Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 23


That night, I didn't sleep, instead I thought. I thought about me and Caleb and what he said. He didn't want our relationship to be over. But, what relationship? We have no relationship. We're just going to get married soon. Make that very soon, like in a week. Mom told me a while ago. I lied there in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I was feeling so hungry, considering the fact that I missed dinner, since I slept right through it. And when mom asked me if I wanted dinner, I refused, so that really is my fault.

Caleb said we spent so many moments together, which was true. Even though we were interrupted half the times, I still enjoyed those moments. I was debating whether or not it was true. If I was really falling in love with Caleb. I wanted so much to believe it, but then my heart pained and I thought back to seventh grade. And when I tried to deny it I felt sad. What was I going to do? I couldn't make up my mind.

But, then I thought back to what happened today. How Caleb made me feel better. How he cared about me. How he wasn't mad at me. That made me forget everything he did to me in seventh grade. I then thought of something. I heard somewhere that if you were ever in a dilemma with love, then you should close your eyes and clear your mind. The person's face that appears in your mind is your one true love.

I closed my eyes and did just that. And do you know who's face appeared in my mind? Caleb's face did. That's when I decided that, I was in love with Caleb Caine and I couldn't live without him. I had to tell him that, before it was too late. I had to tell him first thing tomorrow morning. I don't know why but I feel like something wrong is going to happen. I don't know what, but I'm not going to let it happen.

I closed my eyes and pictured Caleb in my mind, that made me fall asleep sooner.

The next morning, when I woke up, I jumped out of bed, remembering what happened last night. I ran out of my room and into the living room, which was where Caleb and Cameron slept that night, because we didn't have any extra rooms or a guest room. But, when I went inside, I couldn't find him. I ran into the kitchen and saw Annette inside getting a glass of water.

"Annette!" I cried.

She turned around and looked at me.

"What?" she asked, angrily. I must've startled her.

"Where's Caleb? I gotta tell him something!"

"He and Cameron left, they went home after breakfast."

"I need to talk to him! I need to tell him something mad important!"

I ran upstairs and into my room, not bothering to take a shower or brush my teeth. I quickly stripped out my clothes and into a pair of skinny jeans, with some boots and a black tank top with a red jacket over it. I quickly ran down the stairs, nearly falling.

"Mom, I'm goin' out!" I called.

"Don't you want breakfast?" she called back.

"No!" I ran out the door.

I then realized I had no idea where Caleb lived, but I knew it was somewhere near Star's house. I searched for my cell phone and realized I left it in my room.


I ran back into the house, grabbed a piece of toast, popped it into my mouth and ran up to my room. I grabbed my cell, finishing my toast and climbed out the window. I landed on my feet and started calling Star.

"Star, pick up!" I said to myself.

She finally did after 2 or 3 more rings.

"Hello." she said sleepily, she must've just woken up.

"Star! Do you know where Caleb lives?" I asked her quickly.

"Wait, why?" she asked.

"I need to tell him that I love him!"


"Just tell me where he lives!"

"Uh, behind Dunken Doughnuts."


I ran to where Star told me and then saw his house. It was a short walk, but I was still really tired, when I got there. When I got to his house, I noticed the door was open, I wondered why. I peered in and saw Caleb, he wasn't wearing any shirt and he seemed to be talking to someone. I couldn't hear what they were saying, though. I cracked the door open a little more and saw Caleb holding a girl's shoulders. I felt tears pouring from my cheeks. I felt so hurt. How could he do this to me?

I backed up and accidentally hit a plant, it fell and broke. Caleb must've heard it because he looked this way and saw me in the doorway.

"Look, Scarlett, it's not what you think." he said, rushing over to me.

"Oh, really? So, being half naked and being all alone with some skunk bag, when you're engaged to someone, means nothing to you?" I asked him.

"Look, Scar, I-" I cut him off.

"No, you look, I thought you were a nice, sweet, person, but I guess I was wrong. I thought you loved me!" I cried.

"I do love you!" he insisted.

"Sure, and I'm a fairy princess living in a castle made out of chocolate. You know what Caleb? I thought you were different from other boys, but I guess I was wrong! I can't believe I actually came here to- forget it, you wouldn't care anyway! Just go back to your girlfriend, wouldn't want to keep her waiting!"

Caleb tried to wrap his arms around me, but I pushed him away.

"And take this with you! Our marriage is over! I don't care what happens, but I'm not getting married to you!" I took my ring off and threw it at him.

I ran away and back outside. I started running back home. My hair was a mess and I'm pretty sure I looked like a mess. My eyes were red from loss of sleep and from all that crying. I couldn't see where I was going. But, then I heard a horn blaring. I wiped my tears away and looked in front of me. I gasped when I saw a huge truck coming my way. I heard someone calling my name, then felt something push me. I must've hit my head on something because I soon blacked out.