
You're Sleeping With The Enemy

BANG! You flinched as you heard the front door slam closed and a vase shatter on the floor. You looked down then turned around and walked down the stairs to the vase. As you began picking up the vase pieces, you heard a faint, innocent voice whisper, "Mommy?"

You looked up and saw Bent standing there, peeking through the door. "Hey Bentley, just stay up there okay? A vase broke and I don't want you and your brothers to get hurt." you said then continued to pick up the glass. The only thing that was actually going through your mind was, "Where's John?" In the back of your head, you had a good idea where John was; but you didn't want to believe he was there. You didn't want to believe that he was with his ex girlfriend, Donna. She was such a slut for him and he was such a whore for her. Whenever John cheats, he cheats with her, Donna. You hated Donna so much, she's ruining your marriage. Of course John knows that you know that he's cheating, but he doesn't care. Every time you catch him cheating, he just shrugs and pretends like nothing happened. Unless you pressure the topic, then he gets abusive. That's why you don't say anything anymore, you just let him do whatever he wants. You felt so degraded because of this marriage.

Why doesn't John love you like he used to? You understood that the stress from work must have really piled up on him, but that shouldn't cause anybody to do what he's done to you. Why can't he be more like his friends, like Randy or Paul (HHH)? Sure, they have their flaunts here and there, but they make and cherish time with their families. They're thankful for their beautiful wives, wonderful children and fabulous lives. John doesn't care for you, and doesn't care what the children see. Of course he loves his sons, but he doesn't care that they see him abuse you. You don't understand how John got this way and honestly, you didn't want to understand. You gave up all hope of John loving you again when he choked you while you were pregnant. All you really wanted was the 'John Cena' you knew; the one on TV that's forgiving, kind, brave, and loving. The 'John Felix Anthony Cena' you knew was a cold-hearted, abusive excuse for a human being. And yet you still loved him.

"MOM!" you heard a loud voice yell. You sprung up as soon as you heard your title called. You were a bit drowsy and disoriented, you felt like you just woken up.

"Yeah?" you looked over at the boy, it was Ry and Este. Those two are inseparable.

Ry began, "Where's Dad?"

"Honey, I don't-" you were interrupted by the door knob from the front door clicking and opening. You looked over to see your husband smiling ear to ear with his sweater in hands.

"John?" you questioned.

John turned towards the couch where you were, slowly walking over. "Yeah Kham?" he replied.

"What times is it?" you asked.

John looked at his watch, "About 11 p.m. Boys, what are you doing up?" John asked, looking at Este and Ry.

"We were asking Mom where you were." Este replied.

John picked up Este and kissed his forehead, "You two need to go to bed. Goodnight." he said then messed up Ry's hair and let Este down.

The two boys left, leaving you and John in the living room all alone. "How was Donna's?" you asked, not even caring what could be the consequence of that question.

You heard John chuckle a little and reply, "She was good. How was being all alone here?" As he plopped down next to you on the couch. Tears burned your eyes but you refused to let them out.

"Stimulating." you replied, resting your head on his shoulder. John put his arm around you and cuddled you. You loved the way his arm fit around your petite body, it was perfect. "I love you John." you stated.

John didn't reply, he just kissed your temple. That gave you enough of an answer. You knew deep down inside, he still loved you somewhat. You were the mother of his children and his first love.

"You hungry?" John asked, looking down at you. You refused to look up at him, you refused to look him in the eye. You simply shook your head no.

"Are you?" you asked.

John replied, "I'm starving actually."

"What do you want me to make?" you questioned.

"I have a strange craving for breakfast. Maybe some eggs, bacon, something like that?" John suggested.

"Okay." you replied then got up and walked towards the kitchen.