A Beautiful Moment Amongst The Rain

Further Treatment

I always figured that you were you because it was what you wanted. Never did I think that you acted a certain way because of your father. He had seemed nice enough when I first met him, and you two seemed to have a good relationship. But I had no idea there was so much pressure and lack of communication between the two of you.

"He really wants to meet you. He always wants to mee my friends," you said to me, trying to sound happy.

I was reluctant, I wasn't too good with parents. I was too self conscious, afraid, and nervous to really interact with families. I didn't even like meeting my past boyfriend's parents for the first time. It was the mother's who always hated me, thinking I wasn't good enough for their boys.
But this was different. I was only going to meet her father, and we had to pretend we were just friends.

"What would happen if he found out about us?" I asked.

You shrugged, "I'm not really sure, but it wouldn't be a happy reaction, I'll tell you that much."

Great, now I'm about to go walking blindly into another's house and hope that they hit it off with me. We had planned to go over to your house on Friday after school, to have dinner. You had told me that your father was a master chef and caterer, so I was excited about that. I had never had a fancy meal before, and I thought it was cool that your dad was skilled in the culinary arts.

I guess you were used to it, because you didn't think too much of it. I really didn't know what to think of your father, you spoke highly of him, lovingly even. But whenever I brought up the date on the upcoming Friday, you'd smile weakly, as if you were afraid to tell me how he really was. That made it even worse for me, not knowing what to expect when I walked into that house.

The week seemed to take forever, and when Friday finally came, I was both anxious and excited. Who knew, maybe it would be fun. Maybe her father and I would hit it off really well, and he'd like me. I could only hope.

When school let out, we drove to her house, a large house out in the higher class suburbs. I could only gaze dreamily at all the large houses with three car garages, large patios and decks, and the clean cut lawns.

"You live here?!" I gawked as we pulled into her long driveway that led to a large three story house.

"Yep, that's us. Nice huh?"

I could only nodd, as I continued to stare at the large dwelling before me. Instantly, I was intimidated again by the thought of her father. I knew at this point, there was no turning back, but it didn't make it any easier. What if he was a real snob or stuck up? What if he was real anal about the shape of his house, where everything was covered in plastic and was immaculate in every way. I gulped as we made our way to the large front door.

"Ready sweetie?" you asked, looking back at me with a sympathetic smile.

I closed my eyes tight, exhaled slowly, gulped, and nodded, "Let's do this."

You flung open the front door, and I was instantly thrown into a whole new world! Bright lighting filled the house through expensive looking chandeliers and lamps. The carpeting was a rich black color, fine furniture was everywhere. Antiques and other expensive looking decor took up table tops and wall space. I felt like I had just walked into the Daddy Warbucks mansion!

"Nice.." I whispered under my breath.

"Hmm..you get used to it real quick," you said with a mock yawn.

It made me laugh, which made me feel a little better. You led the way, I followed you through the large living room, down a long decorated foyer, through a lavish dining room, to the kitchen. It was a chefs wet dream come true. It was large, color coordinated with reds, blacks, and orange. It smelt delicious in there, as we met your father.

He was standing in front of the stove, stirring something. When he took notice of us, he smiled broadly and washed his hands so he could greet us.

"Hey hon, welcome home! Who's your friend?" he asked as he leaned in and gave you a kiss on the cheek with a hug.

"Hi dad, this is Tabitha, from school."

You said "From school" as if to reassure him about my relationship with you. I could only smile and shake the callused hand that he offered me.

"Hey Tabitha, pleased to meet you!" he said with a warm smile.

He seemed friendly enough, so I let my guard down a little. I figured, why not try and relax, this could actually be a lot of fun.

"So who wants to help me make dinner?" he said cheerfully as he turned back to the task at hand.

You looked at me, as if to get permission. I smiled witha shrug, it was fine by me. We washed our hands at the sink and set about helping your father prepare the meal.
I cut some vegatables, while you helped your father with the leg of lamb and the twice baked potatoes. It smelt so good in that kitchen, and it was interesting to see you and your father together.

You joked with him, both smiling. He must have taught you some of his skills, because you were amazing with the tasks he gave you! From the rapid chopping, slicing, dicing, and mixing that you did, I'd swear you were a host of some cooking show on tv.

"So when are you gonna get another boyfriend?" your father asked suddenly.

I tried not to flip out, but you kept your cool, as if this was a common question asked.

You only shrugged, not taking your eyes off of the onion in front of you, "I don't know dad, it's not really important to me right now. I just want to finish up with high school, go to college. We'll see from there."

You were good, that was a great answer to defuse the situation. I almost wanted to applaud you. But your father only sighed and shook his head, a look of disappointment on his face.

"I understand sweetie, I just find it odd that you haven't dated a guy in what seems to be years! I mean, Tabitha, you got a boyfriend right?"

The sudden question directed at me chilled me to the bone. I didn't know how to react, or even what to say. I shot a glance in your direction, for help, but you only smiled and stared back at me.

"Oh no, no..I don't really have time for one right now. I've got a lot of things to do and get done..and...I don't have the time for a boyfriend at the moment," I stammered, feeling stupider and stupider by the minute.

"Man, what's with youth these days?! Back in my day, it was all about fast cars, girls, and drive in movies," your dad said with a laugh and smile.

That made me feel better, seeing him at ease and not going too deep into his own questions.

"Yeah, but dad, that was when you guys were playing beach blanket bingo and going to malt shops!" you said with a laugh.

"Hey, nothing wrong with those things!" he said, giving you a playful nudge, "Classics, you can't beat it until you try it, right Tabitha?!"

I nodded, "Yessir, that's right."

"Call me Bill, it's fine," he said, still smiling as he diced up some peppers on a cutting board.

"Sure thing Mr. Bill," I said quietly.

"No no, no Mr. only Bill."

I looked at him, wanting to apologize for insulting him, but he simply smiled and waved me off with a hand, "No biggie, Mr. just makes me feel old is all! I'm still in my prime damnit!"

You laughed and playfully nudged him in the belly, "Beer bellies are signs of one being in their prime?!"

"Hey, no one asked you! Keep chopping that onino missy!"

You both laughed, like a father and daughter should. I couldn't help but laugh myself. I was at ease now, not worried about first impressions anymore. In fact, I was actually envious of your relationship with your father. My father and I never did anything together anymore, nor did we even talk that much. I didn't want my own personal feelings messing with the mood, so I cleared it from my mind and went back to chopping carrots.
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This was a tough one to write, I had to cut the chapter short, because it would have been far too long to incorporate the entire "Date" in one chap. But I think I got what I wanted to show in this particular chapter, the warm bond and relationship Andrea and her father have together.