Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets


Laurel was standing in the airport, Spencer was sitting at a table, both looked extremely tired. Laurel had gotten a call from Luke earlier telling her that the couple had broken up and that Luke was going to go get Lexi. Laurel had agreed to it, she didn't honestly mind. Lexi needed Luke, Laurel knew that much.

"Spencer, do you see her?"

"No, Laurel, her flight has just landed, she's probably not even off the plane yet!" Spencer sighed.

Laurel nodded and continued to look for her friend. She started to pace.

"Laurel?" a voice came from behind her.

Laurel turned around, Lexi stood there with Luke, "Lex, oh thank god your okay!" as soon as Lexi got out of the metal detectors, the two girls hugged.

"I missed you so much!' they chorused.

"Okay, we got to get out of here, Justin could be anywhere, and I'm not going to go find out where he is!" Spencer said urgently. Everybody nodded in agreement and they all left.

"Where did you park the car, Spencer?" Laurel asked, both girls were running to keep up.

"On the other side of the building, figures, huh? I didn't get a Jesus-Loves-Me parking spot!"

They all ran to the car and while Luke and Spencer put Lexi's stuff into the trunk, Laurel had to catch up to Lexi.

"So what happend? Out of nowhere I got your txt from a guy named Tyler?"

"Well Tyler got me out of that hell hole with Justin, so he knows everything, by the way, I told him about everything!" Lexi replied.

"Spencer knows everything too, and it turns out I didn't kill Jacob, heart failed," Laurel whispered.

"Oh, so I guess you got some weight off your shoulders then?"

"Yeah, I do, " Laurel replied.

"Alrighty then, all set, lets go now!" Spencer called. The two girls hopped into the car: Luke and Lexi in the back, Laurel and Spencer in the front. They group drove away, looking back anxiously, hoping that no one was following them.

"Where are we going?" Lexi asked.

"I don't know, " Spencer said, "Where ever it's safe, "

"At least one good thing is comming out of this, " Laurel said, "I got to get my Lexi back!"

Lexi smiled and Laurel smiled back.

But this wasn't over, not by a long shot. Somewhere behind them, Justin was there.