‹ Prequel: Broken
Status: Sequel :)



Jason stayed for a couple of more days after that. We didn’t talk about getting back together but I hoped we would. It just never came up. Gah, did this Bert guy have a hold of him or something? I don’t know and I want to know. Before Jason left, he gave me his cell phone number and hugged me tightly. I hugged back as tight as I could, with out crushing him. I sniffled with tears threatening to fall. “Don’t cry Mikey.”

“How can I not? I was hoping I had you back, and your leaving me again.” He sighed and wiped my tears away.

“Mikey,” He said with a sigh. Here it comes. The ‘we weren’t going to get back together ever ever again.’ speech. “I’ll be back. And we can talk and text every day, and you know the time will come when I come back.”

I nodded and sniffled once more. “I’m just going to miss you more then anything in the world Jason.”

“I know, Mikey. I’mma miss you too. Very very much. But we’ll call and text every day.”

And he lived up to that. We talked every night and texted all day. But that slowly made me miss him more and more. To the point where I couldn’t take it anymore. So I decided to go see him. Go to Chicago and see him. I don’t care if Bert is there or not. I want to see MY Jason. I got the address from Alison and booked a flight. I was just going to show up and hope that I wasn’t a burden.

On the day that I was leaving, I hugged Alison and Robbie goodbye. “Bye Robbie, don’t grow up too fast while I’m gone.”

Alison smiled and looked at me. “How long you going for?”

“I don’t know. Probably a week. That’s all I can take off from work.”

“Listen don’t worry about it. If it takes longer, you still have a home. You still have us. Take as long as you need.” She said hugging me. I nodded and hugged back and made my way to my terminal. Alison was going to take my car home so I don’t have to pay the fee for overnight parking.

As I waited for my plane to arrive, I started to get nervous about seeing Jason. Would he be mad that I just showed up? Happy too see me? Or just shocked? I didn’t know. Maybe I should have told him.
I thought about it on the plane. Even when I got to the O’hare airport, I was still wondering what he would be feeling. I figured he would be shocked. I hoped he would be happy, but I kind of just thought in the middle would be better then being mad.

When I did get to the Chicago airport, I rushed straight to the bathroom and made myself look decent. I have to make sure I look my best for Jason. After I was done making myself look the best I could, I walked down to the baggage claim and grabbed my bag. Hitching my backpack up a little higher on my back, I walked out to the taxi area. I had one already called upon for me. Got to think ahead for trips like these. I told the taxi drive the address and I was on my way. It wasn’t too far from the airport, I figured when we didn’t get on the highway. It made me even more nervous realizing he was sort of close to the airport.

Once the taxi guy stop, I looked up at the tiny house that stood just four feet next to me. I bit my lip. This couldn’t possibly be it. Could it? I stared at it before the guy knocked on the faux glass between us. I jumped slightly and got out. “Thank you.” I said grabbing my bag and paying him.

Staring at the house again, I sighed and walked up to the broken white picket fence. I opened the creaky gate and walked up the small path to the front door. I knocked and waited patiently. The door opened and I gasped at the person behind it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger! <3
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Oh and comments:
Holly.is.awkward- They are very close in being together <3 Maybe a little bit longer. Idk we'll see
gives u hell177- You need to be patient. Like REALLLY patient! <3 hahahahaha
Skwahdala- it would never break there amazing kiss of amazingness because they are both full of amazingness and if they didn't theyd be full of amazingnessless XD Yeah, I just went there