Status: Just Started

Are You The One For Me?

I have never had a boyfriend nor my first kiss, I have never had the one. For everyone, the one is really important. The one is the person you're really in love with and plan to marry, have kids, grow old, be with them forever and ever, etc. Sometimes people think they have found the one, when really they're just a fake, a heart breaker in disguise. And those who really are the one, well, what can I say? People are always searching for love, whether it's fake or real. People don't realize who their real one is, it takes a long time for them to find it. And sometimes when people get a fake love, their lives are changed, sometimes forever. And sometimes they change back, with a little help from someone special, who might just turn into be the one; their one.

Anyway, this is my story, everything that has been mentioned above has happened to me. I've been deceived by my 'one' and then I have changed and then later, really later, I was fixed by my true one. I never knew he would be the one. But, no one ever really knows who will be the one for them.
  1. Are You The One For Me? (Prologue)
    Hello, this is my story. I am a young woman, who has never had a boyfriend, nor my first kiss.
  2. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (1)
    I guess I should start with my name and all that other information about me. Well, my name is Callista. Callista Ashley Brown.
  3. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (2)
    My eyes fell upon a girl, she was sitting by her self, her class had probably gone to get lunch.
  4. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (3)
    He smiled at Callista and she smiled back. For some reason I felt weird that my new friend liked Callista.
  5. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (4)
    I'm trying my best to make it look and sound better, but I really need some help of my fellow readers & commenters
  6. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (5)
    "Maybe I should just stay away from him," I responded. "Dylan already practically hates me and I don't want to give him any other reason to dislike me even more."
  7. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (6)
    I felt someone pull my hand back and pin me against the wall. And that someone was none other than...
  8. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (7)
    "Eric, the reason why I'm avoiding you isn't because of you! It's because of..."
  9. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (8)
    But, I couldn't help feeling weird about all this. Eric liked Callista and I think she liked him back, so why do I feel this way?
  10. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (9)
    "Callista Ashley Brown, will you go out with me?" Eric asked, as if he wanted to get married to me.
  11. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (10)
    He came up to me when I was walking in the hallways with Mahruk. "Hey, Callista, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked me.
  12. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (11)
    "...She means everything to me. She's pretty and smart. And I think I'm in love with her."
  13. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (12)
    I could see Eric and Callista kissing, which made my blood boil. Wait a minute, am I...jealous?! No, that can't be it. Could it?
  14. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (13)
    I was the one that rejected her and her feelings for me, so why do I feel like that was a mistake now?
  15. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (14)
    All I gotta do is let Eric find the perfect girl for me and convince myself to fall for her somehow.
  16. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (15)
    Why didn't he tell me about this? And who is this guy that did this to Callista?
  17. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (16)
    But, it did happen and a part of me felt like it was my fault, because I wished for it to happen and then it finally did.
  18. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (17)
    I looked over at Eric then and saw his expression changing from all cool and calm to angry and ***ous.
  19. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (18)
    I looked over at Eric and saw him crushing the life out of Luis. I sat there in shock for a few seconds,
  20. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (19)
    If it means living to get to be with her, then I'll take all the risks to get to be with her.
  21. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (20)
    And I think it's best if I'm the one to leave and just let these two be together.
  22. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (21)
    If I told Callista the truth, she'd be shattered. But, if she continued to listen to Eric's lies, she'll still be hurt in the end.
  23. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (22)
    Man, she looked beautiful today. That smile just literally took my breath away.
  24. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (23)
    "I missed you." "But, I was only gone for a while." "I know, but I feel so restless when I'm not with you."
  25. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (24)
    And even though Callista is so happy with Eric, I still feel like he's not a good guy for her.
  26. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (25)
    "I can't believe you!" I shouted. "You just kissed your best friend's boyfriend! What is the matter with you?!"
  27. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (26)
    "What?! What did you just say?" she shouted. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
  28. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (27)
    "Oops, so sorry! But, I'm sure you're boyfriend, Eric, can "make" you another one."
  29. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (28)
    I suddenly got an idea and pushed back the curtain just enough for me to jump inside. As soon as Dylan turned around and saw me, I slapped my hand across his mouth.
  30. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (29)
    "You're not just crazy about Callista, you're in love with her. Like insanely in love with her." he told me.
  31. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (30)
    "I love you, Callista." I whispered, leaning forward to kiss her head. "I love you too...
  32. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (31)
    My face, all of my features, had transformed and had now resembled Eric's.
  33. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (32)
    The operation costs $10,000 and Eric needed $1,000. Of course I was going to help him, I mean, who else would?
  34. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (33)
    "I just wanted to say that I'm extremely sorry for the way I acted and about all those things I said and did to you!
  35. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (34)
    "I love you, Eric," I told him. "And I'm willing to do anything for you any day." "I love you too, Callista."
  36. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (35)
    I wondered what I was going to do and how I was going to live without Eric for seven whole days!
  37. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (36)
    I then slid my hand down her arm and placed it on her waist. Callista turned her head and looked at me, but I just smiled back at her,
  38. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (37)
    “Well, what would you do if Eric was cheating on you?” I asked casually, kicking a stone in front of me. "I'd die."
  39. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (38)
    “Wow, Calli was right; you really are beautiful, whether you’re shocked or angry or happy or tired. You really are perfect in every way.”
  40. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (39)
    Did Dylan actually care that I “cheated” on him with his best friend?
  41. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (40)
    I looked behind us and my eyes widened. And there he was himself.
  42. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (41)
    I didn’t want to destroy her once again or kill her like she said.
  43. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (42)
    “You’re so innocent…and so naïve,” he whispered. “And I…. I lied to you.”
  44. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (43)
    But, the more that I thought about her, the more and more she just slipped away and out of my hands until she was fully gone.
  45. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (44)
    “Well, what else can we do? What other choice do we have? There’s no other option. She has to know. And you said it yourself if she finds out for herself, she’ll be too broken to live. We need to tell her now or never – and if it’s never, then you’ll
  46. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (45)
    In the hallways, he began telling me how Mr. C said that since Eric was gone for so long, his grades have been slipping and he might not be able to graduate if that keeps up.
  47. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (46)
    Then I stopped and smiled deviously, before walking away.
  48. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (47)
    I overheard him and Callista have a fight. Their first fight to be exact.
  49. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (48)
    What was Eric talking about? Where was he for so long? What was that loud noise? What the heck was going on?
  50. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (49)
    The darkness, bed, and candles, what else could it all mean? He was trying to rape me! And what’s worse, he’s got all his friends to do it too?!
  51. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (50)
    she might still have a few feelings left over deep down in the bottom of her heart for him - which I could totally use for my own benefits when I was in trouble or something.
  52. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (51)
    This one sounded a lot like someone else I knew as well. It sounded almost kinda like Sam, actually. But, who does the other one belong to?
  53. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (52)
    I knew I was being rather hard on Eric, but he said so many things to me, so many weird things that I can never forget.
  54. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (53)
    But, I did see it somewhere else before on someone else’s neck.
  55. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (54)
    But, another part of me wanted to find Eric and see what he was up to.
  56. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (55)
    One sound, one thought, or even one blink could kill me in one second.
  57. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (56)
    I smiled at how beautiful she looked in her sleep and leaned my head over to kiss her...
  58. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (57)
    I could hear a faint sound of someone screaming coming from somewhere,
  59. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (58)
    I gulped, wondering if she heard anything that she wasn’t supposed to.
  60. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (59)
    The two of them together like that made my heart shatter into a million pieces.
  61. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (60)
    How would he react to this? Would he be able to come up with a solution to all of this?
  62. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (61)
    I knew I had to stop her before she told him everything, because that could totally ruin our whole plan.
  63. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (62)
    I then realized something and thought, ‘God, this is going to be a whole lot harder than I actually thought.’
  64. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (63)
    “No matter what the consequences are, tomorrow is the last day Eric will ever be with Callista.”
  65. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (64)
    Today was the day that I found out all about Eric and who he truly was.
  66. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (65)
    I trusted Eric. I trusted him more than Dylan and Mahruk. I trusted him with my whole life. And I was never going to believe anything against him, unless I knew for sure that it was true.
  67. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (66)
    And today was the cause of everything bad that was going to happen to me next and also the cause of my death.
  68. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (67)
    What am I supposed to do now? There’s just no way I can ever get over this. I’ll die without Eric.
  69. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (68)
    That’s it. That’s mostly definitely it, I am crushed. Crushed by Eric Aristin.
  70. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (69)
    I decided to stare at the cute smile of his instead and I found myself falling into a sweet daydream of him.
  71. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (70)
    at lunch I found out something even worse than Eric having another girlfriend and I couldn't even believe it at first, but I remembered what not believing Mahruk gave me in the first place and I didn't want that to happen again.
  72. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (71)
    "...I’m so sorry, Callista! I really am! And if you don’t believe me, then I have proof – Dylan has proof!”
  73. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (72)
    Any other kid would die of joy upon hearing this type of news and I would too if this was happening a few years ago, but here I am right now dreading it.
  74. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (73)
    “Thank you!” I cupped both hands around her face then and leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.
  75. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (74)
    I had a feeling inside of me that assured me that everyone thing would be alright and that she would, but still I couldn’t help feeling really paranoid sometimes.
  76. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (75)
    Then I could sleep in peace tonight without having to worry about her too much.
  77. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (76)
    I watched helplessly as he laughed darkly and then let go of her. I raced over to the edge shouting, “Callista!”
  78. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (77)
    “C-C-Callista’s…dead!” she then stammered into my ear.
  79. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (78)
    I started to feel tears at the edge of my eyes and a tugging feeling in my gut, as she said all this. I couldn’t believe all this was actually coming out of her mouth right now and that she meant every word.
  80. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (79)
    I could feel a blush starting to come up, but I tried my best not to show it, because somewhere deep down inside of me, I knew that was sorta true. I forced myself to believe that it was a lie, but I couldn’t help it.
  81. Are You The One For Me? Ch. (80)
    But, I couldn’t help feeling that there was something up about the way he was acting towards me right now. He’s never acted like this with me and it really confused me.