Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 14


When I woke up the next morning at six, I was extremely happy about what happened last night between me and Caleb. I slept great that night. I had little flashbacks of when we were both in fifth grade and how cute he used to be. Not that he's not cute now, because he still is; he's even cuter than he was before. Anyway, when I passed my calendar the way to the shower, I noticed that I had Monday off as well. Well, that's just great, I woke up for no reason.

I took a quick shower and laid back in bed, I know I shouldn't have, but I was still really tired. This time I didn't sleep so great, I had a lot more flashbacks, but these were from when I got to sixth grade. Caleb had found out that I had a crush on him, because some stupid boy, named Ethan told him. From that day on, Caleb's been staring at me weirdly and wherever he looked at me, he looked really mad. I used to wonder what did I do that was so wrong? I thought that over the summer he'd forget, but it never happened.

A couple months into seventh grade, I befriended Star and one day at lunch I told her I liked Caleb. And that day I also found out that she and him have hated each other since sixth grade. Then a couple months later, I started liking this other boy and I was stuck between two. Then, two or three months later, I decided to stop liking Caleb. It was hard at first, since he was everywhere. I saw him the hallways, in the morning, mostly at lunch, since our tables were right across from each other.

I made Star write him a note, saying I don't like him anymore and stuff, when she gave him the note, I thought he'd read it. But, he did the opposite, he took it, ripped it and threw it on the floor. His friend picked it up and read it ~ out loud! For two days, I've been sad over that and I made the mistake of telling Annette, who was pressuring me into telling me why I was so upset, and that just made me mad and from then I've hated Caleb. Every Thursday, when Star and I went to gym, we would wait for Caleb to come, so we could bother him. I never really did anything but laugh.

Then, I got to eight grade and I moved on. And then finally I got to high school and met the most amazing friends ever.

Anyway, when I woke up I was sort of crying. I felt sad, but I knew I had to talk to Caleb about that kiss. I got downstairs and started searching for my mom, I forgot how early it was; she wasn't up yet, but I didn't care.

"Mom! Mom!" I called.

I past by her and dad's room and saw her sleeping there. I think dad was in the bathroom, because he wasn't next to her. I went inside and shook her to get her to wake up. When she finally did, she looked mad.

"What is it, Scarlett?" she asked grumpily.

"I need you to call Caleb and tell him to come over right now." I told her.

"But, it's too early." she sounded like I did, when she used to wake me up.

"No, this is important!"

"If you're so crazy about calling him, do it yourself! The number is in my address book."

"Fine." I sighed.

I ran to the living room, where I searched for the address book, I finally found it. I started flipping through the pages, until I found Caleb's number, and let me tell you that wasn't easy. There were a lot of numbers there from my past proposals. I quickly dialed the number, and waited for the endless ringing to stop; maybe it wasn't so good to call so early.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice answered.

"Hello, Mrs. Caine. I'm really sorry to be calling you this early, but I really need to talk to Caleb. Is he awake?" I asked quickly. I doubt he was awake.

I heard her yawn, before answering, "Don't worry, dear, I'm sure it's really important. You know, Caleb hasn't slept all night, he was too happy. I'm sure he's still awake, I'll go tell him you called."

"Thank you so much!"

"It's quite alright, dear." I could grow to like her.

I heard footsteps and a door open.

"Caleb, wake up, son. Someone wants to talk to you." I heard her say. I'm guessing he fell asleep.

He yawned and said into the phone, "Hello?"

"Hi." I said.



"What's the matter? Why are you awake at this time? There's no school today."

"I know," What does he think I'm stupid or something? "I really need to talk to you." I wish he'd just shut up, so I could tell him what was wrong

"Ok, what about?" he asked sleepily.

"I need you to come over to my house, right now." I answered.

"Why can't you just tell me over the phone?" Gosh, he asks a lot of questions.

"I need to talk to you in person!"

"What's so important that you can't wait until a little later?" He was really getting on my nerves.

"I'll tell you when ya get here."

I didn't wait for him to say anything, I just hung up. I went back upstairs and laid down on my bed with my phone. This time, I was lucky, I didn't have any dreams.

A few minutes later, I heard my door open, but I was too tired to open my eyes. Then, I felt something soft connect with my forehead. I smiled. I also felt something brush past my lip, that got me awake. I snapped my eyes open and saw Caleb in my room, on my bed, with his face way too close to me. I quickly got up, in case he tried anything.

"Good morning." he said.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Ten o clock." he answered.


"So, what did you wanna tell me?"

"I wanted to talk to you about last night."

"Ok." he smirked.

"Look, when I kissed you, I didn't mean to," I began. "See, I was probably drunk or something, because I never meant to kiss you. I didn't want to, it just happened."

"Uh huh." he sounded as if he didn't hear a word I said.

"Would you just listen to me?"

"I am listening to you."

I sighed and continued, "I... do... not... like... you. Understand?" I felt like I was talking to a little child, who didn't know the meaning to 2+2.

"Then why'd ya kiss me?" I swear I was just about to kill him.

"Ugh!" I groaned. "Look, I don't understand one thing. Why is it that when I used to like you, you used to act as if I was nothing and I had no feelings? Why did you stare at me like that? Why did you always look mad when you saw me? Just because I wasn't so pretty back then, you can just treat me as if I'm nothing! You guys are all the same! You only look at what's outside, not what's inside. When you don't like a girl, you just ignore them, and then when all of sudden, they turn pretty, you go chasin' after 'em. So, you can just go ahead and play with their feelings and then break their heart when you're done! It's all just a game to you!" I was now in tears.

"Scarlett... I am so sorry. You're right, I am one of those guys. I did treat you very badly, but I truly sorry, for all I've done, please forgive me!" he said, trying to wipe my tears away. I pushed his hands away, though.

"Just don't touch me!"

I don't know what just happened next, well, I did know what happen, I just can't believe it. Caleb smashed his lips with mine and gently pushed me down on to my bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed him back. When he deepened the kiss, was when I realized what the heck I was doing. I opened my eyes and pushed him off of me. He landed next to me on the bed.

"What?" he asked, he didn't seem so happy that I broke off the kiss.

"What are you doing?!" I cried.

"What does it look like? I'm makin' out with you." he answered.

"What did I just say? I told you I don't like you anymore and you just kiss me? Do you have like a hearing problem or an understanding problem?"

"No, I just like kissing you."

"Ugh!" I got off the bed and left the room. Then, I remembered something and came back.

"This is my room; you get out." I said to him.

"Alright, I'll see you later." he said. Before he left, he held my hand and kissed it where the ring was. Then, he kissed my forehead, which made me feel dazed.

I shook my head and went back to my normal self.

"Later? You won't be here later, 'cause I ain't gonna let you in later!" I called to him.

"Well, then, I'll just use the window, like you." he called back.

I sighed and laid back down on my pillow, and for probably the fifth time today, I fell asleep.
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The bad flashbacks that Scarlett had were all true; all of those things happened to me, besides the 8th grade & high school part, since I'm still in 7th grade. & we still bother my old crush.