Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 37


The party for Mr. Cleins was going really well. There weren’t that many people invited just a few people that worked with dad with their family members. Almost all of which looked quite fascinated with Scarlett. She looked so beautiful in a long flowing blue evening dress. I was familiar with some of the people there, because most of them were dad’s colleagues and have worked with him for several years.

My dad worked as an engineer and the only reason he was having this party was because his regular boss died, so his brother took over for him. The new Mr. Cleins was a strict and an all-down-to-business type of man, who could fire anyone he wanted at any time if he wasn’t satisfied with their work or family problems. And dad had to make sure everything went perfect, if he wanted to keep his job.

And it was going great, well, that is until she arrived. The party was almost over and I was eager to get out this suit and escape up back up to my room and be alone with Scarlett.

“Well, Charles, I have to say, you really do seem like the type of person we need in our program.” Mr. Cleins was saying to mom and dad.

I sighed in relief and picked up a glass of soda, as I was drinking from it, my eyes were on Scarlett; she seemed to be staring at something. I set the glass down and walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder, but she didn’t even looked behind her or at me.

“She’s here.” she whispered faintly.

“Who is?” I asked her, looking around and trying to find her stare.

“That bitch!”

That’s when it dawned on me and I spotted that familiar blonde hair. Rose. Rose was here? Why? What for? I had almost but forgotten about her and whatever happened at the party. I still hadn’t remembered anything else and Scarlett obviously wasn’t spilling out anymore information, so I was basically on my own here.

I haven’t talked to Rose about it, even though it was a good option, because I didn’t want to anger Scarlett anymore. So, I didn’t bother, but I didn’t think it would drive her to my house!

She finally approached, just as all the guests were leaving, including Mr. Cleins with his wife, and almost 8 year old son, Thomas.

“Caleb, I have to talk to you about something.” she said.

“About what?” I questioned.

“Can’t we talk in private?”

I looked over at Scarlett, she didn’t seem too happy with that idea, so I refused her.

”Say whatever you have to say in front of Scarlett – I don’t want to keep anything from her."

I saw Scarlett’s face soften up and I draped my arm around her shoulders.


"Just say it!"

"Fine, I'm pregnant and you're the father!"

My arm fell from Scarlett and I froze up. This could not be happening and Rose did not just say that, I told myself. But, my throat was all dry now and the only thing moving were my eyes, everything else was still.

My pupils moved back from Rose to simply nothing. I didn't dare to look at Scar or my parents, afraid of the consequences.

Finally, after a few seconds, I looked over at dad; he had stopped talking to Mr. Cleins and was staring over at us. Mr. Cleins was probably one who didn’t look fazed by Roses’ words and only seemed confused, rather than shocked or worried.

There was only a quarter of courage in me to look up at Scarlett. She didn’t look frozen or shocked, she looked only as if she were about to faint or just explode into tears. Did she know something about this and actually expect it? Was she who had walked in on us that night? I needed to know the answers to these questions, but they seemed to be hanging above my head too high for me to reach.

Before my eyes finally flickered back to Rose, my eyes stopped on the only people left in the room: mom, who looked surprised and disappointed at the same time; Mrs. Cleins, who was covering both of her sons’ ears; and Cameron, who had a evil death glare on his face and was bearing a hole in mine.

I went back to Rose when I heard Mr. Cleins say to me, “What is she talking about, Caleb?”

I couldn’t answer him, because even I didn’t know what he was talking about. Was it true? Could I actually sleep with someone other than my wife? Was this what Cameron was talking about? But, what does that have to do with rape? I didn’t rape anybody! I haven’t so much as touch any other girl, besides Scarlett.

Finally, dad spoke up for me.

“Oh, she’s just kidding! That Rose, always joking around and acting as if everyday was April Fool’s Day.” he lied.

“Oh, alright then, it was nice meeting you all and I’ll see you at work tomorrow, Charles.”

After Mr. Cleins and the rest of the guests left, I knew I was really in for it.
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So, how'd u guyz like the shocking news?
Interesting new twist, huh?
The next ch. will be up soon,
hope u all like it. :)