
I'm Sick And Tired Of The Mess You Made Me

"Khameron!" you heard an oh-too familiar voice yell from downstairs. You rushed to the top of the stairs and saw your husband standing there with his luggage in his hands.

You smiled and rushed down to greet him, "Hey John!" you exclaimed then delivered a quick hug while he kissed your cheek. "How was the tour?"

"It was very fun, as usual. How was my little Allaponia?" he asked, getting down on his knees and grasping your huge stomach. You were a little surprised, this was a very sensitive side of John that you haven't see in a while.

"She... she's good. Just think, in a month and a half we'll have a beautiful baby daughter." you exclaimed.

"I know right?! A girl, finally." John chuckled then got up. John then looked around, "Where are the boys?" he asked.

"They're all sleeping over friend's house. I didn't know that you'd be home today because you usually see Donna the first day you come bad, I thought you would be home tomorrow." you admitted.

"That's okay, the quietness is nice." he said then walked towards the kitchen while you followed.

"Lets go watch some home videos." John said. You were kind of weirded out by John's random nice attitude but didn't say anything.


"OMG! That was so embarrassing!" you laughed as you watched a video of you in highschool at the Talent Show.

"How could this be embarrassing Kham?! You won the talent show!" John laughed.

"Still!" you replied, thankful that the video was finally finished.

John was busy looking through the stack of video tapes for something interesting to watch. Those dinosaur video tapes. You saw John's expression change from happy to uncomfortable when he held up a certain video put it in the VCR.

"What's the video John?" you asked.

All of a sudden you hear your voice from the TV, "I'm getting married today bitch!" the voice screamed. You looked up and saw your young, innocent face on the TV. You were so beautiful back then, your long wavy black hair was down to your waist, your eyes were shiny and big, your body was voluptuous but you weren't fat. It was exactly how John liked his women.

"Oh my God, I was so pretty back then!" you exclaimed, examining the video even more.

"You're still pretty now." John said. That was probably the first compliment John has given you since Este was born.

"Thank you." you replied, blushing. What was with this attitude change?! Why was he so nice to you?! What the hell caused him to be so nice and caring?!

You watched in the video as you made your way down the aisle, you and John finally becoming husband and wife. "You may kiss your bride." the minister said. You laughed as you remembered when John kissed you. You both ended up on the floor, you on top of him.

"That was funny!" John chuckled, pointing at the TV.

"Haha, yeah it was."

After an uncomfortable silence, John finally spoke up, "I'm not seeing Donna anymore." he admitted.

This was shocking, was that why he was randomly nice to you again?! Why did he and Donna break up?! Was it because of Allaponia?! Did he break up with her or did she break up with him?! So many questions were going through your head. "Why?" you managed to get out.

"Donna didn't know that you were pregnant until I finally told her last month, she told me that I should focus on my family instead of her sex." John briefly explained.

"She was right." you said.

"I know. Khameron, I do love you. I know it's hard to believe, but I love you a lot." John softly said, moving closer towards you.

"John, just because you're not getting any from your whore doesn't mean you'll get it out of me." you coldly replied. You couldn't fall for his sweet words, no not this time. He was just going to sweep you away then drop you again, like he did so many times before.

"I'm serious Kham. I had a long talk with Donna about this, she made me realize how thankful I should be to have you as my wife. I did a lot of thinking until I finally did realize that, I will never love anybody like I did you. Nobody will ever put up with my shit like you do. No one will ever take all my hits, punches, tantrums, yelling and abuse like you would. Honestly, I feel really bad about everything and I want to apologize." John said, looking at you. You looked down at your wedding ring, avoiding his sharp gaze.

"Apology accepted." you whispered. Tears rimmed your eyes, you never thought the day would come... John realized his mistakes.

John wiped a tear from your eye and cupped your cheek as you continued to quietly sob. Finally, he pulled you into his arms and just held you as you cried into his chest.

His hand was in your hair, calming you down. "Khameron, can I be completely honest with you?"

You nodded, not even wanting to speak.

"I never want you to leave me." he admitted.

Your eyes quickly opened and you pulled away fast. He wanted to continued the marriage?! Was he out of his mind?! What makes him think that he can go from amazing husband to abusive husband and back to amazing husband? Anger and rage filled you as you began to scream, "John! You said that the only reason you were still in this marriage was because of our kids! Now all of a sudden you expect me to still want you just because you changed? I was never planning to leave you, but the fact that you assumed I would and thought that you could just change my decision was just- ugh!"

John closed his eyes and looked down stress fully, "I honestly didn't expect that reaction from you Khameron."

"Well how did you expect me to react?! I'm not a doll John! You can't toy with my emotions like that! I've been through Heaven, Hell and back again with you! I'm sick and tired of the mess you made me!" you yelled.

"Please Kham, just calm down. It's not good for the baby, just calm down." John plead.

He was right. You sat down and turned your back to him. "Baby-"

"Go upstairs John." you replied.

"*sigh* fine. Are you coming?"

"No." you replied. You felt weight being lifted off the couch as John turned to head for the master bedroom. He stopped right at you and looked down at you. Then he did something he hasn't done in a very, very long time. He kissed you , leaving you absolutely clueless.
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i skipped the lyric, "you left me all alone" cuz i didnt want you guys confused :P