Sequel: Suicide Season
Status: Finished. :D

Count Your Blessings

A Lot Like Vegas

Sunday was Halloween. Tonight was Saturday, Oliver was supposedly taking me somewhere and getting a babysitter if I didn't have one by six. I didn't even know what I was going to do about dressing. If I didn't know where I was going, I didnt want to underdress. Or in the more probable cause, overdress. I sat on my bed, Ember was napping in her crib. It was around noon now.

The phone rang as I sat and thought of ways to tell Oliver I was not going anywhere with him. I slowly got up from the bed, and walked to the kitchen. I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Veronica. It's Oli." I rolled my eyes. Was he a mind reader?

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"I was just calling to tell you that you don't need to dress real fancy for tonight, just be comfortable. And that plans have changed. We're leaving at three." Oliver was smiling. You could tell by the tone of his voice.

"What?! Where the hell are we going?!" I asked.

"We'll be back late tonight. Probably early tomorrow morning at the latest. Do you need me to get a sitter for your babe?" He asked.

"Oliver! Where are we going? And she has a name. It's Ember!" I was getting frustrated now.

"Oi, love. If you really need to know, we're going to London for the night. I was gonna take you out to a club there with my mates and their birds. My mum said she would watch Ember. I've got it all covered. The train leaves at three so be ready by two fifteen so you can get acquainted with my mum and all that."

"Oliver! I'm not going to London to go to a club with you and your mates. Don't bother." I growled.

"It's Oli. And we don't have to go with my mates. Don't you want to scope London out to see if you really want to live there anyway?" Oli asked.

"I can't leave Ember with a complete stranger." I said. I was putting up a poor fight. Of course I wanted to go to London. I really did want friends. But I couldn't. Not the way my life went. I had Ember to care for. I couldn't just get on a train and go to London, just to come back at ungodly hours of the morning. It was reckless, and carefree. It's just not how I was. I couldn't just stop caring for Ember and be like everyone else. Could I?

"My mum's cool. You'll love her. She loves babes. She'll take good care of Ember." Oliver said.

"Is that Veronica?!" I heard an older sounding woman ask in the background.

"Yes mum." Oli sighed. "Would you feel better if you talked to my mum right now?" He asked.

"Oliver give me the bloody phone and let me talk to the girl." The woman said. I heard the phone being handed over. "Hello, Veronica. I'm Carol, Oli's mum. How are you, dear?"

"I'm fine, thanks. About you babysitting-" I started.

"Oh, dear, I've heard tons about you." As she said this, my face reddened with anger. Oliver had been going around telling people about me?! "I would be greatly willing to take your sister, Ember, while you went out. You should go out. It's really no trouble, Veronica."

"I'm just not sure. It's nothing about you. Just, I don't think I should be galavanting around London when my little sister needs someone to care for her." I explained.

"When was the last time you took the night for yourself?" Carol asked.

"Never." I responded.

"Exactly. Now, I'll see you at about two thirty, dear. That's not an option. Here's Oliver." The phone was handed over again. This is where Oliver got his demanding attitude from.

"So, like I said. Dress comfortable. I'll see you in a few hours." Oliver was trying not to laugh.

"I suppose." I sighed, and hung up the phone. I smiled a little as I walked to my room. I was going to London, I was going out with other people and not just Ember, and I was going to a club. I was going to be reckless, care free, and hopefully get a few drinks out of it.

I walked to my room. I didn't really have anything that was any sort of club attire. I opened the wardrobe, and looked inside. I did have a pair of ankle boots and a few shirts that could be worn to a club.

Ember started to cry in her crib as I started to toss shirts and pairs of jeans onto my bed. I walked over to her, and picked her up. "Well, hello dear." I said moving her fine brown hair out of her face. She put her face in my neck and whined a little. "Oliver's mum is going to watch you tonight. I'm going out." I said kissing her cheek, and closing the wardrobe after getting the shoes.

"No." She said.

"Aw, Emmy. I'll be back later. Don't worry." I said walking out of my room. "Do you want some lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah." Ember said closing her eyes, again. I made her some vegtables, got some of the chicken baby food out, and some juice. I made myself a small salad, and quickly ate. It was about twelve forty-five when we were both done.

"Come on. I'll set you up with a movie while I take a shower." I picked Ember up from her chair, and put her in the green playpen. I locked the front door before I got my outfit, and walked into the bathroom. I quickly washed and got out. I quickly did my make up and dried my hair. I got dressed and walked to my room. I got my vampire teeth necklace, and my bangles. When I was finished with everything it was one thirty. I took my wallet out of my backpack, and put it in my back pocket, then proceeded to get Embers diaper bag ready. Just as I was finishing up, and making sure I had everything, and had the list of things to do if Ember got fussy, and what some of her words meant, there was a knock on the front door. I heasitantly walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Vee. You look great." Oliver stepped into the apartment, and smiled.

"Uh, thanks." I said, standing awkwardly. Oliver was dressed in skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a jumper. He looked nice as well. "I just have to change Em, and we can go." I said walking away from him. I was suddenly very nervous, and I couldn't put my finger on the reason why.

I changed Ember, and brought her back into the living room. I had my shoes on, and my leather jacket draped over my free arm. Oliver was sitting on the large green couch, smiling.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Erm, yeah. I think so." I said, looking at Ember. I walked to the kitchen to get her coat. Oliver followed me, diaper bag in hand. I grabbed my keys off the table and turned to Oliver.

"You seem nervous." He was smiling slyly.

"I'm not." I snapped back. Way to make it obvious that I'm nervous.

"Whatever you say." Oliver said, following me out of the apartment.

"Wait, we can't take your car." I said, turning to him when we were on the porch.

"Why not?" Oliver asked.

"Because there's no car seat! I really don't feel comfortable with Em not having proper seating."

"Oi, It's not even ten minutes in the car. She'll be alright." Oli sighed, looking at me in disbelief.


"Oli." He corrected.

"Oli, we're going to get caught. Neither of us can afford that." I said, looking down at Ember.

"I promise, I'll be careful. This is the last time we'll drive Ember without a car seat. Promise." He said holding up his right hand.

I bit my lip for a moment, then walked to his car. "I'm not happy about this." I said getting into the back seat.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. But you look damn good today." He said winking at me in the rearview mirror.

I rolled my eyes at him, and looked out the window. "Shit." I said as he started to pull forward.

Oli took his foot off the gas pedal. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just forgot my cigarettes. I can buy more later, just go." I said, biting my lower lip again.

Oli drove very carefully all the way to his house. I looked at the small house and smiled. It was cute, and quaint. There was a white fence around the front yard and a driveway with a two other cars in the driveway. The house was grey shingles, and the shutters were red. Oli was looking at me as I looked at the house, and the yard which had leaves scattered everywhere.

"Ready?" He asked, turning the car off.

"Yeah." I breathed out loudly, and got out of the car. Oli grabbed the diaper bag off the passengers seat, and lead the way to his house.

There were a few people sitting inside the living room when we got there.

"Ey, why aren't you lot ready?" Oli asked the four people that were watching the television.

"Becuase we're going to go to SoYo instead. I sent you a text." A boy with dark hair, pale skin, and glowing blue eyes said, looking up at Oli. I knew who this boy was. It was Tom, Oli's younger brother. He smiled at me, as I stood awkwardly behind Oli.

"Oliver! Is that you?!" I heard a woman call from down the hall.

"Yes mum." Oli sighed. He turned to me. "Come on. We're still going to London. Let's go see my mum first." Oli lead me down the hallway and into a kitchen.

"Hello!" Carol exlaimed. "Did you hear the change of plans?" She asked, looking over at Oli.

"Yeah, we're still going to London. I gotta go grab something from my room. Mum, this is Vee. Vee this is my mum, Carol." Oli walked away, leaving Embers bag on the counter.

"Hello, dear. It's nice to meet you." Carol smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." I said smiling. She was a very happy looking woman. Her hair was short and dark, and she had eyes like Tom. "This is Ember." I said unzipping the coat of my baby sister. "She's the best little sister ever." I said smiling.

"She's beautiful." Carol said smiling.

I giggled. "Can you say thank you, Emmy?" I asked. Ember was shy. She looked down and brought her head in towards my shoulder. "She can be a little shy sometimes. I've got a list of things she loves, and some toys in her bag as well." I exlpained, taking Embers jacket off and setting it on top of her diaper bag. Carol and I talked for about twenty minutes, and Ember started to warm up to her. She was a terribly nice lady. I was shocked at this. Oli hadn't turned out anything like his mother. Or at least what I knew of her. "If she get's to be too much, just call and we'll be back on the next train." I said. I was nervous. It was like when I put her in daycare for the first time. I was worried for the first two weeks. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if I had a few drinks tonight.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Veronica." Carol said, as Oli walked into the kitchen.

"Ready?" Oli asked. He was dressed almost completely different. He had the same jeans, and shoes, but a different shirt and a proper jacket instead of a jumper.

"Erm, yeah." I knelt down to where Ember was standing, holding onto the kitchen chair, and kissed her cheek. "I've got to go, love. I'll be back in a little bit." Ember attempted to kiss my cheek but ended up drooling on me. I smiled at her as I wiped the drool off, and stood up. "Bye-bye, sweetheart." I said walking away with Oli, Ember waving. I was surprised at how well she was taking this all.

I was breathing heavily, and wringing my hands with nerves as Oli backed out of the driveway.

"Are you alright, Vee?" Oli asked.

"I'm fine. I just need to stop and get some cigarettes." I said as Oli sped down the street.

"I fucking love London!" I screamed as I stood on London Bridge with Oli. I giggled a little as I lit a cigarette, and smiled at Oli. I turned and leaned on the bridge. Oli stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me, a cigarette in his hand. He was so warm.

"So, was it a good idea to go out tonight?" Oli asked. The smell of alcohol on his breath tickled my nose.

"It was an amazing idea." I said, leaning my face against his.

"Some say it's a lot like Vegas. I've never been there but I think it's better here." Oli whispered before placing a kiss on my cheek. I turned to face him, about to scold him when his lips hit mine. I tasted the drinks I had had perviously and smiled. It felt so right. I kissed Oli back, and wrapped my arms around him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am really proud of this story for some reason. I think it's one of my best. I love it :D
Do you?? Comments? Critiques? Tell all your friends!!! :D
Oh, and this is Veronica's outfit.