Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

Forgetting the Past

"Laurel, did you leave Jacob?"

Laurel was shocked, "Yeah, why?"

"3 people just saw him commit suicide in the park!"

Laurel stood there, her mouth open and tears streaming down her face. Then out of nowhere, there was Jacob standing there, plae and dead.

Laurel woke up screaming, "NO!" She looked around her room frantically, hoping that somehow Jacob would be there. It had been a year since Jacob commited suicide, moments after Laurel had left him.

Laurel hugged her knees crying: she did love Jacob when he was alive, she didn't liked being cheated on.

"It's all my fault!" Laurel sobbed into her arms. Laurel remembered what Jacob had said to her, "I will kill myself if we aren't together!" and ever since then, it had been Laurel's fault, from her point of view. The only person that Laurel ever told was Lexi, and she had tried her best to get Laurel to move on and date someone else, but Laurel only wanted Jacob back.

Laurel came out of her hysterics and checked the clock on her sidetable.

5:25 am, that gives me an hour and 45 minutes until school starts. Laurel thought. She had missed the first day of school because she had just gotten back from an art camp that had lasted almost the whole summer.

Laurel slowly got out of bed, turned on her iHome and trudged over to her ginormus closet. She stood there for a moment, pondering on what she wanted to wear. Eventually she chose a floral dress with a red t-shirt under it and blue high tops with flurensent yellow laces.

As soon as she was "all dolled up" as her gay father would say (Laurel's dad is gay but adoped her from a foster home when she was 2), Laurel grabbed a bunch of flowers from a vase in her dining room and left for the city cememtary.

When Laurel pulled into the cemetary, she drove right up to a certain grave. She grabbed the flowers adn stood in front of Jacob's grave.

Jacob Strows

A loving son, brother, and person.

He will be missed greatly.

Laurel stood there for a moment, then finally spoke, "Jacob, I love you so much and I want to be with you again, but I need to move on," Laurel set the flowers down and got into her car but didn't start it. For some strange reason, she felt like she was being watched. Laurel looked in her rearview mirror and a man was standing there then he walked away. But Laurel noticed something about his face: he looked like he knew something, like a secret.