Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 4


When I woke up the next morning, I was really tired. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I finally did. I took a shower and got dressed into black skinny jeans, black converses, a red spaghetti strap knit top, a black hoodie with some Avril Lavigne buttons pinned on it. I was a huge fan of music. It was my whole life. Ok, so anyway, I went downstairs, I was just about to start eating breakfast, when I heard a car horn from outside.

"Well, that was a lovely breakfast." I said sarcastically. If you were my friend, then one of the many things you might want to know about me is that I'm very sarcastic. There are a lot of things you need to know in order to be my friend, but we'll get to those later, because they're not really that important; it's not like you're really gonna meet me someday. I'm fictional, you're not; you're real. Anyway, back to my life story; I quickly gulped down some milk and took a bite out of a cookie, then ran out the door, with my bag.

Outside waiting for me were my best buddies, Evan and Chris in the front seat, and Jake, Star, and Ryan in the back; all very squished together.

"Ok, dudes, I don't think I'm gonna fit in here." I said, looking at the back seat.

"Don't worry, you can squeeze in." Ryan said.

"Yeah, no, I rather walk." I replied.

"You could sit on my lap." Jake suggested.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're not heavy."

"Fine." I opened the door to the back seat and went over and sat down on Jake's lap.

Evan started the car and I sat there quite uncomfortably. It's a good thing I wasn't wearing a skirt or that would be even more uncomfortable.

"It looks like I'm your girlfriend." I said, looking down at Jake.

"Well, you are a girl and you are my friend." he replied, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Normally, if any other guy did that I'd smack them, but he's my friend, so I didn't really care.

"You know he's got a point." Star said.

"Whatever." I replied.

When we finally got there, I quickly opened the door and leaped off his lap.

"Well, someone's eager to leave you." Evan commented.

"Shut up, Ev!" I told him.

We all started walking into the building. There was so many people that when we finally got into the school building only Ryan was with me.

"Where'd everyone go?" I asked him.

"Star, bathroom, Evan, girlfriend, Jake, who knows, and Chris, class." he answered.

"Why would Chris go to class early? He hates Mrs.McCrady. Or should I say Mrs.McOldLady?"

"Yeah, but there's this new smart girl in our class, Mariana."

"Oh." Before I could say anything else, Ryan's slutty girlfriend, pulled him over to her locker and started making out with him. Ugh! She made me sick.

"Hey, honey." I heard a voice say to me.

I looked up to see someone I thought I'd never see at my school.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"Same thing you come here for; learning." he said.

"I mean, what are you doing here in my school? You don't go here!" I cried.

"I got transferred here! Won't that be great? Now, we'll see each other everyday!"

"Ohhh! I groaned.

In case you haven't figured it out already, It was Caleb I was talking to.

I saw a blonde headed plastic Barbie doll like girl strut up to us.

"Hey, Scarlett, who's this?" she asked, eyeing Caleb.

"I'm her-" he started to say before I cut him off.

"He's just my friend, nothing more." I said.

"Oh, alright." she strutted off.

"Why did you lie?" he asked.

I sighed and said, "Listen, I don't need boys, ok? I hate them! And everyone knows that, now if anyone knew about me and you, that would be bad. I got a rep to protect and I don't need anyone ruining it. Got it? So, you can't tell anyone about this."

"Alright, whatever you say."

Ryan walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Who are you?" Caleb asked him.

"This is my school, who are you?" Ryan asked him back.

"I'm Caleb, Scarlett's fi-" I cut him off before he could reveal the truth again.

"His parents are friends with my parents." I told Ryan.

"Oh. I'm Ryan, one of Scar's friends."


"Ryan, we should get goin' now." I said, pulling his arm to class.

"Don't you have to show him to his class and stuff?" he asked me.

"He'll find his way around." I assured him.

When we got to the classroom, we headed to the back to our seats, where Chris was sitting, staring at the new girl.

We sat and talked until Mrs. McCrady walked into the room with HIM. You guessed it, Caleb Caine.

"Oh, great, he's here too." I said.

Mrs.McCrady must've heard me, because she looked over at me and asked, "What was that, Miss. Scarlett?"

"Oh, I was just telling Ryan what a wonderful dress you have worn today." I lied.

"Oh, well, that's very nice, class has started, so please be quiet." she said.

"Really?" Chris whispered to me.

"No, Chris, not really." I whispered back.

"Students, today, in class, we have another new student. Introduce yourself, please."

"Hi, my name is Caleb Caine. I'm sixteen years old, I have a younger brother, whose fifteen and also goes to this school now. And that's all I have to say." he said.

"It's too bad you don't know anyone in this class." Mrs.McCrady said.

Oh no! I quickly hid my face behind an old brown textbook.

"Actually, I do know someone in this class." I heard him say.

"Oh, really, who is it?" the teacher asked.

"Scarlett Sacramento."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw everyone's eyes shift towards me. I felt a slight blush creep onto my cheeks. I hated when people stared at me.

"Scarlett." I heard Mrs.McCrady say to me.

I heard to answer her, or she'd yell at me, which would be even more embarrasing.

I slowly lowered the book from my face and said, "Yes, ma'am."

"Is it true, do you know this young man?" she asked me.

"Unfortunately." I muttered.

"And may I ask how?"

"His parents and my parents happen to be friends."

"And we went to the same elementary and middle school." he added.

"Well, that's great! You can go take a seat next to her." she said to him.

"Ohhh!" I slammed my head on the table.

As the went on, in every single class, I had to sit next to him, including lunch. It was horrible. It was even more horrible because him and Star weren't the best of friends.

Anyway, when school was over, I couldn't even go home with my friends, I had to go with him. And here's why. I was walking over to Evan's car, when I was stopped by him.

"Hey, wait!" he called after me.

"What?" I asked him annoyed.

"How will I get home?" he asked me.

"I don't know. How did you get here?"

"My Dad drove me."

"Then can't he pick you up?"

"No, he's at work."

"What about your Mom?"

"Can't drive.

"Then walk!" I cried.

"I don't know the way back." he said.

"Then what should I do?"

"Well, I know your house is sorta near mine."

"So, you wanna walk home with me."

"Yeah, pretty much."

I sighed. I heard a car horn, I looked up and saw Evan's car.

"Hey, you comin' or what, Scar?" he called to me.

"Sorry, guys, I can't! See ya later!" I called back.

I looked over at Caleb and he was smirking.

"Let's go." I told him.

He started following me and for a few minutes we walked in silence.

"So, I gotta a few questions for ya." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"You said you hate boys, so what's up with that guy?"

"That guy happens to be one of my best friends."

"So, you're still friends with Star?"

"Yeah, problem?"

"No, just wonderin' why you're friends with a girl like Star."

"Well, her and I happen to be very a alike, so if you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me."


We walked in silence again and I started walking faster. We finally go to the house.

"Great, bye!" I said.

I ran to the house. My Mom noticed Caleb outside and told him to come in. Which he obviously did. I'm guessing she knew about him transferring to my school.

I went up to my room, I heard the phone ringing, I knew it was probably one of my friends. I was right. It was Jake.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi." I said.

"So, why didn't you come home with us. I know you didn't like sittin' on my lap, but-"

"No, it wasn't that." I said, cutting him off.

"It was Caleb, he didn't know the way back home, so he went with me. It's weird. He's weird."

"Hey, you goin' to the disco tonight?" he asked.


"Great, see you tonight!"
