Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

Plan A: Airplane Trip

Lexi woke up the next morning and recieved a text on Tyler's phone:

Okay, thats good and bad, I'm going to Chicago, you meet me there, get tyler to help you!!!

"Ugh!" she groaned. She rolled over and her messy red hair bun plopped to her right side.

She got up sleepily and walked into Tyler's room...thankfully she could tell by the label and papers and posters on the doors.

"Take me to Chicago," Lexi said sleepily.

"What!? Are you insane!?! Why on such short notice?" he asked more awake than Lexi.

"My friend is meeting me there. Please?"

He groaned, "Let's go."

They both got changed and went into their car.

Tyler took her to the airport and by that time they were both wide awake. When Lexi finally got to the airport she realized she had no money.

"Here," Tyler said handing her a wad of cash.

"Absolutly not--"

"You're more important...just promise I'll see you again," he said. Lexi blushed.

"We just met...."


"Fine," she smirked. She took a piece of paper and a pen that was at the floor of his car and swiftly wrote down her address in the greatest detail she could right then.

"See me if you ever can," she said then she bought her ticket to Chicago and got onto the plane as swiftly as she could.

When the plane took off she looked out the window seeing that Tyler was still in his car. Lexi felt a little sad that she had to leave him here...he was so kind to her...

Then she saw Tyler drive off and she stared until she could no longer see him.

She sighed to herself.

"I was coming to get you," said a sad voice, "I swear."

Lexi looked up and saw Luke looking concerned and worried.

"Luke?! How--"

"Long story, please don't ask," he sighed and sat down next to her.

"What is my sister doing?"

"She is on a date," he smirked.

"What?" she asked shock. He smiled once again, that hundred watt smile.

"We aren't together anymore."

"I'm sorry...what happened...are you two still friends? You guys were about to marry!?!"

"We both realized we weren't right for each other," he said simply.

Lexi didn't rant any further...she was extremely tired.

She sighed and leaned her head against the window. And soon enough she fell fast asleep but she could have sworn that she felt lips press against her forehead.