Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets


"I swear to god, he looked like he knew something, his eyes were piercing my soul!" Laurel was saying as Lexi and her walked down the hallway.

"Uh-huh, that is wierd! Hey I have a new secret that I can't keep from you! It's terrible and I think that it is deadly one!" Lexi said looking a little bit scared.

"Ok, tell me, you can trust me more than anyone!" Laurel replied.

"Um, you know how Sara has got a fiance, Luke?"

"Yeah, she was insane about how pretty her ring was!" Laurel said jokingly.

"Yeah, but I think that... I have a crush on Luke!" Lexi admitted.

"Oh my god! Your secrets safe with me!" Laurel said reassuringly.

"Oh thank you! You are the best friend I could ever have!!!!!!" Lexi exclaimed.

"No problem, Lex, hey I've got student-teaching in Honors History, what about you?" Laurel responded. (Student-teaching is where you are the best in your age group and you can be a part time teacher without gettng paid, but you still learn things, you work with the teacher.)

"Um, Honors Math," Lexi replied.

"Dang, okay, I'll talk to you in English then," Laurel said.

"Okay, see ya!"

"See ya!"

Laurel walked into the history room 5 minutes early, the teacher was writing his name on the board. Without turning around he started to say, "My name is Mr. Tay..." he turned to look at Laurel and went silent.

"Uh, Spencer Tay," he finished, sitcking his hand out.

Laurel took it, "Laurel Miller, nice to meet you, sir, I am your student-teacher for the year,"

"Uh, outside school, you can call me Spencer," he replied.

Laurel then got the butterflies and tried so hard not to morph into a dog. (Laurel has a little bit more control over morphing.) "Um, okay, where do you want to put me?"

Spencer let go of her hand and pointed to a desk next to his, "There, and I have papers there that I want you to fill out, it's homework that I'm assigning for tonight and I want to make sure that the questions are accurate!"

"Okay, thank you,"

"Absolutely," he responded automatically. Then the kids flooded into the room, and Spencer began to take attendance. Laurel looked around at the kids who where there, but in the back of the room was the guy who was watching Laurel earlier. She tried not to freak.

Laurel tried to ignore the kid watching her, but as the lesson continued, Laurel noticed 2 things: 1. Mr. Tay had an interest in her and she had an interest in him, and 2. She was being watched by the same kid for a whole class period.

When the bell finally rung, Laurel stayed after to help out, and as the kids piled out of the room, Spencer dazzled Laurel with a smile.

"You were excellent today!" He praised her, "Do you want to teach tomorrow?"

Laurel's hear began pumping, "Okay, sure, I would love to!" She knew it was flirting, but she didn't care.

Spencer grabbed her hand gently and kissed it, "It was a pleasure meeting you, Laurel,"

"You too, Mr. Tay," Laurel answered.

"Please, Spencer,"

"Okay, Spencer," Laurel smiled. She turned and saw the guy watching her, she gasped and he turned and ran.

"He was watching us flirt!" Laurel was telling Lexi.

"You do know that's illegal to have an adult-child relationship, right?" Lexi asked. Laurel nodded.

The 2 girls were in the forest, somewhat near the school and they were utterly alone.

"Here we go," Lexi said softly and she transformed into a beautiful, majestic, white tiger.

Laurel smiled and got down as if she was going to leap and she shot into running and morphed into her shaggy, black dog.

"I saw that," a voice said softly.

Both the tiger and the dog jumped. There, standing was the guy who was watching Laurel from history! He was tall, had black hair and brown eyes and was cover from head to toe with black. He was wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans and black converse. Laurel let out a low growl and Lexi must have noticed that Laurel was talking about him earlier because she began growling too. Laurel now understood; the guy did know a secret, but it was their secret!

"I know more than you think! I know all your secrets!" He said before he ran off into the woods, leaving Laurel and Lexi speechless. They weren't being just watched...they were being followed.