She'll Be The Death Of Me


“Holy shit this bus is cool!” Pat yelled, jumping around in the bus we would be using for Warped Tour. I shook my head as the guys ran around like lunatics.

“Calm down,” I said, hauling some of the bags onto the bus. Garret was holding a Red Bull jumping up and down. “Who gave Garret Red Bull?” I asked, snatching it from him and chugging the rest. I had hyperactive band mates.

“Hey, I tried to stop him from buying it, but he hit me when I tried to take it from him.”

Kennedy piped up. I smashed the empty can under my Converse and threw it into the trashcan. Kennedy and Jared helped me put the rest of the stuff in the bus, and our driver came shortly after that.

“You guys ready?” He asked us. We all nodded and we shut the door as he started the car, leaving home behind us. First stop, Los Angeles.

- - -
“John, wake up,” Pat shook me awake.

“What?” I groaned. I opened my eyes; it was dark. Stupid Pat, waking me up in the middle of the night.

“We should be there by morning time, and its eleven now; we’re in Georgia. The guy’s and me are getting something to eat, want to come?” Pat said. We had been on the road for two long days, watching movies, playing video games, and practicing.

I nodded and threw on my shirt that was lying on the floor next to me, and followed him out of the bus and into a little diner.

It was late, and not many people were in the diner, so we didn’t have to worry about getting mobbed. Thank gosh, I don’t think I could take another group of screaming girls this late at night, maybe in the morning. I smirked to myself at the thought of all the girls who loved me and screamed my name.

- - -

We finally got there. After Garret drinking too many energy drinks, Pat being his hyper self, and Kennedy being the only one who was the least bit sane the whole ride there, along with me, we got there.

We hopped out of the bus and looked around at all the rest of the buses. We spotted Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat, and there was a girl I hadn’t seen before chasing the two of them around, laughing. She had black and blonde hair, almost like Jack and Alex’s. She acted like Jack, too. I bet they were going out.

I sighed at the thought of girlfriends. I didn’t have one. Once I told Julie I had to go on tour, she broke up with me. So I’m the single loser. I shrugged those thoughts off and headed towards the All Time Low bus with Pat and Kennedy.

We approached the two boys and the girl, and I got a better look at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. She looked over at the three of us, and smiled when her eyes landed on me.