Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 16


I had decided to get Scarlett a little gift. I knew she was a huge fan of music and from what I could tell she loved playing the guitar, so I decided to get her a guitar. I had some money saved up, I gave it to Cameron and told him to buy me the guitar, since he knew more about them than I did.

Anyway, when I went into her room, which was unlocked, I went inside and noticed she wasn't in there. I heard her taking a shower, so I just left it there, near her bed. A few minutes later, she came out, I was watching her from outside. I guess she was in shock after seeing it, because she looked frozen. I opened the door walked over to her, but it seemed like she didn't even notice.

"Do you like it?" I whispered in her ear.

"You-you..." she stuttered.

"Yeah, just for you. How do you like it?"

"It's awesome!"

"I knew you would like it."

She walked over to it slowly and touched it, I guess she was afraid it would break. She looked so happy, that I felt happy.

"Wait a minute, why are you giving me this?" she asked me.

"I don't know, you really seem to like music, so I thought I'd give you this." I answered.

"But, you're supposed to be tryin' to make me responsible. How is this gonna make me responsible?" she had a point.

"It's not. I just want you to be happy.

"Ok..." she said slowly. Guess she was still confused.

I just left, grinning at her. She looked so confused, but whatever. When I got downstairs, I heard playing it, she seemed to be singing along with a song. She had an amazing voice. She could be a singer one day.

I went into the kitchen and saw Scarlett's mom in there, she seemed a little annoyed by the noise.

"Wonder where she got that guitar." she muttered.

"Actually, Mrs. Sacramento, I gave it to her." I explained.

"You? But, why?"

"Well, I really want to make her happy. I know Scarlett doesn't like me and I don't want to force her to marry her, I want her to love me, and I thought that if I got her to trust me, maybe I wouldn't have to force her."

"Oh. I think that's a good idea." She didn't look so mad anymore.

"Do you mind if I stay here?" I asked her.

"No, no; make yourself at home." she replied.


I smiled then walked over to the living room, where I sat down at the table and turned the TV on. I started watching Wheel of Fortune. I wasn't kind of bored, I wish Scarlett would come down. Soon, I got my wish. I heard come down the stairs, but I pretended I didn't notice. I continued looking at the screen and pretty soon she came over and sat down on the couch, but she really far away. I looked up when she did.

"So, did you like your present?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's awesome." she said, staring at the screen.

I started to get an idea.

"I would like something in return."


"A hug."

"No way. Name something else."

"Ok," I thought for like about a second; I already knew what I wanted more than the hug. "How about a kiss?"

"I'll take the hug." she replied.

She hesitated a little, though.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything." I told her.


She slowly crawled over to me and wrapped her arms around me. I picked her up and placed her on my lap. I was surprised, she didn't say anything, she just placed her head on my shoulder. I held onto her tightly and whispered, "I love you, Scar."

I probably shouldn't have done that because she tried to pull away from me, but I was too strong for her. I think she noticed my hand near her mouth because she bit it.

"Ow!" I cried, letting her go. She used that as an advantage and got off of me.

She ran into the kitchen and yelled, "You're such a liar!"

"I couldn't help it." I called back. I really couldn't, she just looked so... hot.

But, she did come out of the kitchen, she came back and sat down on the couch. But, she sat even far away than before, if that was possible. She didn't let me come near her or touch her. She didn't even talk to me. When I was in my bed that night, I slept with a smile on my face.
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This is everything that happened that day, but in Caleb's POV.