
You Left Me All Alone

"Please don't do this John. You're always out doing some movie, the kids miss you. I miss you." you pleaded with your husband. You hated when your husband took movie offers, that means that all his free time from RAW would go to his movie. If you do one or two movies, that's cool, but he's on his fourth movie now. Every time you turned around, he was doing a movie! As selfish as you might sound right now, you wanted him all for yourself and your children, you didn't want John selling himself to the entertainment business, although it seems like he already has.
"Kham, don't do this." John replied, rolling his eyes at you. He didn't care about how you felt, why even bother anymore?
"Okay fine. I'm sorry." you said, sighing and getting up off the couch and into the kitchen.
John noticed how disappointed you were and whined, "Kham! Come back here." You didn't listen to him, you just continued to prepare dinner.
You felt two big, warm arms around you suddenly. John has never really shown his love for you like this. It was surprising that he was actually hugging you. "Kham, I know how much you and the kids miss me, I miss being home too. But please, let me dream a little. These movies and crap are making me so much money. You don't have to work, you don't have to do anything."
His words surprised you, "Is this what you think it's about? You think I married you just because you make millions of dollars every year?! I married you John Felix Anthony Cena back when you didn't have a dime! Back when money and fame wasn't your objective, back when you actually knew how to love! I'd trade every cent you have if I can have that lifestyle back." you yelled, pushing him away from you.
You saw John clench his fist, trying not to strike at you because you were pregnant. "Don't say that because you know it's not true." he whispered.
"Oh it is true, John! Don't you think for one second, this is about money because it's not! I mean yeah, I love the fact that you can buy me anything I want and how women envy me because you put yourself out there as a caring husband, father and wrestler. But, if the walls inside this house could talk, nobody would want to be me." you yelled.
"Oh so now you're saying that you want the old John back." John more stated instead of questioned.
"That's exactly what I'm saying. I want the John who would spend as much time with his family as possible. The John who calls every night to check on the kids. The John who actually loves me and cares for me! I love that John so much more because I don't know how this John is!" you now screamed. You knew that your kids could hear you upstairs, but as cold is it sounds, you didn't care.
John stayed silent because he knew it was true, he knew he wasn't that John anymore.
"John, when you began to be really demanded, you left me and your children all alone." you said, now calmer.
John sighed heavily then replied, "I know. I know. But Kham, that John isn't going to come back any time soon. I'm not going to be the knight and shining armor for you anymore. I hate to have to be this way, but the only reason I'm still with you is because we have kids together. I don't love you anymore."
"I know that John. And quite frankly, I'm not sure if I love you anymore either. I can't stand your abuse and neglect anymore." you said truthfully as a tear threatened to fall from your eye.
"I know and I'm sorry. I mean, I love you but not in that way. You're the loving mother of all my four kids and I'll always love you for putting up with me. But it's just not the same. You're right, I changed." John admitted. You nodded, turning away from him, you didn't want him to see you cry. It was too late, John gently turned your chin so you were facing him and softly wiped your tears away. "Lets go to bed." he said with your hand in his.

That Morning-

"John?" you questioned, looking around the bedroom to see any sign of your husband. You then looked towards the bathroom to see him coming out fully dressed with dark-wash jeans, a graphic t-shirt and converses.
"Yes?" he replied then walked over to dresser, putting his watch on.
"Where are you going? I thought you weren't supposed to leave until tonight." you asked, you already knew his answer though.
"I'm going to see Donna before I leave." John admitted, he knew that you knew.
"Oh okay." you replied, looking down, pretending to pick at your nails although you were really trying to divert your attention so you wouldn't get images of John and Donna in your head.
After a few minutes of an awkward silence John finally spoke up, "Why aren't you cheating on me?"
You looked up at him weirdly only to find him staring curiously at you. "Because I'm not the type to cheat, especially when I have children." you replied.
"But I'm cheating on you and you know it. Don't you want to cheat on me also?" John asked.
"A part of me still sees the John Felix Anthony I used to love. And besides, nobody is going to love me." you shrugged.
John walked over to you and put his large hand on your back, "You're a good woman you know that? I should be lucky that I had a woman like you. A part of the old John still sees the Khameron Silvestre I used to love." he admitted then quickly placed a kiss upon your temple.
You nodded, your opinion still didn't change. You still felt yourself fading from John more and more each day. Since last night, you've lost all hope on recovering the old John, he's not coming back.