‹ Prequel: Broken
Status: Sequel :)



I checked through the stack of invitations until I saw Jason's name. My heart fluttered in my chest. I brushed my finger across Allison's writing and smiled. The address was for Chicago. He went out of state? I sighed and grabbed my laptop and got on white pages. I've been on here before to look for Jason's number but they didn't have any files on any Jason's in this area. Now I have his address. I bit my lip. Was this crazy for me to do? I typed in the address perfect and checked it three times just to be sure. I hit the search bar. I instantly found Jason's name and smiled huge. This was it. Now or never.

I wrote down the number quickly on a piece of paper and grabbed the stack of invitation and put Jason's some where randomly in the middle. I didn't want Allison to be suspicious. . I quietly walked back out the the tiny ass dining room and put them down. Allison was in the living room with Robbie but was facing away from me. I tip toed back into my room after I grabbed the phone. I looked at the paper with the number on it. I was so nervous.

I let my fingers dial the phone slowly so I would get it right. I put the phone to my ear and I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. It rang once, twice, three times and I thought about hanging up. That was until I heard a click and a man's voice came on to the phone. "Hello?"

Oh my gosh, what if he found someone. I froze for a second until he asked again "hello?"

"Yes, hi. Is Jason there?" I heard him call for Jason. I heard Jason giggle and each second that past the giggle got closer.

"Hello?" He said and I could hear a smile in his voice.

"Um, hey." I said. I'm lame I couldn't even think of anything amazing to say.

"Hi. Who is this?"

"It's...not important. Just a friend from your past." I said biting my lip.

"Christofer?" He said still with a smile in his voice.

"No." He sighed and didn't say anything. "Jason. It's...It's Mikey." I heard a ruckus and then nothing. "Hello?" I bit my lip and sniffled a little. I looked down before sighing. He still hated me.

"M-Mikey?" Jason asked quietly.

"Yeah." I said quickly.

"How are... I mean Are you... better?"

"Depends on what you define as better? I've been sober six months, yes."

"How are you not better then?"

"I... I don't want to make you feel guilty."

"Oh." He said in a whisper.

"Um yeah. I just called cause..uh..Robbie! Yeah, Robbie his first birthday is coming up. A-And I would.. I mean we would like you to come." I said biting my lip.

"You called to tell me this? Wouldn't you just send out an invitation?"

I bit my lip and thought. "Well you're the only out of state person, so we wanted to make sure you were going to make it." I said after I thought about it.

"Oh. Uh. Can I bring someone?" I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

"Yeah." I squeaked out. "Yeah, um that's totally fine. But yeah I've got to go. Uh. Dinner's ready and Robbie won't eat unless I'm there. So bye."

"Bye, Mikey. It was nice talking to you again, and I'll see you at Robbie's birthday party." He said and hung up. I stared at the phone and sighed before hanging it up. He wanted to bring someone. Maybe it was just a friend. I hope so.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow two updates to two different stories.
I'm kicking butt!
But yeah
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But I feel like you guys need and maybe hopefully want more?
So I'mma stay up and keep writing :)