Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets


Lexi truthfully thought about jumping off the plane even though she would die when she hit the ground. Her feelings were so mixed up that her outer look looked more like a zombie than a normal human being. Justin sat right next to her with a smirk always planted upon his face face. Nothing was worse than this. Laurel, in Lexi's opinion, had it easy. Lexi knew this was selfish of her to think such a thing...but at least Laurel could see her foster father and her family and the rest of her friends. Lexi was stuck with Justin and only Justin for the rest of her life.

She was too young to be on her own and already married. What is she going to do? She was far from being in love with Justin. Lexi hated him more than anything.

Lexi looked out the plane window with tears streaking her cheeks. This was a nightmare. But to be honest...Lexi wish it WAS a nightmare. For then she could wake up and only have the stupid memories and thoughts of the nightmare rather than truly living it.

"Cheer up Dollface, everything is going to be ok. Especially with me around," Justin patted her back.

"Nothing is even the slightest good with you around," she mumbled.

"What was that?" Justin asked in a perky tone.

"Nothing, Sweetheart," Lexi said with a fake smile and a fake happy voice. This was pure torchure.

Lexi rested her chin on her hand and continued to look at the beautiful view out the window.

Would anyone save her from this hell hole?

The plane finally stopped after a few hours and I found myself standing in front of a beautiful cabin right on the beach.

Here she was; in Cuba....with the hate of her life.

"Let's go my wife," he said grabbing her hand and dragging her into the house.

He led her up some polished wooden stairs and took her to a room.

"This is our room," he said gesturing into the room.

"OUR room????" Lexi said feeling nauseous.

"Yes. Couples don't sleep apart do they?" he asked.


"Get ready for bed," he said tossing me something silky.

She caught it at the last second, "What the hell is this."

She held it up and it was black, lacey and short.

"A treat for me," he smirked.

Lexi turned around and gagged. She felt like taking a gun to his head and if not his head then her own.

Please, God, help me, she said silently.

She walked out not arguing about the lacey sleepwear. What was the point? He had the upper hand...and Lexi had nothing.