Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 33


Rose’s party was like every other party; loud music playing, guys and girls getting wasted, drunk, raped, etc. I’ve been to a whole lot of parties, mostly hosted by my guy friends. Their parties were a whole better and much more fun, but I might just be thinking that because they’re my friends and Rose is not. I knew that no matter what Caleb said, we could not be friends, ever. It just didn’t seem right as me, being Caleb’s wife, to be friends with his ex. I mean, have you ever heard of that anywhere? It’s just stupid and insane! But, I just couldn’t explain that to Caleb himself, because he just wouldn’t understand – it’s a girl thing, anyway.

So yeah, I stayed with Caleb most of the time we were there, but then somehow we got separated and then it happened. I was now standing by the bar and ogling at the disgusting drinks they served. I turned my head to the right and there I saw the skunk bag herself, holding onto my Caleb. She was a total drunk ass, but that doesn’t mean she has to make Caleb one too.

Ah, that bitch is so gonna get it, if she doesn’t take her hands off of him right this second!’ I thought in my head.

As I got closer and closer to the two, I could tell that Caleb was just as drunk as Rose. I can’t believe it! He told me that he doesn’t drink and there he is hanging all over her! I stormed over to them and pulled Caleb away from her.

“Hey there, Scar, where’ve you been?” he slurred.

“Caleb, what are you doing, you’re not supposed to drink!” I said.

“Ah, Scar, it’s nothing.”

”Caleb, please, let’s just go home now.”

“Ah, you must be…Scarlett?” I heard Rose say.

“Yes.” I told her.

“Caleb’s new…girl.”

I scoffed at her and then turned my head back to Caleb, he was practically falling asleep.

“What did you do to him?!”

“Nothing, just gave him a little boost.”

”Oh, Caleb, you ok?” I put a hand on his shoulder, but he just pushed me away.


Rose took Caleb’s hand and he didn’t pull back or anything. I stood there and watched as they walked away together.

After that, for a while, I just sat glumly at a table and watched as the different couples danced and made out with each other. I started to feel as though someone were staring at me, when I turned my head, I saw that I was right. There was this older guy looking right at me with a cocky grin on his face. I looked at him strangely, and then turned my head back. Just as I did that, he came walking up to me and just across from me.

“Hey.” he said.

“Hi.” I replied.

“I don’t think we’ve met, you’re…?”


“Nice. I’m Xane. Rose’s brother and I assume you’re Caleb’s girl?”


I looked down at my hands instead of making eye contact with this guy. Xane looked like the typical jock guy, who thought that he could get any girl he wanted and not have to worry about being rejected at any costs. He was also a total man whore, I could tell with just one look and find out what type guys were.

“So, you wanna dance or something?” he finally said after a while.

“No, I…” I trailed off, thinking back to what Caleb had just done to me and changed my mind. “Sure.”

I got up and walked to the dance floor with Xane. If Caleb wants to have some fun with his ex, fine, then I’m gonna go have some fun with his ex’s brother? After a few minutes of dancing with Xane, I learned that there wasn’t just a cocky side to him; there was also a perverted side.

“Come with me, I wanna show you something.” he said to me.

Before I could protest, he grabbed my hand and began tugging me somewhere. We passed by a lot of people, he finally stopped when we reached a door. Xane opened it and brought me inside. All of a sudden, he closed the door and I knew exactly what I had gotten myself into.

"Xane, I-I" I started to speak, but I was cut off when Xane pushed me against the door and pressed his body up close to mine.

"Shh." he traced my lips with his finger.

"Xane, I'm not the type of girl you think I am."

"Oh, you're not? Well then, why don't I just find out what type you really are?"

He looked down and I could feel his eyes on my chest. See, this is the reason why I didn't bother to dress up too much for this party, because I knew something like this would happen, but I knew exactly how to handle a situation like this. Besides, this isn't the first time it happened and it certainly isn't the last, so I knew what I had to do.

Xane’s face was so close to mine and I knew he was going to try to kiss me, but before he could, I moved away.

“Sorry, Xane, but if you want a slut, then I’m sure you can find another girl, because I’m not one.” I told him.

I was about to slip out of the room, when Xane pulled my arm back and pushed me back on his bed and got on top of me.

“Well, to me, you look like just as big as a slut as my sis.” he continued.

I was getting really irritated now, because first of all, I wasn’t a slut at all! And second, I should be with Caleb now back at home and at peace, instead of being in this skunk bag and her man whore of a brother’s place.

I gasped when I suddenly felt Xane’s lips against my neck and felt a pang in my mind as memories from the beginning of high school and the beginning of my new phase started. There was another guy who tried to do the same thing as Xane and he totally ruined me. I tried so hard to get rid of those memories, to dump them in the trash, but now because of Xane, they were rushing back into me – way too fast.

Xane kissed my neck roughly and as much as I squirmed, he just wouldn’t stop!

“Xane, stop it!” I cried. “Please, don’t!”

But, he just continued on as he moved from one side of my neck to the other. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and just did the only thing I could – kick him the nuts and run as fast as I could out of there.

I frantically looked around for Caleb, I couldn’t find him anywhere in the living room, so I quickly rushed through the hallway, looking in the many different rooms for him. Finally, I approached the last room there was and slowly opened the door to it. Opening the door, I stood there standing completely shocked at what my eyes were looking at. I couldn’t believe this even more than the fact that Caleb was actually drinking tonight. Tears arose in my eyes and dared to fall over.

To Be Cont.....
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Heyy guyz, I would've had this ch. up yesterday, but since SW waznt really working, I typed it out on Microsoft Word & saved it as a draft on another one of my writing sites.
(which is Mibba, if any of u guyz were wondering.)
Well, I hope u guyz njoyed this ch.
There's a lot more to come!
