She Was Just Like the Others

this is life, baby.

She closed the door behind her as smooth as she could and locked it, then walked toward to the couch right beside her bedroom's window. She folded her legs against her chest, her arms encircled her white pale cold legs, she shut her eyes as she clenched her jaw and took a deep breath in the cold air of January. The saltwater from her beautiful green eyes was rolling down her smooth red cheek. When she opened her eyes, there's a bird perch on a tree outside her window.
"I wish I could fly, just like you" she whispered to herself under her breath.

She bit her lower lip, then looked down to the floor, she looked numb. So many things were running through her mind, she wasn't even sure with what her real problem was, it just felt awful, every single thing in her life, it felt terrible. She couldn't help but cry. She tried to be as strong as she could, and promised to herself to stop crying and change over to swearing instead. But all of these things is just too much to her.

She lost her bestfriends, she moved out to a new town which she hated, she's not a type of person who get along so easy, it means she'd missed her favorite band concert, she lost her dad, she had a bad relationship with her mother.
Her life is such a mess for her.

She released her hand from her white pale legs and took steps to her bed. She grabbed her iPod, on shuffle, and it played When The Stars Go Blue by Ryan Adams.
"Where do you go when you're lonely?
Where do you go when you're blue?"

she cried even harder. that was the first time she cried so hard.
she never expect that she would be like this, she thought life will just go on no matter what, well, yes, it does go on, but she thought it'd be just fine all the time. turned out she was wrong.
she looked up to the ceiling, imaging about great things,trying to distract her own messy mind, which is useless, 'those' things is impossible to washed out.
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thoughts? this is the intro, the second chapter is the story. hopefully yall enjoy reading this. anyway, thanks for reading :)