The Damage Has Been Done

Change is in the air.

Things seemed different after that one lunch time. Sure I still hung around with Gerard and Lyn-Z and the guys, but it wasn’t the same, like they couldn’t trust me. Chelsea continued to invite me to lunch every now and again. Then something I least expected happened.

Chelsea approached the table where I was sitting.
“Hey, Misha babe.” She said I could see Gerard trying to hold back the evils he wanted to give her.
“Hey Chels.” I replied. I wanted to know why she was here. From what I gathered her and the group had some history that all of them would rather forget.
“I was wondering if you and your friend here...” Chelsea said, even though we were all aware that Chelsea did infact know Lyn-Z’s name.
“Lyn-Z” I added.
“You and Lyn-Z would like to come to my sleepover this weekend?” Chelsea continued.
“I would have to ask.” I said turning to Lyn-Z. She just looked at me blankly and shrugged her shoulders, I could tell it was an “Only if you’re really good at persuading people can you get me to step foot anywhere near her house again” kindah shrug.
“Well, here is an invite for each of you babe. Get back to me ASAP yeah? See you in lesson.” Chelsea handed me 2 invitations and strutted back over to the “popular” people.

I must admit, I was surprised. “Hey Misha BABE” Gerard retorted sarcastically. He had a spiteful tone in his voice.
“Gee, we didn’t get an invite.” Frank looked at Gerard; thank god Frank was there to lighten the mood. Seriously Gerard would have been grumbling all day, but the way Frank had just spoke seemed to instantly take Gerard’s mind off Chelsea. Frank and him were now play fighting.

After walking home part the way with all the other guys (they had band practice round Bob’s) me and Lyn-Z were now on our own, I took the opportunity to tackle her about the party situation. “Lyn-Z, will you come with me?” I finally said.
“Where are you going?” She replied.
“You know what I mean. Will you come with me to Chelsea’s?”
“Why? It will be fun. Please Lyn-Z.” I gave her my best puppy dog eyes; I could tell they were working because she had to look away. Result I was cracking her.
“Whatever. But if she calls me babe one time. I swear…” I cut her off and embraced into a hug. “Thank you, Thank you. Thank You!!! I owe you.” So I had my weekend sorted. Friday night I would be attending band practice with Mikey, Bob, Ray, Frank and Gerard. Then Saturday I would be sleeping round Chelsea’s house. My first, real, big, sleepover.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to it. I just didn’t think Gerard would be impressed with the whole situation. I still needed to ask him what happened with Chelsea, why they are on such bad terms. I called Chelsea as soon as I got home to tell her me and Lyn-Z would be coming.


It was Friday. The day was almost here. We all walked in pairs (apart from Frank who was walking with Gerard and Mikey) towards Bob’s house. I had never been to a band practice before, or to Bob’s house either so it was all a new experience. Bob reached the door first and unlocked the door just in time for us all to pile into the hallway. “Come on guys! To the band room!” Bob said putting his finger in the air then running towards a door which I assumed led to the band room.

I felt someone grab my arm. Gerard.
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I have finally sort out my internet :]
Iwill definently be updating more.
Keep on commenting, i appreciate every comment.

Watch this space
Star Catcher x