
I Think You Got The Best Of Me

"John! I didn't know you were coming home!" you exclaimed as you walked at a fast pace towards your husband of eight years, John Cena.

"Um yeah, Vince gave me a few days off because I haven't gotten any sleep these past few weeks.." John replied, yawning and scratching the back of his neck. You could clearly see that John was stressed out. He had bags under his eyes, his voice was low and tired. You felt bad that you had to see your husband like this.

"Babe, you want a back and shoulder massage?" you asked, hoping you could do at least something to make him feel better and less tense.

"If you're okay with giving me one. I mean this wrestling and-" you put a finger over his mouth, he didn't need to explain himself.

"It's okay John, just take your shirt off." you laughed. You got behind him, still amazed at the height difference between you two. You watched as he unbuttoned his white shirt and slid it off easily. You gasped, even after eight years of sex, his body never ceased to turn you on. Every time he took his shirt off, you wanted to just tear into him and make passionate love. Your hand found it's way up his perfect back, all the way up to his muscular shoulders. Once at his shoulders, they went back down to his lower back, looking for knots and special places. You felt him tense as your hand touched the middle of his spine. "Did NXT really do that much to you?" you asked as you began to slowly rub the most knotted part of his back.

"Yeah, it was horrible. I felt like passing out." John replied, sighing after as your hand
continued to massage him.

"I saw the whole thing. You know for a brief moment, Ry got mad at Justin Gabriel but then I told him that it was only for the show then Ry calmed down." you mentioned.
You heard John chuckle then moan lightly as you explored his back even more. God you loved this man so much. ALMOST everything about him was amazing, especially his funny personality. When you and John had your first date, he made you laugh through out the entire dinner. He could still make you laugh now, but not as much as he used to.

"That's the spot Kham." John groaned as you reached the top of his back, on the left side. You continued to massage him, enjoying the fact that he wasn't yelling at you or hitting you. You liked him more when he wasn't angry. You leaned into his neck, letting your lips brush over it.

"I love you John." you whispered as you kissed the side of his neck, never taking your hands away from his back.

"Mm, I know." John replied, turning away from your kisses. You didn't dare question him about why he denied your kisses, you just sighed and continued you massage him.

"All better?" you asked.

John nodded, pulling away from you, letting you sink back into the couch. You watched as John got up and walked to the kitchen, leaving you in the living room to feel ashamed of yourself. 'What did I do?' was all that went through your mind those brief seconds. Until you hear a, "MOM!" from the stairs. It sounded like your eldest son, Ry.

"Yeah hun?" you questioned.

"Is Dad home? I could've sworn I heard his voice!" Ry exclaimed.

"I'm in the kitchen Ry! Bring your brothers down here too!" John yelled back, but in a polite way.

You looked towards the stairs and saw your pride and joy; your kids.

Ryan-John Bryson Tyler; he looked the most like John with his dark blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. He was going to be turning twelve very soon, you had him before marriage with John. Although he was a young boy, he wasn't stupid at all. He knew how you and John were falling apart; how you were only together because of the kids. It's because Ryan saw the most of your's and John's past; he saw things that no child deserves to see. He saw the yelling, the bruises, the cheating. You were surprised Ryan still loved John as a father after all of that. Estavon-Amando Stefan Lucas; your second eldest at seven. Estavon looked like the perfect mixture of you and John, he had your brown eyes and John's amazing height. His skin was slightly tanned from your Filipino, Spanish blood and scarless. Estavon was the crazy one with an ear piercing on his left ear and a blue mohawk; thanks to Jeff Hardy. He adapted John's funny personality, always making you and everybody else laugh all the time. Bentley-Sebastian Felix Anthony; your youngest for now at four years old. He looked exactly like you; your black hair and brown eyes, no one would've ever figured that he was John Cena's child. Bentley is the quiet one, nothing like his brothers. You always had to force a conversation out of him because he was too scared to talk after one night with you and John. Just like Ryan, Bent saw something he shouldn't have seen; he saw you up against the wall with John's hand wrapped around your neck. That was a month ago; ever since then, Bent has avoided John and turned to you all the time. Overall, two of your sons have seen the damage in your household while one will soon find out. And hopefully, your future daughter won't have to see anything just like Este.

"My boys! I haven't seen you in two weeks!" John exclaimed as he saw his sons standing next to him. Este practically jumped on John while Ry hugged his waist; leaving Bent to just stare at his father. John looked down at Bent and said, "Hey Bent, you've been taking care of the house while I'm gone?" Bent nodded slowly, his terrified brown eyes looking straight into John's cold blue ones. "Come on, give your dad a hug." John said, holding his arms out to Bentley. Bentley walked into his father's arms, not even hugging back; just standing there hoping that his father would be satisfied with just that. John noticed the decline in Bentley and didn't bother to pressure it; he still had no idea what Bentley saw and wonders why his youngest son doesn't love him the way his other sons do.

John let Bentley go, still staring down at him. Bentley looked down at his feet then to you, hoping for an approval or a sign that he could leave. "Come here Bents." you said, motioning for him to come to you.

Bents ran over to you, hugging you tightly while whispering, "I don't want him home." You rubbed his back while kissing his temple.

"I know honey, I know." you replied as you gently rocked your youngest in your arms. "But don't worry baby, he'll never hurt you. He loves you so much." you said.

Bentley pulled away from you and shrugged, "But what if he chokes you again?" You looked towards John only to find him staring back at you and Bentley, as if he were trying to analyze what you two were saying.

"Don't worry about me Bents. Just be glad that your father is home so you can spend time with him." you said.

"I'd rather spend time with you and Allaponia." Bentley replied, looking at your four month pregnant stomach.

You smiled, looking back at Bentley. "Okay. You can spend time with me and Allaponia, but when Daddy is angry; you have to leave." you said.

"I know. But he can't choke you this time because Allaponia is in your tummy." Bentley smiled.

"You're right, Allaponia is in my tummy thank God." you replied, smiling back at him.

Allaponia-Fiore Pasquelle Addison was the name of your future daughter, yes, DAUGHTER! After all of these boys, you finally have a daughter. This was going to be the last child for you and John because you don't want to go through any more children.

Your thoughts about your daughter were interrupted by a kiss on the cheek. You looked up and saw John smiling down at you and Bentley. "Boys, can you go upstairs to let Mommy and I talk?" John asked, looking around at all three of his sons. Bentley frowned and looked up at you with pleading eyes.

"It's okay Bentley, go with your brothers." you whispered. Bentley looked at you in doubt but executed your orders and followed his older brothers upstairs.

"Keep the door locked also!" John yelled as the bedroom doors shut closed. As soon as he heard the clicking sound of the lock, he looked down at you in anger. "What the fuck did you tell Bentley?" John asked calmly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about John." you replied, caressing your stomach, hoping that John wouldn't hurt you.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about? What was the deal with the 'It's okay Bentley' crap? I don't know what happened but you told something to Bentley and ever since then, he's been ignoring me." John said, trying to keep his voice down so the boys wouldn't hear.

"Do you really want to know why?" you asked, tears swelled up in your eyes; you didn't want to tell him the answer.

"What the fuck did you do?!" he yelled.

"It wasn't me! It was you, you bastard! He's scared to death of you! He walked in the night I found out you were cheating on me! He saw your grip on my neck! He saw the anger in your eyes and the fear in mine!" you yelled.

John's eyes softened from anger to guilt as you told him what he didn't want to hear. You and John stood in a silence, you waiting for his answer. "And the worst part is, he knew that I was pregnant with Allaponia! He knew that I was pregnant while you hurt me!" you screamed. John's hand covered his mouth as he began to pace around.

"Shit." he he repeated. "First it's Ry and now it's Bent!" John yelled in frustration.

"You better shape up John, before Este or Allaponia sees what you've done." you said. You left him to think as you walked upstairs to your sons.