And I Could Say That I Have Everything I Need Right Now

time could sustain me.

It was a picture straight out of a cliche teenage movie. The sunlight was streaming in through the blinds, illuminating the bed in horizontal lines that were crooked across the sheets. Ember was just awakening, fighting to open the heavy lids that screamed for her to keep them closed. At first, the bright room burned her eyes and made her head pound, but she remedied that quickly by squinting her eyes and allowing them to adjust to the morning light. It was times like this that she was grateful for her lack of hangover headaches.

It was then, as her eyes focused to her surroundings, that she noticed where she was. Those familiar walls that she had spent most of her high school years inside of, watching movies and waiting for the guys to finish practicing, suddenly were glaring at her harshly. It made her stomach plummet through the floor boards. Or that could have just been the bile churning in her stomach. She shouldn't have been there. Not then, and certainly not in the position she was currently in.

Ember could feel her bare skin rubbing against the cotton sheets that were covering herself and the body sleeping soundly next to her, and she could only assume that he was naked as well. His back was facing her, his chestnut brown hair slightly messy and screaming to the world exactly what they had done the night before. She could only imagine the nest that her own hair was.

Ember decided then and there that she had to leave. She had to get out of that room before he, too, realized what had happened between them. She had every intention of leaving that bedroom, unbeknownst to him, and never mentioning it after. While she was risking the agony she would be putting herself through, she much preferred that over losing him forever. Unfortunately for Ember, luck was not on her side that morning.

As soon as she placed that first foot on the cool floor next to the bed, the previously still body suddenly turned to face her, his eyes cracking open and a soft smile appearing on his lips.

"How long have you been awake?" he asked, his voice thick and raspy with sleep.

Ember was taken aback. His words made it seem like she was meant to be there, waking up naked in his room. Why was he not freaking out about the fact that they had slept together?

Rather than answering his question, Ember continued her break for the door, stooping down to quickly search for the clothing she'd been wearing the previous night. It was difficult, as Kennedy's room was littered with an array of dirty clothing, papers, and the luggage he still had yet to finish unpacking. It was one thing she both loved and hated about him - his disorganization. Still, she managed to find her clothes and began pulling her underwear and tshirt on.

This time, Kennedy's eyes shot open fully, and he sat up in the bed. "Ember, what's the matter?"

Ember had just been about to pull on her jeans when Kennedy spoke. She looked up at him, seeing in his eyes an emotion that she knew, but refused to truly see.

That was when she lost her composure.

"What's the matter?" Her voice was high, tight. She was fighting desperately to hold back the emotions gathering in the depths of her chest that she didn't fully comprehend, but that were still fighting their way to the surface. "Kennedy, we slept together last night. Last time I checked, close friends don't just fuck each other when they're wasted and act like it's alright the next morning. If you hadn't woken up, this wouldn't be a problem. I could have just left without you ever knowing I was here, and we could have just forgotten about it." A strangled sob escaped her lips despite her vain attempts to hold it in. She was standing there, in front of Kennedy, completely embarrassed and vulnerable in every possible way.

"Ember," Kennedy pleaded, getting up from the bed. "Don't cry." His movement was awkward, and it was obvious that he was unsure of what actions he should take next. He didn't want to reach out and embrace her, only to cause her to break down even more. Yet, he had to do something. He loved that delicate girl standing in front of him, even if she refused to see it.

"Jeez, Kenny, put some clothes on," she blushed, trying to avoid the intensity of the circumstances and looking away, wiping at her eyes with the heels of her palms.

He grabbed the first pair of boxers he could find, quickly pulling them on. He wasn't going to let her avoid the situation that easily.

"Ember, listen." Kennedy took a hesitant step towards her. When she didn't move backwards, he reached a hand out to place on her arm, rubbing it gently before trailing his hand down to find hers. He laced his fingers with her own, giving her hand a gentle squeeze that she didn't return.

"It's a shitty situation that we got wasted and slept together. To be honest with you, I wish this had happened under different circumstances." He was looking her straight in the eyes, and it was evident that there was confusion etched in her features.

"Shit, Ember. Are you that dense?" She flinched at his harsh words. "Have you honestly not seen through anything I've done or said to you? I'm fucking crazy about you. I have been for I don't even know how long!" He was gesticulating wildly, emphasizing the emotions in his words. "And we both know that you feel the exact same way. I just wish you'd grow up and realize it."

Ember couldn't help the few tears that escaped her lids. Kennedy's words weren't harsh, but they were the truth, and Ember knew it. She'd just been so scared to admit to it before now.

She just shook her head, refusing to meet Kennedy's eyes. Instead, she began to back up towards the door, running away like she always would. Because running away was so much easier than getting tangled into something as complex as what could potentially be between them. "Kenny, I-"

"Don't you dare run away, Ember. Not this time." His tone made Ember look up. Those honey brown eyes of his were burning into her very core. He stepped towards her once again, placing one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist. Slowly, his eyes fluttered shut, and Ember felt her own do the same. Her head was screaming for her to step back, to break away from his grasp and run away. Yet, her heart was telling her that this was right where she belonged.

Kennedy's lips met Ember's in a measured kiss that slowly began to intensify. It was as she let herself get lost in the taste of Kennedy that Ember began to let down her defenses. She reached up to tangle her fingers in his hair and deepen the kiss. Kennedy was surprised at her sudden boldness, but he returned the passion all the same.

Slowly, Kennedy led Ember back to the bed, where he turned them so that he could gently push her down onto the bed. The two briefly broke apart from their heated embrace, taking a moment to gaze into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Ember," Kennedy whispered. "I just want you to know that. With every ounce of my being, I love you."

Ember placed a quick kiss on Kennedy's lips before responding. "I love you too, Kenny. I always have."

"I know," he smiled, before placing his lips back on hers with a renewed vigor that Ember gladly returned. The two quickly became lost in each other, shedding clothing and defenses that were held high for so long. The way it happened may not have been perfect, and it may not have been the typical fairy tale story. But it was their story, of a boy that broke down the defenses of the girl he was in love with through a one night stand that turned into so much more.
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one shot request for hemingway.. I didn't like it at first..but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I just hope she likes it. :)