Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 3


That night, I had a flashback of what happened last week, my big concert on cars. Me and some of my guy friends, Jake, Ryan, Chris, and Evan, were planning on having it. We were all sitting on a big red couch in Evan's garage. I squished because of all 'em, I was practically on Jake's lap.

"First of all, people gotta know we're havin' this concert, they need to know when and where it is." Evan said.

"How we gonna do that?" Chris asked. He was kinda dumb.

"Advertisements, baby! That's how!" Ryan explained.

"Who knows how long it'll take to make 'em." I said.

"Well, I could ask my brother to make us some copies." Jake suggested.

My guy friends are the best. I didn't have many girlfriends, except Star, we've been friends since seventh grade. I love my guy friends, their like my brothers. They love me too, but like a sister. All four guys have different personalities.

Evan was the cool one and the leader of our group. Chris the lover guy of our group. He's crazy about girls. And sometimes jealous of the fact that Evan got all the girls. Now, Ryan, he's awesome. He's the best, he cares about me a lot. And, last but not least, Jake. Some people say that he likes me, but I just don't believe it. He's sort of quite and he's really smart. One thing they all have in common is skating; just like me.

Now, here's what they all look like. Chris, black hair, and blue eyes, strong; but not that strong. Evan, brown hair and green eyes. A little stronger than Chris. Ryan, also has brown hair, but darker and light green eyes, very strong. And Jake, black hair, dark brown eyes, and the third strong after Ryan.

"Ok, I think the first thing we have to do is get off of this couch! You're all killin' me!" I cried.

They all laughed, but got off except Jake, I moved over and he continued sitting next to me.

"Alright, so, concert, huge one, today, this afternoon." I said.

"But, where I asked?" Jake asked.

"I know the perfect place," I replied. "The upper east side of NYC."

"But, isn't there like tons of traffic there?" Chris asked.

I got up and walked over to him.

"Oh, Chrisy, Chrisy, Chrisy, when are you ever gonna learn? I want tons of people to see that concert, not a few people, alright? That concert is gonna be the best thing we've ever done. And it needs to be perfect! Got it!" I asked, poking his chest.

"Yes, ma'am." he said, pretending to be a soldier.

"Great! Then let's start planning."

After we got the copies from Jake's brother, the boys and I started posting them everywhere. Then, I just thought of something.

"Wait a minute! We don't have instruments, how we gonna have a concert without 'em?!" I asked.

"Leave that to me." Jake said grinning.

I looked at him confused. I looked over at the other guys, thinking they might know, but they just shrugged their shoulders.

He went outside and came back a couple minutes later with a red and white electric guitar. It was a fender star caster strat pack electric guitar.

"This is awesome! This is so cute! Where'd you get it?!" I cried.

"From my bro." he answered.

"Oh my god! Your brother is so awesome! And so are you!" I jumped up and kissed his cheek, making him go red.

"Cool. He got any more?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, they're outside."

"Awesome." Ryan and Evan said together.

After we were all settled, we headed to our destination, while we drove there, I started playin' the guitar. I was playing one of my favorite songs by Avril Lavigne, called Sk8er Boi.

I don't know what happened next, I mean I know what happened, I just couldn't believe it. I mean, one minute I'm rocking out and playing the guitar and the next thing I know, the police are here, arresting everyone they can get a hold of. That includes Jake. Somehow the others and I got out of there, but poor Jake. I feel so bad and guilty. I may be a wild child, but I do care about my friends. They're the best thing about my life.

I felt a small tear rolling down my cheek, was I crying? I just couldn't believe it. Anyway, I'm just glad Jake is so sweet; he forgave me. And I'm glad no one ever spoke of that ever again. It just makes me feel like a bad friend.