Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 18


I'm supposed to be all alone at home with HIM! Why does he have to be here? It's not like I'm going to throw some huge party while they were gone. Oh, who am I kidding? I totally would. What teenager wouldn't? I've done it millions of times, but so far, I've never gotten caught.

Anyway, I was watching some scary movie on the TV, when I heard the doorbell ring. I knew it was probably Caleb. I walked over to the door and opened it. I was right, it was Caleb. When I opened the door, the smell of AXE flooded into the house. He looked nicer than he usually did. He was wearing a red t-shirt, with gray sleeves, that were pushed up his arms. He was also wearing jeans and black converses. And his hair was wet from the rain. He actually looked handsome. Did I actually just think that?

I left the door hanging open, he came inside and locked the door. I sat down on the couch and continued watching TV.

"'Sup?" he said to him.

"Hey." I said.

"Whatcha watchin'?" he asked, sitting on the couch next to me.

Oh, so now he talks to me.

"Scary movie."

"What's it about?"

"Some dude and chick stay at this haunted mansion. They have a fight and sleep separately. Chick goes to go take a shower, gets murdered after her shower by an insane axe murderer. Dude sees her die, plans to get revenge. He gets killed next and turns to a ghost and haunts every happy couple and wrecks havoc in their life." I replied blandly.

"Oh, I saw that movie. In the end, the guy finds out that the girl planned everything. She pretended to die because she was in love with the axe murderer, who really wasn't an insane axe murderer. He then, kills them both and his sole is finally at peace or something." he added.

"Thanks, I really needed to know that."

"Oh, sorry."


We were silent for a few minutes, watching the movie.

"So, did you finish your homework?" he asked.

"Yup." I answered.

"Ok...." he trailed off.

It started raining outside and I could hear the thunder. Where did the rain come from? Suddenly, the TV switched off and so did all the lights. Shoot, all the power was off.

"What happened?" Caleb asked me.

"What do you think happened?" I asked him.



I got up from the couch and almost tripped over the table.

"Wait, where are you going?" Caleb asked.

"I'm going into the kitchen to go look for some candles." I answered.

"Wait, let me come."

"I can go by myself."

"What if you get hurt trying to get there?"

"I'll be fine."

"But, I'm still coming with you."

Caleb walked over to where I was, he put his hands in front of him and I felt them on my back. I walked forward and walked around trying to find the kitchen. Thunder and lightning flashed through the window and Caleb jumped.

"Is someone scared?" I taunted.

"No, it just sorta startled me." he said.

"Uh huh, sure."

"Would you just keep walkin?"

I felt around and finally found a box of candles. I took them out of the box and found a match, I lit the candles and put them around the living room. When I was going over to the couch, I tripped over the table again. Darn it! I really got to watch where I'm going. But, I didn't fall, Caleb caught my hand and pulled me close to him, like he did when I almost fell back in the fountain, at the park. He looked into my eyes and I am so glad it was dark, because he couldn't see me blushing. I swear my heart was going crazy right now.

"Are you ok?" he asked me.

I pulled away and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

"Yeah, um, here." he took my hand and led me to the couch.

After we both sat down, he slowly let go of my hand. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I saw Caleb pretend to yawn and put his arm around me.

"Don't even think about it." I warned.

"What am I doing?" he asked innocently.

"Every boy does this, just because we're like this, doesn't mean I'm goin' just get closer to you and snuggle into your arm or whatever."

He stayed silent. After a few minutes, I started to get a little bored, so I started looking around the room. My eyes moved toward Caleb. He looked so cute. Oh, why was I thinking like that?

I don't know what came over me, I just felt like kissing him right then and there. And that's exactly what I did. I moved toward him, he looked at me confused. I just pulled on his shirt and kissed him. He obviously kissed me back. He pinned me down on the sofa, so he was on top of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I tangled my hands in his still wet hair. After a little while, he pulled away and looked down at me. Just when he was about to kiss me again, something happened. I woke up. Yes, it was a dream. I was sort of happy it was a dream, but also kind of disappointed. I think I'm going insane?

I woke up and looked around, I noticed that Caleb was asleep on the arm of the couch.

"Oh, what is the matter with me? Why did I just dream of makin' out with him?" I asked myself.

"I believe it's called love." I heard a voice say.

I got startled and looked next to me, Caleb wasn't really asleep. He was smirking at me.

"So, you wanna make that dream a reality?" he asked me.


All of a sudden, all the lights came back on, as did the TV. That's when I got up and started to leave, but Caleb pulled my arm back and pulled me on his lap.

"Hey!" I cried.

He pinned me down on the couch, like he did in my dream and leaned down to kiss me. I actually wanted to kiss him. But, then I heard a car horn, which meant mom, dad, and Annette were home. I quickly pushed Caleb off of me and moved away from me.

"We're home." mom announced after she opened the door.

"Hi." I said simply.

"So, why are there candles everywhere?" dad asked.

"Oh, um, the power went out." I explained.

"So, did anything interesting happen between you two?" Annette whispered into my ears.

"Shut up!"

Caleb grinned and said, "I guess I'll go home now."

"I'll drive you home." dad offered.

He hugged Annette and said bye to mom and dad. He looked back at me one more time, before leaving. I went up to my room and fell asleep in my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is cont. from the last ch.