Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 28

Scarlett's POV:

When I woke up the next morning, I realized what had happened last night and smiled. I looked next to me and I saw Caleb lying next to me, with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I shook Caleb gently to get him up, but that didn't really work.

"Caleb, wake up!" I said into his ear. But, he just mumbled something and kept his eyes closed shut.

"Caleb, wake up! Please." I tried again.

"Why?" he asked, not opening his eyes.

"I need to go take a shower and change my clothes."

"Or we could stay like this for a little longer."

"How much longer?"

"A little more."

"No, Caleb-" I stopped when I heard someone knock on the door.

"Caleb go answer the door." I said to him.

"Why don't you?" he asked.

"You know I can't."

"Oh, that's right."

"Great, I'm gonna go take a shower then."

When Caleb went to go open the door, I slipped into the bathroom with some clothes. I couldn't hear what Caleb was saying, but I knew he was talking to Cameron, because I heard his voice before I went into the bathroom.

After I got outta of the shower, I put my clothes on. I was now wearing a white tube top and white skinny jeans. The skinny jeans were extremely white, that's why I loved them so, but they also get dirty quickly. All the white clothing was making my skin look brighter, my skin is so white, any more whiter and I'd be pale.

I heard the door knock as I was brushing my teeth and when I opened it, I saw Caleb. He came inside and I continued brushing.

"Wait, why are you here?" I asked him.

"It's my bathroom." he answered simply.

"I know that, but I'm using it."

"You're just brushing your teeth."

Caleb wrapped his arms around me and it was getting hard to brush and even harder to move my arms.

"Caleb, let me go!" I said.

"I don't think I want to." he replied.


"Scarlett!" Caleb mocked me.

Caleb spun me around and tried to kiss me, but I had the brush in my mouth.

"Caleb, do you want me to have bad breath?" I asked him.

"No, I just want one little kiss." he said.

I took the toothbrush out of my mouth and spit out the toothpaste.

"Let me go for a minute."


Caleb didn't let go of me, but he loosened his grip a little. I turned around and washed the brush and put it away. I turned around and Caleb picked me up and set me down on the sink. He pulled my face towards his and started kissing me hard. I kissed him back and soon I wrapped my legs around his waist, which caused him to kiss me harder, but it still felt really nice. The more Caleb kissed me, the tighter I wrapped my legs around him and vice-versa.

I felt like I was on fire and my heart was thumping so loudly, I felt like it was gonna burst like a bomb any second. And I'm pretty sure that's exactly how Caleb felt. But, it also didn't last long, because I soon heard Cameron knocking on the door. I groaned unhappily and jumped down from the sink.

"Scarlett, hurry it up! Mom and dad are expecting you. And where's Caleb?" I heard him say from outside the door.

"I'll be right there, Cameron!" I shouted back.

I wrapped my arms around Caleb and continued kissing him, but Cameron just kept on knocking.

"Hurry up!"

"Hold your horses, dude!"

I tried to kiss Caleb again, but he pulled away from me.

"We should probably get downstairs before Cameron explodes." Caleb replied.

"But-" I tried to protest.

"We can do this later, can't we?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Good." Caleb kissed my cheek before going to go open the door.

"What were you doing in there?" Cameron asked Caleb.

"What else do you do in a bathroom, besides use it?" he asked.

"You are so gross!" Caleb laughed and I came out of the bathroom.

"Um, don't you have anything else to wear?" Cameron asked me.

"Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing right now?" I asked.

"Well, I don't think mom and dad would be happy to see you dressed like that."

"But, I'm a teenager."

"But, you're also married."

"Well, what if I wear a jacket over this?" I suggested.

"I guess that'd do for now, but you need to start getting some proper clothes." Cameron replied.

"Whoa, when did you turn into the fashion police?" Caleb joked. Cameron just walked away.

"And you mister need to go put on a shirt!" he called back. I laughed.

"Sorry about Cameron." Caleb said to me.

"No worries." I said back.

I went back to our room and I looked for a jacket that would look great with the top, I still hadn't unpacked, so I was raiding through my suitcase. I finally found the perfect thing to wear. It was a baby phat white mini jacket, so it didn't cover my stomach.

When I went downstairs, I saw so much food on the table. I sat down and immediately started eating.

"Do you like it?" Mrs. Caine asked me.

"Yup, it's delicious!" I replied.

"Thank you, I made it myself."

"You're a wonderful cook."

"Well, soon you'll be cooking for everyone." Mr. Caine said.

I gulped, I had to make food. I didn't even know how to clean, I can't cook anything, the only thing I can make is cereal and sandwiches and stuff like that. Making dinner was gonna be really hard. What am I gonna do?
♠ ♠ ♠
White Tube Top:
White Skinny Jeans: