Sequel: Suicide Season
Status: Finished. :D

Count Your Blessings

(I Used To Make Out With) Medusa

Oliver's Point Of View
I stood there watching. She had just gotten into a cab, and ran away. I could never forget the look on her face when she came out of that bathroom. That hurt, sad expression. Natalia came running out as I watched the tail lights get smaller and smaller.

"Oliver fucking Sykes!" She screamed. "How on earth could you do that to her?!" She asked, stepping closer to me. I had never been more afraid of anyone in my life. I felt a stinging on my cheek before I could actually realise what she had done. I put my hand to my cheek and looked at her in shock.

"What are you talking about?!" I asked. I knew that Natalia knew. She had become closer with Veronica.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I expect you to find out where she went right now and apologize, you twit!" Natalia stepped on my foot and walked away. Now everyone knew. Veronica must have heard something in the bathroom. If only she knew that I had tried to call it off with my mates earlier. They wouldn't let me because they had all put money into it, as well as a few other people.

I hailed a taxi, and went on my way to my house. I needed to ask my mum for help. She'd be right cheesed off with me, but she would do a lot to help get Veronica back. Mum thought Vee was doing me good.

When I got home, and walked into the living room they already knew something was up. I never came home early, and they both knew that there was going to be an afterparty tonight. I looked up at my mum with sadness in my eyes.

"Mum, we've got to talk." I said, lowly.

"Oliver, what have you done now?" She asked. "You didn't hurt that nice girl, did you?!" My mum knew my reputation around school. She knew because at first, I hated it. Then I got to not care and go with it for a while. Right now, I hate it again.

I looked up at my mum and didn't say a word. She sighed and cleared her dinner from the coffee table. "Come on, you. Into the kitchen. We're going to fix this. It's not right what you do, son." Mum didn't look at me when she walked passed, and I knew she was just as angry as thought she would be. At least I had time to prepare myself in the taxi on the way home.

I sat at the table, and looked up at her as she put the tea kettle on the stove then started to wash her dish, and wine glass.

"So, go on with it. Tell me what you've done." She said angrilly.

"Well, it started with this bet between me and my mates-" I began to explain, and she cut me off. She was much angrier than I had thought.

"Oh so your mates had something to do with it as well, eh? They'll all be getting a talking to when they come over next. Tom had something to do with it as well, I presume?" Mum glared daggers at me. She stood facing me, hands on her hips.

"Yeah." I felt bad for ratting them all out as well, but it was only fair. I tried to call it off, but they wouldn't let me. This will show them.

"Well, go on." Mum urged.

"Well, we were at lunch and we saw Veronica. She's been in our class since we started school and she ain't talked to nobody in school. So they all said that I couldn't get her to fall for me by christmas. So they all bet on it. I tried to call it off today, mum. I really dont want to hurt her. I care about her too. It's been almost a week since her baby sister was supposed to be back and she's been in that apartment all alone. She won't hardly talk to anyone, even Natalia and you know how she is. None of the girls had anything to do with it. They all just found out today." I could feel warm wetness on my cheeks. I couldn't believe I was crying. I had to make things right before it was too late. I couldn't let Veronica slip away.

"Oliver, get ahold of yourself rigt now." Mum said sternly. "You have no right to be crying right now! I want you to go change out of that suit, and take me over to Veronica's house. You both need to sit and talk this out. And while I wait for you to get all prettied up - God know's it takes you three hours, I'll be calling everyone over for a good talking to before we leave." The kettle whistled on the firey hot burner. She took her cell phone out of her pocket and started dialing a number before putting the phone to her ear and poured herself some tea. "Thomas Jordan Sykes! Get home right now with your mates, you lot are in a mess of trouble!" Mum yelled as I walked up the stairs. Dad was sitting in the living room, arms crossed.

I sat on my bed forever before I even thought about changing. I heard the front door open and close before I even came to my senses. I was just staring at the black shoes on my feet the whole time. Never thinking about anything. I got out a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. I got on my purple jumper that I let Veronica borrow that day when she bought her dress and put it on. I never washed it, so it still had her sent on it. It almost brought tears to my eyes again until I heard the awful screech.

"Oliver Scott Sykes! Get your arse down here this instant! You'll here this twice!" My mum was at the bottom of the stairs screaming. It was the same tone when I was screaming along in my bedroom with my music. I walked down the stairs, shamefully. When I entered the living room, I saw my mates on one side of the room, and all their birds on the other side. The birds were glaring. My dad looked at me with shame and disappointment. My mates looked horrified. "Sit." Mum commanded.

I found a clear spot of floor and sat down. I was going to tune her out and just think of how bad I've hurt Vee. I was the reason she got physical with her mum on possibly more than one occasion.

"I'm very disappointed with you lot." Mum started. "You hurt someone on purpose. Without knowing anything about them. Nothing. Their home life, the way they feel about themselves, the things that go through their head!" She was going to go on a huge rampage and each one of my mates was going to be reemed a new asshole, just like myself. I was starting to go off into my own world, shutting down slightly. That is until I was ripped out.

"Oliver!" I heard someone scream. I looked around, and saw Lydia coming towards me. "You best pay attention, mate, before I knock you one." Mum tried not to look proud for someone else getting in on the scolding, but it didn't work to well.

"As I was saying, tonight you gentelmen - or at least that's what I thought you were - are staying here. I'll be back in a bit. I've got to go clean the mess you've all made. It never stops. The majority of you are eighteen and I'm still cleaning up your messes!" Mum walked out of the room to get her jacket and keys. "Mothering never stops. I can't wait until the day when I'm not getting people out of trouble, doing forty loads of dishes a day, and just keeping to myself!" She said walking back into the living room. "Speaking of dishes, you lads can get started on all the ones you made a mess of today, and all the ones that Oliver and Tom have kept hidden in their rooms for God knows how long." Mum barked.

I stood up, and walked over to the door with mum.

"Aye, where's Oli going?!" Tom asked.

"To help me fix what he's broken." Mum yelled before walking out the door. I followed suit, and got in the passengers side. "Just tell me the address, and I'll get there my own way." She said quietly before turning the car on. I gave her the address, and she pulled out of the driveway. I looked out the window, and saw that not too many people were awake anymore. It was only ten forty-five! The night was still young! And I had a lot of thinking to do. I thought about how my reputation started. This one girl. Her name was Miranda but everyone called her Medusa. She looked just like the sculptures, and paintings of the character. Gorgeous girl, but a lying, cheating terrible person. She turned me into the monster I've become. This stone cold being. I used to make out with Medusa and that's why I am the way I am. Starting right now, I needed a change in my life. And it was going to start with Veronica.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short. Way short. This song title was hard to tie into the story though. This was the only thing I could think to write. And I knew I wanted this chapter to be in all Olivers POV. So yeah. There are only TWO chapters left. Unbelievable!!! I just can't even explain how proud I am of this story. I mean, no it's nothing amazing like some others, but I'm really proud. Maybe because I'm finishing it AND making a sequal?! Wooop! Comments, Critiques? If you can dish it, I can take it. I really want some input, guys!