Status: Internet at home sucks where we live, so i'm not sure when I'll be able to update next. :/

Release Me, so I Can Convince Myself That I'm Better off Without You

You Give Me Feelings That I Adore

“Move a little to the left, Kimmy,” Doing just that, I looked over my shoulder to the camera. “That’s it! Gorgeous,”

I was currently at a photo shoot for True Religion Jeans, topless with my arms covering my chest and my back to the camera. My blonde hair was straightened to perfection, hanging down to my waist in length. My eyes were played up by long eyelash extensions, along with silver shadow and black eyeliner. A slight bit of blush on my cheeks gave them some color while a hot pink color made my lips look luscious and kissable.

“Now, bite your lip and give me innocent eyes,” The photographer called out. “That’s it, just like that. You’re a natural, babe.”

“Alright, we’re done,” He called out a few minutes later. “We’ll call you when the shots are ready, darling.”

An intern quickly ran over with a robe for me to cover up with. Smiling at her, I slid it on with small thanks before stepping down off the platform. Benji was right there smirking at me, and before I could protest or warn him about my lipstick not being smudge-proof, he had his hands on my hips and was kissing me with a hungry, fire-burning passion that had me in a daze.

When we pulled apart, I couldn't help but smile at him. He had pink smudges around his lips, making me laugh at him. I could only imagine what my lips looked like.

“Whoa—well, isn't someone experimenting with his sexuality?!” Turning around, Benji and I saw Jimmy smiling at us with Leigha next to him.

Benji groaned, pouting down at me. “Dammit!”

Laughing at him, I shook my head. “You’re the one who kissed me, babe.” I told him. “You knew I had lipstick on.”

He pulled me closer to him, sliding his hands inside my robe to the sides of my chest. Raising an eyebrow at him only caused him to smirk down at me.





“Benji, there are people around!” I told him.

“So,” He shrugged. “Either push my hands away, or tell them to leave.”

I recognized that look in his eyes. I also knew what it meant, and at the moment, it sounded very nice. Turning to Jimmy and Leigha, I put a smile on. “Can you give us, like, five minutes?” I asked them innocently, as I was pressed against Benji completely. “I've got to get dressed.”

Jimmy smirked at us while Leigha rolled her eyes, knowingly. “You two are animals!” She exclaimed.

“She’s gorgeous,” Benji shrugged. “I can’t help it. Her body is like a canvas I can’t help but appreciate.”

“Aw,” Leigha cooed. “That’s so cute!” She turned to Jimmy with a pout. “Why don’t you say things like that about me?”

“I do all the time!” He sighed. “If it helps, I think your body is a canvas!”

“Nope, it’s not the same, Jimbo.” She huffed. “You've ruined the sincerity of the statement for me.” She grabbed the handle for the door, pulling on it to open the metal block. Jimmy followed behind her as she left the room, both of them arguing playfully.

“Finally, they’re gone,” Benji groaned. “Now, the two of us can have some fun,” He wiggled his eyebrows at me, suggestively.

Shaking my head, I pushed him back some, causing his hands to slip from my body. “Get in that dressing room, Mr. Madden, before I change my mind.”

“I love when you take charge,”


“So, why’d we agree to this, again?”

“Because we enjoy clubbing as much as anyone else,” I commented between brushing my teeth. “Plus, we love to piss Vengeance off, too.”

“You’re so vindictive, Kimber.” He shook his head at me, before rinsing his mouth out with mouthwash.

“You love it, Levi,” I mumbled, placing my toothbrush in its holder.

After spitting out his rinse, he grabbed my hand before I could leave. Pulling me so that I was flush with his body, he smirked. His vacant hand, that wasn't holding my hand, began drawing patterns on the exposed skin of my hip. “That I do,” I watched his eyes follow the movement of his drawing hand, until he looked up. When his eyes met mine, I recognized the fire burning in them, allowing an all-knowing smirk to grace my own face.

“Oh, Benjamin Madden, have I taught you nothing?” I cooed, grabbing his hand from my arm, causing his other hand to pause its movement. “You know you’re not supposed to fight fire with fire. Boys like you only get burned.”

“I never was one for listening much,” Benji shrugged, boyishly. “I never followed the rules either, babe.”

“That’s because you’re bad, Mr. Madden,” I ran a finger down his chest with a seductive glint in my eyes. “Very, very bad,”

A couple hours later, I was dressed to kill in a sparkly number that just barely reached my thighs with killer heels under my feet. My makeup was simple but sexy, and my hair was straightened so that it was long and sleek.

Benji was looking fine as hell, wearing tight jeans with a black button-up that brought out the color in his eyes. His piercings were in still, and he was wearing a cap tilted to the side on his head. He was scruffy from not shaving in a while, but on him I found it sexy more than repulsive. He could pull off just about anything and still be sexy; I loved that about him.

He whistled when he saw me in the doorway, eyeing my long legs. “That is a short dress, babe!” He supplied as he buckled his belt up.

I pouted. “I thought you liked this dress . . . ?”

He chuckled. “I do, baby. Just don’t bend over or anything, okay?”

Stepping closer to him, I found myself smiling. “I’ll just save that for when I’m alone with you.”

Benji never failed to surprise me. Most guys want their girlfriends to cover up their bodies. Benji, however, didn't care as long as everyone knew I was his. If someone even thought about touching me, he’d beat the shit out of them. He was protective, sometimes overly so, but I didn't mind at all. Being protective meant he really cared about me, and I loved that.

Just like he kept guys from me, I kept girls from him. Every bimbo that has even tried getting with him has gotten a taste of my fists. I may not look the part, but I can sure as hell knock a bitch out and not even think twice about it. While some guys would hate that, Benji finds it hot. Mainly, because of the fact that he thinks I’m even sexier when I’m mad.

Benji called a taxi to come pick us up and take us to the club, so neither of us would have to be a designated driver; which, translated into simpler form, meant the both of us could get shitfaced without a problem and I couldn't wait!
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