Status: Currently working on it. DISCLAIMER: this idea came from Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard.

Deadly Little Secrets

Sharing Secrets

It was a Thursday, and Laurel had been called in early to work with Spencer early, she walked into the room at 6:30.

"You wanted to see me, Spencer?" Laurel said setting her stuff down on her desk.

Spencer looked up from his computer, "Yes, um, I think that you've been doing a wonderful job at teaching these students history and I want you to teach 2 days a week, Mondays and Thursdays, and you get to assign some homework in the progress, how would you like that?"

"Oh my god, yes, thank you, so much, Spencer, this means so much to me!" Laurel said smiling. Spencer stood up from his chair and brushed a single strand of hair away from Laurel's face.

"You are so beautiful, Laurel," He breathed, the sweet scent of mint brushed her face. Laurel leaned in and their lips were touching. Laurel threw her arms around his neck , carressing his hair and his shirt. Spencer's hands pulled Laurel closer to him. The bliss was amazing and Laurel didn't want it to stop. But Spencer pulled away cautiously.

"What?" Laurel asked, then saw where Spencer's eyes were and she turned around to see what he was staring at. Laurel gasped, it was the guy. He was watching from outside the window.

"Does he know about what you did?" the guy mouthed the words.

Laurel ran up to the window and banged her hands against it, "Why are you following me? Why are you following Lexi? Why are you doing this to us? We haven't done anything to you! Leave us alone!" Laurel was screaming and in hysterics. The guy only smiled and put a finger up to his lips and ran away.

Laurel felt hands gently grab her and pull her into a hug, "Shhh, Laurel calm down! You need to calm down!" Laurel then realized that she was crying. She slowed her breathing and eventually calmed down. Spencer's hands grabbed Laurel's chin and he kissed her briefly. But her mind was on Jacob and how he used to kiss her like that.

"What was the guy talking about, 'Does he know about what you did?' what did he mean?" Spencer asked.

"Spencer, he's talking about, Jacob Strows." Laurel managed to choke out.

"Jacob Strows as in the kid who killed himself in the park a year ago?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, do you know why he killed himself?" Laurel asked, tears welding up in her eyes again.


"Jacob Strows killed himself because I broke up with him for making out with a different girl when we were going out. He's dead because of me. The police interviewed me a year ago and I lied to them, I told them that I didn't know that Jacob was depressed, I told them that we were together and they believed me. If they found out that Jacob is dead because of me, I would be dead!" Laurel said, now crying.

Spencer just stood there, looking down at her, "So what's this got to do with that kid?"

"He's been watching me and my best friend, Lexi Trenton, and we don't know why! He knows about Jacob and he knows all the secrets that Lexi and I share!" Laurel said.

"Okay, so he knows about us, does he tell these secrets?"

"No, not that we know. I will kill him if he does, though!" Laurel said.

"Yeah, and I'm not in the mood to go to jail for having a relationship with my student-teacher." Spencer said.

"What should I do, Spencer?" Laurel asked, "What should we do?"

"I don't know, let's keep an eye on him, he's in one of my classes I know that, so I can find out what his name is!" Spencer said.

"Okay, let's do that." Laurel said and Spencer pulled her into a hug.

I shouldn't have told him that, Laurel thought, Girls don't kill and tell.