Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 26


I can't believe it's actually been a week after I told Caleb I loved him. Today was the day of my wedding, I was so nervous, but also so very happy. I felt like I was going to explode. But, I managed to get through breakfast, but when I saw my wedding dress, I totally exploded. The dress was totally not for me! It was so puffy and girly and princessy! No way was I going to wear that!

I was in the living room when mom showed me it, that's when I exploded. I stormed upstairs, trying not to trip over the puffy monster.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Annette called after me.

"To call Caleb!" I called back.

Caleb told me that if I had any problem, any problem at all, I should call him and I had a huge problem.

I quickly dialed his number and someone soon picked it up, it was Cameron.

"Cameron! Where is Caleb!" I cried.

"He's here. But, why are you screamin'?" he said.

"I have a problem."


I heard Cameron's footsteps, or they could've been Caleb's.

"Your girlfriend's on the line and she's havin' mood swings." I heard Cameron say.

"I am not havin' mood swings! I am havin' a problem!" I cried in to the phone.

"Scarlett, what's the matter?" I heard Caleb's sweet voice say.

"I have a huge problem, Caleb." I said.

"What is it? You know I'm here for you."

"My wedding dress."

"What about it?"

"I don't like it."

"Why not?"

"Come see for yourself."

I hung up and slumped down on my bed, after a while I heard the doorbell ring. I looked out the window and saw Caleb and Cameron at the door. I went downstairs and saw them both, they hadn't seen me yet or my dress.

"Where's Scarlett?" Caleb asked Annette.

"And what's her huge problem?" Cameron added.

I walked over to them, when they both saw me, their eyes went wide and their jaws hit the floor. Cameron burst out laughing and Caleb just stared at me. Cameron was on the floor laughing, laughing at my problem!

"Wow, that is a problem." they both said.

"It's not funny!" I cried.

"Are you done?" Caleb asked Cameron.

Cameron laughed some more and then finally stood up, holding his stomach.

"Y-yeah, I'm done." he said.


"Scar, no offense, but you look the Mrs. Abominable Snowman."

I started crying, today was supposed to be the best day ever, and I'm being laughed at.

"Shut up, Cameron!"

Caleb walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright, Cameron's just a little stupid right now. Annette could you, I don't know, do something to make him leave."

"Cam, you, um, want somethin' to eat?" Annette asked Cameron.

"Yeah, sure." he said.

"Here, sit down." Caleb said, after they were both gone.

Caleb sat me down on the couch and he sat down next to me. He wiped my tears away and held up my face.

"Now, look, don't listen to Cameron, alright?" Caleb whispered. "I know you think you look stupid, but I think you look very pretty. No matter, what you wear, you're always the beautifulest person to me."

"But, this dress, it's so... puffy. And Cameron's right, I do look like the Mrs. Abominable Snowman."

"No, no you don't. Anyway, I have the solution to your problem."


"When you told me on the phone how you didn't like your wedding dress, well, that's when I thought of something."

Caleb handed me a bag that I hadn't noticed before, since I was so engrossed in my problem.

"What's this?" I asked curiously.

"It was my mom's," he answered. "Go try it on."


I went inside the bathroom on the first floor and closed the door. I opened the bag and saw the most beautifulest wedding gown ever. It was so pretty. I quickly slipped it on, after taking off the other one. I looked at myself in the mirror and stood there admiring myself in it. I wonder what Caleb would think. I got out of the bathroom and walked over to Caleb, he was looking down, so he hadn't seen me.

"So, how do I look?" I asked him.

He looked up and stared at me.

"You look beautiful." he said.

"Thanks." I said blushing.

Caleb stood up and looked me up and down.

"You look prettier than my mom had when she was getting married to my dad." Caleb complimented.

I pulled him into a hug and soon parted. I looked into his eyes and he looked back. We started leaning forward, but like always we were interrupted, we quickly parted when Annette, Cameron, and my mom came back into the room.

"Wow, that's so pretty!" Annette exclaimed.

"Isn't that mom's wedding dress?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah." Caleb said.

"So, is your problem fixed?" mom asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Sorry, you had to come all the just for Scarlett." mom said to Caleb and Cameron.

"It's alright, I got to see Scarlett, before the wedding. There's so much going around, I'm lucky I got to see Scarlett, for a few minutes, I won't be able to see her for another five hours or so." Caleb replied.

Mom smiled and left the room and Cameron walked over to me.

"You know I'm really sorry about what I said, Scar, I didn't mean it." he said.

"I know," I smiled. "You're like me sometimes."

"That's good to know. So when I have to buy you a gift on your anniversary and birthdays and stuff and can't decide, I'll just buy whatever I like."

I laughed, but then my smile turned into a frown, because it was time for Caleb to go.

"I'll see ya later." he said.


I smiled half heartedly and watched him and Cameron leave. I missed him already. God, what am I turning into? I'm like one of those sappy, girly girls. Oh, I hope I don't change completely after the marriage. I can't wait to get married though. I love Caleb so much.

A Few Hrs. L8er:

It was finally time for the wedding, I was dressed in the gown Caleb had given me, white high heels, a veil, and I was holding a bouquet of white flower, and I was walking down the aisle with my dad next to me. I saw Caleb, he looked so handsome, standing there.

I was glad that I was getting married to Caleb, he made me a lot of promises and I made a lot to him too. Like, I promised I would keep my hair the way it is now, all black, not a single pink in any of it. I had a little flashback of when Caleb made me promise it, which was after he proposed to me in the park.

"Scarlett, will you promise me something?" Caleb had asked.

"Of course; I'd do anything for you." I said.

He took me to a barbershop and sat me down in one of the chairs.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Scar, my relatives are very cultural and stuff, and they don't like girls that dress like... well, wild childs and have crazy hair." he explained.

"So, what are you saying? That I should change?"

"Would you?"

"Well... since, you are asking me this, then... yes, I will."

"Thank you, Scarlett, you don't know how happy you've made me."

"Like I said, anything for you."

The flashback ended and I stood next to him and smiled brightly. The preacher or whatever that guy is called started saying stuff.

"Do you Caleb Caine take Scarlett Sacramento to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asked Caleb.

"I do." Caleb replied simply.

"And do you Scarlett Sacramento take Caleb Caine to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked me next.

"I do." I said.

"Now if anyone has any objection please rise now or forever hold your peace."

No one objected, so then the preacher said, "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Finally, I was waiting so long for this to happen, God, who knew preachers had to talk so much. Doesn't he ever get tired or thirsty? Anyway, what did I care? I was married to the love of my life.

I kissed Caleb long and hard, but then he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Not now, later." he whispered.

I grinned, I knew what he meant. Everyone clapped and cheered, we were officially married. Me and Caleb. Who knows what'll happen in the future, but all I know now is that I'll at least have someone like Caleb with me to get out of the problems.
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Puffy Wedding Dress:

Perfect Wedding Dress: