Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

Batting Cages

It was now a Saturday and Lexi was hanging out with Laurel in her room. Lex rarely hung out at her house after that cat-ears incident and she thought this would be for the best. Right now she couldn’t even think of betraying her sister like that.

Luke wasn’t the only thing on her mind either; she was sure that the guy they saw was stalking them to some extent and trying to rat them out. Lexi became scared when Laurel first told her that someone knew our little secrets…the good thing was he didn’t know Lex’s full story of her and Luke. Nothing major happened…but Lexi knew that Luke was too handsome to stay away from forever.

“What do we do?” Laurel groaned. She put her face in her hands trying to figure out what to do about the man who was stalking us.

“We could hunt him down and I could give him a piece of my fury white butt,” Lexi smirked.
“Now isn’t the time to joke around,” she glared at Lexi.

Lexi raised her hands by her head, “Whoa, whoa! Take a chill pill; I was just trying to lighten the mood.

Minutes passed and nothing came out of their mouths. What to do, what to do. Lexi sighed and went over to the mirror. She didn’t want to be down right now…she wanted to have fun and to prance around on her four snow white legs.

Lexi concentrated and her white fury ears and tail came out. She posed in the mirror, “I actually look kinda cute like this don’t you think?”

Lexi giggled, “This would be a great Halloween costume!”

“A little too great. We don’t want to be exposed you know!” Laurel rolled her eyes.

“Stop being a bitter-butt. Let’s try to forget about that dude and focus on the fun stuff. Go play the piano and I will play my guitar with you. Come on,” Lexi grabbed Laurels wrist and they sprinted into the dining room where the instruments were stored.

Laurel’s foster father was in love with music and he could probably play anything he picked up. So it wasn’t difficult to find a guitar in Laurel’s house.

“Okay, let’s sing ‘Hands of Time’ by Rachel Diggs. You take the piano, I got the guitar and the vocals,” Lexi ordered.

Laurel nodded. They both started to play and let the music take them somewhere where they could forget what happened here.

Life is a carousel
Dancing around the mirrors we go up and down
So let the music take away the hurt
You’ve come to know so well
Let it go cause
You can’t turn back the hands of time
Just let it go and you’ll be fine
What’s done is done is alright
You can’t turn back the hands of time

They continued the song until it was thoroughly finished. They felt a bit better until the memories and scene of their issues came back.

A song of an upbeat guitar played in the empty room that only had two secretive souls in it. Lexi took out her phone and answered it, “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s Luke, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the batting cages with me?” Luke said over the phone.

Lexi’s heart stopped and she couldn’t breathe, “Um…yeah sure.”

“Great see you at the cages at one!” he hung up. Lexi shut her cell phone and put it back in her pocket then she sighed.

“What is it?” Laurel asked with a frown.

“Luke. He wants me to go to the batting cages with him.”

She chuckled, “Good luck.”

Lexi rolled her eyes, “Whatever. See ya later. Love ya like a sis!”

And with that she got into her car. It was already 12:54. She drove off and went into the batting cages. The batting cages were located at the far end of the town park. And when Lexi got there she couldn’t find Luke anywhere. She checked her watch 1:03. Lexi sat at a nearby bench and patiently waited for him.


Lexi jumped a little at the voice. She turned around and found herself smiling and giggling, “You scared me, Luke!”

“I was intending to do that,” he chuckled and smiled his hundred watt smile.
She felt her heart skip a beat and her heart sank. She felt so guilty.

“Let’s go bat.”

Lexi nodded and followed him into a cage that was empty.

“Why didn’t you take Sara instead of me?”

He looked at her for a moment, “I love her but she isn’t the playful, fun type.”

“I knew that,” she laughed, “she is a bit more sophisticated.”

“I need to have fun some fun sometimes.”

Lexi laughed, “You guys don’t have fun in bed?”

He looked at me shocked I had said that but he softened and laughed too, “Personal.”

“I’m sure,” she said sarcastically.

Lexi put the helmet on and grabbed a bat.

“Think you can handle it?” Luke joked.

“Bring it on. When I hit the ball it’s like a white tiger going in for the girl,” Lexi said with a flirty low tone.

He chuckled and he pitched the baseball as fast as he could. Lexi hit the ball square in the spot and the ball flew high out of the cages (the cages didn’t have tops on them).

“Home run!” Lexi smirked.

Luke rolled his eyes. He continued to pitch fast balls, curve balls and anything else he could think of but Lexi hit every one of them.

Luke finally stopped pitching balls tired and exhausted. He walked over to the bench that Lexi had sat at earlier. Lexi sat next to him with a laugh.

“Am I too much for you?” Lexi said with a pouty tone. I’m flirting with my sister’s fiancé…that’s not so good.

Oh well. What her sister doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Right?
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notice that my friend and i have different writing styles i hope you guys dont mind