
The Sun chased the Moon across the sky

He was too bright for her to look at. He shone in the world, while she was just a fade of light. Everything lit up when he was around, life brought to light.

And she loved that about him.

She got only glimpses of him most of the time, but when she could see the full effect of him, see him at his best, she smiled, shining as bright as she could to get his attention.

She was only a sliver currently, and this time, he didn't see her. Deficient at getting his attention, she faded away, waiting for her world to welcome and comfort her.

This was her darkest time. She was not shining and therefore not seen in her sadness. She held on, knowing that the next night she would shine bright, and for sure get his attention, if only for a moment, before sinking down and disappearing in the dawn.

He saw a glimpse of her, and was interested, hoping she'd come again so he could see her. The day after the encounter, he spotted her dim figure in the sky, just as lovely as ever. The sun chased the moon across the sky, wanting to converse, and find out more about the moon. What was she like? What was the nightlife like in comparison to the day, bright and open?

She spun a tale of secrets and scandals. He listened, and then spun a tale of happiness and gratitude, wonder and forgiveness. She shone bright, filled with warmth from his tales.

He asked to see her again.

She accepted.

The next night, when the moon rose, she was a beautiful golden color, mingling with the sun.
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280 words.