She'll Be The Death Of Me


Johns POV:

“You’re on in ten minutes!” The short guy holding the list of bands called to us. Garrett started jumping up and down.

“Nickels chill!” I heard my favorite voice call to Garrett. Mackenzie hugged my waist from behind me and walked in front of me. “Hey, Jonathan,”

I smiled. I liked it when she called me by my full name, although it bugged me when anybody else did it. “How do you like it backstage so far?” I asked.

She grinned. “It’s awesome!” Her eyes lit up when she saw Caleb Turman. “Good luck Mr. Oh, I’ll see you after the show. Sorry, my idol is ten feet away from me; I have to go hug him. Do a good job for me!” She smiled, and took off after Caleb. As she did so, I felt that stupid wave of jealousy come over me.

I didn’t have time to think about the jealousy for long because the short man said, “John, get your band, you’re on!” As The Academy Is… walked off the stage, waving to their fans.

“Guys, lets go!” I yelled to my band mates, getting ready for adrenaline rush I get on stage. We all ran onto the stage and took our places while the fans screamed and waved their signs. “Hey guys, we’re The Maine!” Kenny said into the microphone, making a few girls in the front reach their hands out to him.

Our set list consisted of: Girls Do What They Want, This Is The End, Kiss And Sell, and Whoever She Is. Once we finished, they cheered for an encore. I looked over to the side of the stage, where Mackenzie was standing there giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and nodded to the band to start playing one more. I grabbed the microphone and said, “You should all know this one, sing along if you do,” As Jared started I Must Be Dreaming.

The crowd sang the first line with me. As I sang, I couldn’t stop looking at Mackenzie. “Tell me that you love me, and it’ll be alright. Are you thinking of me? Just come with me tonight. I know I need you, just like you need me,” I sang, trying my best not to start staring at her.

I knew it was stupid for me to have such a big crush on her, though. I had been trying my best to just push it aside, and enjoy the time I had with her just as friends.
Although, I knew I would see a lot of her after the tour, considering that me and the band are staying with Jack for a few months. We always stay with Alex or Jack after a big tour.

But still, it was childish of me. I knew we would only be friends, because there was no way she would want me in more than a friend way.
I stopped thinking about her for a moment while I sang the chorus of the song again, holding my microphone out for the crowd to sing it with me.

I looked at her again, and I could see her laughing at Jared jumping around. I finished the last verse of the song with Kennedy and Jared backing me, introduced Forever The Sickest Kids, and walked off stage, getting tackled into a hug by Mackenzie.

“Ew, you’re sweaty,” She scrunched her nose up, handing me a bottle of water. I chuckled. ‘You guys did great!” She said, looking at all of us, and then jumping on Pat’s back. I held back the urge to grab Mackenzie off of his back and wrap my arms around her. Damn jealousy, I hate that emotion.

“Hey, she’s mine, loser,” Jack whined, pulling her off of Pat. I laughed as she jumped out of Jack’s grip.

“I don’t belong to anybody!” She yelled, standing in the middle of the circle. That was true, but I wish it wasn’t. I wish she belonged to me. Oh shit, I’m going sappy.

“Jonathan I need food!” Mackenzie commanded. I smiled, shaking my head.

“We all have to stay here to sign shit. Afterwards, I promise.” I said, patting her head. She pouted, but nodded. I smiled in satisfaction as I realized that she always wanted me to take her out.

“Oh! I’ll be right back! I see more people!” She said, running off to Alex Marshall. I sighed and turned to the rest of the guys who were watching me, smirking.

“What?” I asked.

“You like her.” Jack said.

“No I don’t,” I lied quickly.

“You do too!” Pat piped up.

“Pat, shut up. I don’t like her. We’re just friends,”

“If you say so,” Rian said, agreeing with the others. I shook my head in disagreement, trying to hide my lies.

This was going to be a long tour if it continued like this.