Status: Just started


Untitled: Ch. 1

Dustin's POV:

Today I found out that Mabel and her two new friends that look awfully like vampires, are going to be in my class. I was in homeroom right now and talking to one of my friends Justin. A lot of people think we look like twins since we both have black hair, dark brown eyes, and also the same features, plus our names rhymed.

Anyway, when the teacher walked in we all quieted down.

"Good morning class, my name is Mrs. Axel and I am your new homeroom teacher." she said.

I think she was about to say something else, but there was a knock at the door. Mrs. Axel opened the door and I thought I saw her eyes widen. We all looked towards the door there I saw Mabel and her two friends, the girl with the red hair and the boy with the blue hair.

"Ah, yes, hello?" Mrs. Axel said to them.

Mabel and the two walked inside. Mabel walked over to the back row and sat down in the back, everyone was staring at her and she looked kinda mad.

"What?! I'm not new!" she snapped.

Everyone turned their heads back to the front and looked at Mrs. Axel.

"Class, today we have some new kids in our school. Please introduce yourself."

The boy spoke first, "My name is Ash and I'm a boy as you can see. I skate, can play the drums and hate when people label me as emo, goth, scene, because I am not a soup can and I don't deserve to be labeled!"

Then the girl spoke, "My name is Amethyst, I have an awesome boyfriend and awesome friends. I don't really know how to introduce myself, so that's all I have to say."

"Ok, then, you two may take a seat wherever you'd like." the teacher said after they were done.

Ash and Amethyst took seats next to Mabel.

"You, miss..." Mrs. Axel gestured to Mabel.

"Grey." she answered.

"Yes, could you come up here for a moment?"

Mabel got up and walked over to the front.

"Your name is Mabel right?" I heard her say since I was sitting in the front row."

"Yeah, but I'd prefer it if you called me Mafia." Mabel said.

Mafia? What kinda name is that?

"Alright then."

Mabel walked back to her seat; I was staring at her, I couldn't help it, she looked so... strange. I think she must've noticed because she turned to glare at me, her blue eyes sparkling slightly. Ok, now she was totally creeping me out, I gulped and looked away; she looked as if she wanted to attack me. I couldn't help feel that I was responsible for this.

Soon, it was time for first period, we had social studies. Our teacher's name was Mr. Lexen, these teachers sure had some weird names. We all entered the room, but the teacher didn't let us sit.

"As you all know today is the first day of school, so you all will be assigned your seats. So, that means no sitting next to your friends and talking." he said making every one groan, but we all immediately stopped when he slammed the blackboard with a yardstick.

I don't think I liked him very much; I don't think anyone did. I noticed Mabel talking with her friends; I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I saw the guy, Ash, put a hand on Mabel's shoulder, which caused her cheeks to turn a small pink. I was staring at her again; I couldn't help it. It's not that I found her attractive or anything, I just felt so... guilty. I really need to speak with her. She caught me staring again and mouthed 'what?' I just shook my head.

So, anyway, when everyone except me, Mabel, Dustin, Ash, and Amethyst were seated, I started to get a bad feeling. Like what if I had to sit near Mabel or worse near her two creepy friends. And guess what? That's exactly what happened. Mabel ended up being in the middle of Justin and me. The creepy girl was sitting on my left and the creepy guy was sitting on Justin's right. Mabel sat with her legs crossed and her arms were crossed over her stomach. She looked bored; pretty much everyone did.

I looked over at Justin and saw him scribbling down something on a piece of paper, was he seriously taking notes? That is so not like him. I noticed him look my way and showed me the paper. I then noticed him look over at Mabel and I heard him whispering to her.

"Psst, Mabel!" he said.

"What?" she snapped quietly.

"Could you pass this note to Dustin for me, please?"

"Fine; give it here."

Just as she was about the note to me, Mr. Lexen turned around and looked our way.

"Mrs. Grey, there is no note passing in my class!" he said.

"I-" he cut her off.

"But, since you are so eager to do so, then you may come up and read the note out loud."

"Fine, if it'll make you happy. But, just so you know, I didn't write it."

Mabel got up to the front of the room, I was wondering what that note read, but I hoped Mr. Lexen didn't find out that Justin had sent it to me. Anyway, Mabel read the note aloud, "Hey, dude, the goth chick looks kinda hot. I bet she looks even hotter underneath all that makeup From Justin; to Dustin."

When Mabel had finished reading the note, she crumbled it up and glared at Justin, who looked embarrassed and was sliding more and more into his seat.

"Satisfied?" Mabel asked Mr. Lexen.

"Very." he said. "Detention for one week."

"Serves you right." Mabel said.

"That goes for you too."

"Why? What the *bunny* did I do?"

"That is inappropriate language, Ms. Grey and besides you were the one who got involved and passed the note."

Mabel started walking back to her seat, when Mr. Lexen turned around, Mabel threw the paper at Justin. It hit him directly in the face and I heard a lot of people snicker, even I did, I couldn't help it, it was funny. But, then Mabel's head snapped my way and glared at me. I immediately shut up and she sat back down in her seat. I noticed Mabel's friends glaring at Justin and I.

After class was over, me, Justin, and Mabel all headed for detention, but when I went inside, I noticed Mabel's friend, Ash, was also in there. Wonder how he got here. The teacher came in and told us what to do. Apparently, we had to clean the desks, wipe the blackboard, clean the windows, dust the erasers, and clean some other stuff.

Mabel and Ash were by the blackboard, Mabel was smacking the erasers together and Ash was talking with her.

"Hey, look it's the chalkboard ghost!" a boy yelled pointing to Mabel.

I could see the anger flashing in Mabel's eyes, when she heard what he said.

"Why I outta!" she looked as if she was about to go kill him.

But, before she could, Ash grabbed her arm and pulled her away. He put his hands on her shoulders and said, "Calm down, be calm, stay calm. Alright?"

I was once again staring at her.

"What the *bunny* do you want?" she growled at me.

I quickly looked away. After detention, I was about to leave, but then I remembered that I had to have a talk with Mabel.

"I'll see you outside." I heard Ash say to Mabel, who was still packing her bag.

I was about to go talk to her, but Justin beat me too it.

"Hey." he said.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For what I wrote about you."

"It's alright."

"Friends?" Justin stuck his hand out.

Mabel hesitated a little, but then put her hand on his.

"But, you know what I wrote is true," he whispered in Mabel's ear, loud enough for me to hear. "You really are one hot chick."

Mabel pulled her hand away and I saw it balled into a fist.

"You guys are all the same! I am not a chick!" she said. "And who cares what's underneath all my makeup? What really matters is what's underneath all yours!" she grabbed her bag and walked out of the room.

"Why'd you do that?!" I asked Justin.

"Ah, it's fun that's why." he answered.

I raced out of the room and spotted Mabel walking down the stairs, I ran over to her and stopped in front of her.

"What do you want?" she asked me. I guess she was still pretty mad.

"I need to talk to you." I replied, panting slightly.

"Well, I have no interest in talking to you."

"Oh come on, it's really important and will only take a minute!"


"Um, I just wanted to ask why are you like this now? I mean before you were so different, much more happier and nicer. Like is it my fault or anything? Because if it is, then I'm really sorry." I got straight to the point.

"I was never happy," she replied. "And no it's not your fault I'm like this, it's my fault."

"But, Mabel you-" she cut me off.

"My name is Mafia, not Mabel!" she looked angry, really really angry. "I am no longer the girl you used to know and I never will be. Got that?"

"Yes, Mab-Mafia." I almost said her name again.

"Good." and with that she left.
♠ ♠ ♠
The answer 2 if Mabel's new friends R vamps or not, is no.
They're just like regular people, only darker.