
My Heart Stops, I Already Know

Your back was killing you from all the cleaning you did around the house that day, you wanted it to be nice and neat before John got back in two weeks. Honestly, you were pretty excited that he was coming back. Maybe it's because he's finally going to see the birth of his first daughter. Ever since John left a few months ago, he's been acting... different. You didn't know why he was nice and caring all of a sudden, maybe Randy or Vince knocked some sense into him. You didn't know what it was, but you liked it. You two were actually civil and he hasn't yelled over the phone since. RING, RING, RING!

"Hey Kham, it's John."
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"Nothing much, I just thought that I should tell you something. It's not going to be easy telling you this but, I have an Asian tour coming up."
"...Okay... and...."
"Well, it's pretty soon and everybody kind of-"
"HELL NO JOHN! You will not miss another child's birth! You already missed Bentley's birth, you're not missing Allaponia's!" you yelled.
"I know! And I won't. It's just that, never mind. I'll just tell Vince that I can't go. As much as I want to, you're right."
"*sigh* yeah, so how's Allaponia?"
"She's barely kicking, it reminds me of Bentley. He rarely kicked, maybe that's why he turned out so quiet and shy."
"Haha, maybe. Where are the boys right now?"
"They're in their room. You want to talk to them?"
"Yeah, that'd be nice."
"Okay one minute-"

You quickly covered the mouthpiece and yelled, "Ryan! Your father is on the phone!"

"Okay Mom!" he replied then quickly rushed downstairs and took the phone from you.

You resumed wiping the counter, you couldn't resist to spy in on Ryan's and John's conversation.

"Yeah Este and Bentley are good. Really? That's cool. No, Este's hair is the same. Yeah I know. I'm pretty excited. Yeah I know, a sister finally! Of course I will. Okay bye Dad." then Ry set the phone onto the table.

"Ry, can you go clean your room please?" you kindly asked, not looking at him.

"Okay Mom." he replied then walked back upstairs. You loved your sons, they did everything you told them to. John always told them to respect adults and others, so I guess he was a good father. Well actually, he's an amazing father. When he's with the kids, he's the best dad ever! But sometimes John can get greedy with his time off and go to Donna's for a day. Whatever.

You decided that it would be a good idea to take a nap, you didn't want to kill yourself or Allaponia. You laid on the couch, not thinking of anything. Thinking will only lead you to a sleepless waste of time.


"Mom..." you felt yourself being woken up by gentle hands shaking you. Your eyes immediately opened and you looked up to see your middle child, Este staring at you and smiling. "Hi Mom. Sorry to wake you, but it's 10 and we still didn't have dinner and Ryan doesn't know how to cook. Quite honestly, neither do I." Este laughed.

You immediately jumped up from the couch, "Ten o'clock?! Oh my gawsh! I'm so sorry hon, I must of lost track of time!" you kept on apologizing as you rushed into the kitchen. So much for a short nap.

You had no idea what you were going to make, maybe pasta. You stood up on your tippie toes and got out the pasta from the cabinet.

As you were making dinner, you decided to make a conversation with your sons. "So are you excited for Dad coming home Bent?" you asked.

Surprisingly, Bent replied, "Very."

You raised an eyebrow and replied, "Really? How about you Este?" you asked.

"Of course!" he laughed.

"Ryan, I need to go over something with you after dinner." you said.

"Sure mom." he replied.


"You wanted to talk to me Mom?" Ryan asked.

"Sit down." you said, patting on the space next to you on the couch.

Ryan sat next to you and looked at you curiously. "Okay Ryan. I'm going to be very honest with you, you know that your father has been cheating on me right?"

Ryan's head dropped as he whispered, "Yes."

"Well I'm afraid that he's going to miss Allaponia's birth like he did with Bentley. He's been talking about some Asia tour that he wants to go on, and I'm afraid that he's going to go. He said he wouldn't but I don't believe him. But if he does skip the tour, I'm afraid that when my water breaks he won't be there. He might be either partying or cheating on me again. I want you to be Dad if Dad isn't there when my water breaks. Do you know what I'm saying?"

"You want me to be prepared."

"Exactly. Last time my water broke, you were too young and Dad wasn't there. I had to drive myself to the hospital and bring all of you, I had to do everything myself. I don't want to be in that situation ever again. I already talked to the neighbors, if my water breaks and Dad isn't there then I want you to go next door and tell them that I'm in labor. From there, Ciara's dad (neighbor) will drive you and I to the hospital while Este and Bent stay with Ciara's mom."

"Why would you want me at the hospital? I mean no offense, but why?"

"I'm going to need someone there with me Ry, I can't do it alone again."

"Okay mom."