Status: New update every Monday



Jenny's pov.

When I woke up, for a moment, I had forgotten where I was. I tried to move, but I could feel something holding me down. I opened my eyes and looked over to whatever was weighing me down and I realized that it was a sleeping Jes; she had her arm draped over my torso. The sight made me not want to move. She looked too comfortable to disturb, and I kind of liked the skin contact between us despite how unwilling it seemed to be.

Which reminded me instantly of the kiss from earlier. I hadn't meant for that kiss to happen. I wanted it to happen, but I hadn't meant for it and when she kissed me back it was perfect. It was like it was my first kiss, though in reality it was not. I wonder what her thoughts on it were. Would she be weird about it?

I tried to move as little as possible to adjust the bedside clock so that I could read what time it was. 11:48am. It was getting late.

While pulling my hand back, I accidentally clicked a button on Jes's phone and it lit up as it came to life. She had a few new texts. I rested back in bed and went through them. There was one from Cami, one from Jonathan, two from that slutty girl she was dancing with at the party; Piper was apparently her name, and another one from Maria. I came across one from Taylor. "Hey, miss you. Text me soon?" It read. I rolled my eyes.

I liked Taylor. I really did, but she just got here and everything changed. She ruined everything. That might've been a little harsh, but still. First Rachel, then Nat, now her? I sure do know how to pick friends. I deleted the message and set the phone back where it was originally.

I layed back down and looked though her sometimes annoying, sometimes amazing, glass ceiling view. I must've gotten distracted by the scenery for more than a few minutes. My familiar ringtone sounded from where I had set it down on Jes's desk. If I hadn't woken her up with my earlier movement, that had. I jumped out of bed to answer it.

I could feel her tired gaze on me as I talked on the phone. I enjoyed the feel of her eyes on me. "Mhm. Okay.Bye." I spoke on the phone before hanging up. I threw my phone at Jes who had laid back down. "Get up, they're downstairs," I told her while going to stand by the door and adjusted my hair in it's ponytail.

She muttered something unpolite at my less-than-polite action before getting up to stand by me. She gave me a look before leading the way downstairs. Jes sauntered into the kitchen while I unlocked the door. "Where's Nat?" I asked when I only saw Maria and Taylor at the door.

"She had to stay to make up a test or something," Maria responded as she walked past me to join Jes in the other room. Taylor followed. Jes was sitting at the Island. She had, no doubt, heard that Nat wasn't here. She caught my eyes. Now would be the best time to tell them, we both knew that. She nodded once as a signal for me to start towards the idea.

"So, you two should sit down. There's something we have to talk about," I started. Taylor made her way to sit at the seat next to Jes, while Maria took the seat at her other side, on the edge. I tried not to look at Taylor as she slipped her hand through Jes's.

I decided that I had no idea what I was doing so I let Jes do most of the talking while I interjected every so often. Taylor looked a bit uneasy when we finished which I took to be quite interesting. I couldn't tell how Maria was taking it. Her face showed no emotion.

"Let me get this straight," started Maria, wearing the same unreadable expression on her face, "you want me to go alone with off-ing my best friend?"

Jes smirked. "Well, when you put it that way, it just sounds terrible."

Maria rolled her eyes in half playful way. "Shut up." She didn't say anything for a moment but neither did anyone else because it seemed to be just a pause. "If you're worried Nat will give it away, like you said, then why is Taylor still around?" Her gaze tured to an off guard Taylor. Anyone who was paying attention could've seen Taylor slightly flinch from what was just said. They could've also seen Maria smirk from the action she had caused.

Jes was composed when she decided to answered the hanging question herself. "We've already been through this. She's had several occasions in which she could've already come forth about all of this, yet she hasn't. And there's nothing to say that she will in the future."

"Yeah, she hasn't yet but who's to say to she won't later on? Her reason for not saying anything is because she 'doesn't want to lose you,'" she put air quotes around the last part, "that was Nat's reason too, I guess. What happens when she realizes you're not that special?"

Taylor sighed a loud sigh of frustration. "What else do I have to do to prove it to you? I'm tired of you doubting me. My ass is on the line at this point so how could I possibly get any benefit from turning you in?"

Jes smirked, Maria just stared at her. Everyone had something to say about this so I figured it was my turn to talk now. "The way I see it, if Taylor does decide to screw us over, or even gets close to it, we can just take care of it later. With what you're saying about her doing it later on is the same as me, you, or Jes changing our minds and doing that later, as well. We don't really know until it happens."

Maria was quick to answer. "My point is, when it happens, it'll be too late to do anything about it."

"Like she said, there's no way she'd walk free from this. If we go down, she goes down with us," I replied.

"It's the same thing with Natalie, though," she said with frustrated hand movements to emphasize her point, "she'd be screwed if she talked and she knows it so why would she risk it?"

"It's not the same. Taylor had a chance since the start to expose this, yet she didn't and she proved herself to us that night of the party, despite us telling her to, she accepted it." I paused. "Nat never wanted to go along with this, we made her since she figured it out, and she's been so close to revealing it on several occasions. We run more of a risk with her than we ever could with Taylor." I wasn't even sure why I was defending her. It made no difference to me if we got rid of her along with Nat, it really didn't. I't have to really think about that later.

I turned to look at her who had an amused look on her face, which was different from the usually bored look she always wore. Maria had a pensive look that was giving thought to what she had just heard. Taylor gave me an appreciative look and half smile to which I gave a quick smile in response.

"Alright, whatever," said Maria finally. "We can follow through on your plan," she stood up and shot a smirk at Taylor. "We'll just take care of you later."

I saw the small hint of a smirk on Taylor's lips. Maybe we've all been underestimating her.
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It's been a few months since I updated. Life's been crazy. But I think I'm back for good.
Comments and stuff?