Status: One Shot (Fin)

Neon Signs

I Love You...

If you were to walk into my room right now you would most likely think I'm just staringglaring at my ceiling. I'm not though, right at this very moment I am debating on whether or not to tell my best friend Cameron that I'm in love with him and have been for quite sometimethree years.

I was ripped away from my thoughts when my door flew open with the man himself standing there in all of his glory.

"Yes?" I tried to sound British, though it didn't work.

"Well, I thought since you weren't doing anything that I would plan a surprise for you, and I did. So now you are going to shower and get ready while I persuade your mom into letting me kidnap you. Now hurry up and get ready, I'm giving you twenty minutes!" Wow, just wow.

After he left I slowly got off of my bed and trudged to my closet. I picked out A Rocket Summer t-shirt and some white skinny jeans. I went to my bathroom and got ready for the day. I was styling my hair when Cam started banging on the door.

"Come on Reuben! You look fine without your hair done." Psh yeah right. -Note the sarcasm.-

"Jeez! I'm almost done alright, calm down!" I responded while straightening the last bit of hair on my head. I checked my appearance once more and decided not to fix anything else. I yanked the door opened and Cameron fell flat on his back. I'm assuming he was sitting against the door. Hmmmmm. He'll be fine.

"Ouch, why'd you do that for?" Cam asked me while standing to rub his back.

"No reason." I shrugged.

He scoffed and grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. We said goodbye to my mom and then he dragged me outside and told me to stay still and close my eyes. I felt him put something over my eyes, probably a blindfold.

"OK, I'm going to take you to where the surprise is." He grabbed my hands and we walked around for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. I guess I didn't hear him stop walking because I ran into him by accident.

"We're here!" He sang cheerily.

"So now you can take this off of me now?" I quirked an eyebrow even though he couldn't see.

Soon I felt his soft hands slip my blindfold off. I gasped when I got a good look at where we were. It's beautiful!

He walked over to a small blanket that had a basket on it. Sure it was cliche but I absolutely love cliche things like this. It is beautiful and I have decided that I will tell Cameron I love him and I will tell him soon.

I followed his actions and sat down next to him on the blanket. I lent back on my arms and admired the view. No not of the lake silly, of the boy I absolutely love. He was getting food out of the basket while I admired him so hopefully wouldn't notice.

"Why are you staring at me?" Well damn he did notice!

"Do you have like super spidey senses or what?" I think he does.

"No otherwise I would know why you were staring at me and why you keep spacing out also." Well damn he caught me!

"Right." I dragged out the 'I' in right.

"So are you going to tell me or what?" I nodded slowly

"Well I'm not one hundred percent sure your going to like why I was staring at you or why I keep spacing off but I'll tell. Only if you absolutely promise to still be my best friend. Promise?" I held out my pinking to him and he curled his around mine, kissed his thumb when I kissed mine and then we touched our thumbs together and broke apart with him saying:

"I promise. Now tell me please."

"Well..." I trailed off twiddling my thumbs.

He nodded for me to continue while he took a bite out of what looked like a brownie. Yummy!

"Well remember when we were 13 and we went to our first sleepover and they played 7 Minutes in Heaven?" He nodded with a confused look on his face.

"And we had to pick something something out of a bag and I got a beanie, your dark purple beanie. Even though we were both boys the sent us into the closet for seven minutes anyways. In there, we didn't really do anything besides ask questions and talk. You asked me if I knew how to play this game and when I said no I didn't, you didn't laugh or tease me you just asked if I'd like to know how. Sure I wanted to know how I told you. So you gave me my first kiss then and you may have thought that that one simple little peck meant nothing to us, but to me, to me it means the world." I glanced at him to read his face.

"What are you saying?" He twiddle with his fingers a little while I looked away and answered him.

"Whenever I see you, all I can thin of is: I love you. It's in my head all the time, like neon signs. I have been in love with you since that moment four years ago. I love your smile, your eyes, your hair, your laugh, the way your eyes light u-" I was cut off abruptly with a pair of soft lips meshing with mine.

"I love you too Reuben, ever since that day too." I smiled at him softly and blushed.