Status: Edited Version of I Don't Love U Or Do I?

The Scarlett Proposal

I Don't Love U Or Do I? 40


Even though it's been a couple of days since Rose has been staying with us, I still can't believe it. It's like half of me is still in shock and whenever I see Rose, I just get so...lost. Like when I was in our room with Scarlett, she wants a baby from me. I don't even know how I got Rose pregnant, how am I supposed to give Scar one?

I didn't think Scarlett actually cared about children that much, but now that she sees Rose with one, I guess she wants one too. When Rose offered me to go to the doctor with her, I actually kinda wanted to go. But, Scarlett stopped me. I know she doesn't want me spending time with her, but I would at least like to know if the baby's a boy or a girl.

But, if I try to get to know or talk to Rose, Scar'll get mad at me and I really don't want that. I love her so much and I really thought she'd hate me for what I did, but she's so sweet to me.

Just because Rose is carrying my child now, doesn't mean that I'm just going to drop everything and love her more than Scar. I'll always love her more than everyone and everything, but I just couldn't tell her that. I was afraid of her, I couldn't even look at her anymore. Until she told me that she loved me too and then I felt like everything was going to be fine in the end - we were going to have a happy ending, one way or another.

Anyway, on Wednesday, dad called a family meeting to discuss what we were going to do about Rose and the unborn baby. We all sat on the couches in the living room. I had sat down first and I knew Rose was about to come over and sit next to me, but Scarlett practically jumped over the sofa and plopped down next to me.

"Maybe next time." she told her, cuddling close to me.

Rose looked pretty upset, I mean it must be pretty hard for her to accept it as well. And I knew that the longer Rose stayed with us, the more Scarlett was going to act like they were in some competition and I was their prize. So, I was kinda happy that dad finally come to a decision about all this. That talk that I had with him didn't go well. All he mostly did was yell at me and how I was such an idiot for doing something that stupid.

"First of all, Rose, do you wish to keep your child after it is born?" dad started.

Everyone turned to look at her and she took her time answering, "Well, I would like to keep it. But, I think it'd be better if he or she lived with Caleb instead."

"Well, it'll take nine months and we must keep this a secret. Rose if anyone asks, you're just Caleb and Scarlett's friend, who needs a place to stay."

Rose nodded and then looked down at her hands.

"Scarlett, I don't think you should tell your parents about this at all. But, if things get worse in some way, which I hope will not happen, then you may tell them." dad continued.

"I promise I won't tell anyone." Scarlett replied.

"Good. Also, Caleb since you started all this, you must accompany Rose to the doctor every month and help keep her child alive. There's no way we can do an abortion and Scarlett, please don't feel bad all of this. Everything will soon get cleared up and we'll go back to living our normal lives."

"Wait, so does that mean that she's going to be living with us forever?"

Dad looked down and I looked at him expectingly, I was actually wondering the same.

"I don't know yet, dear. But, for now, yes."

"But, she can't!" Scarlett jumped up. "Don't you see? She's here to take my place! She's a slut! She sleeps around with so many different guys, it could be one of theirs, and not Caleb's! I know Caleb, he would never do this to me on purpose. She gave him the drink, she made him do it! She's evil!"

Scarlett was crying uncontrollably now and Rose looked just as upset.

"Scarlett," I tugged on her hand. "Stop it."

"No. Don't you see it! You always take her side, you never take mine!"

"Caleb, I swear I would never try to steal you away from anyone," Rose cut in. "I know what's done is done between us and you're married now, you've moved on and so have I."

"Scarlett, it doesn't matter if she is know, there's nothing we can do to change things." dad added.

Dad walked out of the room, along with mom and Cameron. I grabbed Scarlett's hand then and pulled her onto my lap.

"You always take her side!" she continued sobbing.

I wrapped my arms around Scarlett and looked up at Rose. She sighed and then nodded her head, and left the room. I cupped my hands around Scarlett's face and kissed her forehead.

"There, there." I soothed.

I hugged Scarlett close to me and kissed her head multiple times to calm her down.

"I love you and when Rose is gone, you'll have a beautiful boy or girl to play with."

Scarlett looked up then and I wiped her tears away.

"How do you know it'll beautiful? Have you seen her? She's a skank? It'll probably turn out the same as her. Either a hoe or a manwhore." she commented.

I smiled at her and then pressed my forehead to hers.

"Don't be mean," I whispered. "And I'm not taking her side, I'm just being nice." I added the last part quickly, before she could accuse me of anything else.

I just wished that time would just hurry up and the baby would just come out already. I want my old Scar back and I want Rose to get out of our life.