to fill with tears.

"God, I thought you were the one for me, Laurel, but no! These secrets are killing me!" Spencer fumed.

"Spencer, please..."

"It's Mr. Tay to you!" he snapped and walked away. And just like that, pain consumed Laurel.

Laurel stood up and walked right up to Justin, who was smiling.

"Bravo, very convincing! Can you repeat that son of a bitch part?" he smirked.

"My pleasure," Laurel said through clenched teeth. Her hand swung up to punch him, but Justin snactched her hand.

"Naughty, naughty!" Justin tsked her, and threw her onto the ground.

Laurel just lay there, crying.

"This is all your fault, Laurel! If you didn't kill my brother, then none of this would've happened!" Justin screamed.

"I didn't kill him! He killed himself!" Laurel didn't believe what she had just said until after she had said it.

Justin just stood there, tears running down his face, "You lie!" And he hit Laurel on the head, leaving her unconsious.
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