Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

One Year Later

“Lex, what’s wrong?” Sammie asked her as she was staring out the window across from her house. Lexi was haunted by that house. It might not have been her secret…but it practically was.

“Nothing. Just looking at the scenery,” Lexi lied. She had only seen Jacob Strows once in her lifetime and she could only imagine how her best friend, Laurel felt.

“Come on, it’s almost time for them to get here,” Sammie said yanking Lexi’s arm to get her attention.

Lexi’s sister, Sara was coming here for vacation with her fiancé Luke. She had never met him before because they had moved the engagement so fast that her parents had expected it to end in divorce within the first week. Her sister was fairly pretty…but never has she been complimented as much as Lexi has. Sara’s birthday was today, too. She had turned twenty three, but the last thing Lexi wanted was to look like she had forgotten; which she did.

Thankfully, Sammie had gotten her a present (honestly for no reason) and signed Lexi’s name on it too.

Sammie and Lexi ran down the stairs two at a time when the doorbell rang. Lexi’s mother, Victoria opened it and smiled at Sara and Luke who walked in without anyone saying a word yet.

“This is a nice place you got here, Mrs. Trenton,” a man with curly dirty blonde hair said. He smiled a hundred watt smile and Lexi felt frozen to the floor.

“Please, call me Victoria,” her mom insisted. Lexi rolled her eyes.

“I’m Lexi, Sara’s younger sister,” Lexi held out her hand, “You can call me Lex. And this is my friend Sammie.”

Luke shook her hand and then shook Sammie who was staring at him in awe. Lexi jabbed her elbow to Sammie’s side to get her attention. Sammie glared and then nervously laughed.

“Well, we’ll just be upstairs,” Lexi said nervously.

Sammie was embarrassing her and she wanted it to stop. Luke examined Sammie and Lexi with a questioning look on his face then nodded.

So stupid and childish, thought Lexi.

“Whoa, he is hot with a capitol H,” Sammie giggled. Lexi rolled her eyes again. What was on her mind didn’t have anything to do with Luke, but it did have everything to do with Laurel.

“Yes, but he is off limits,” she said while Sammie sighed.

“So what are we going to do tonight? It’s the last day of summer vacation.

Try to get every dirty secret I had off my mind, she thought.

“I don’t know.”

Lexi then went over to the window and looked back at the house.

“Lex, you barely knew the guy. Why are you so upset about it?” Sammie was obviously annoyed.

“Just a bit…scary, that’s all…”

“What-ever, how about we go take a walk?”

“No. I think it’s time for you to go home anyways. I need to get everything prepared for tomorrow.”

Sammie shook her head and sighed. After Sammie left Lexi morphed into her tiger form, loving the feeling of being on four legs. She stretched and yawned and curled up on the floor. Her life was so different from regular teens. Secrets; dark secrets haunted her and she could tell no one. Except for Laurel. She was the only one Lexi could tell everything to. It was strange how they met…Lexi smiled to herself just thinking about it:

Lexi had been seven years old when she met Laurel Miller. She was in her white-tiger form wandering around in a grown cornfield. She always did this whenever she had wanted to morph so that no one would discover her secret. But it turned out she wasn’t the only one using the cornfield for cover.

As she was prancing in the rows of corn, she heard another sound that sounded close. Lexi made her cat-like head turn in all directions wandering who was there. Then appeared a black dog…it was larger than a normal dog. Lexi transformed back into human form thinking it was just an innocent pup. Wrong.

The black dog shifted too. Her small figure looked fragile and pale; her hair long and dark brown.

“Y-you’re a shape-shifter too?” the girl said.

The seven year old Lexi nodded.

“That is so cool!” the girl squealed, “My name is Laurel miller, what’s yours?”

“Lexi Trenton but you can call me Lex,” she smiled.

And ever since they were friends…they told each other everything and let no one get as close as these two were…the sad thing was they had to bare these deep secrets together.

And two people knowing them wasn’t enough.