
You're Nver Gonna Catch Me Cry

"JOHN!" you screamed, grasping your stomach tightly and crying out. You were beginning to have contractions, a week before your due date. That wasn't so bad, Allaponia's due date was on February 27, it's currently February 20th. "JOHN!" you yelled out again, no response. Oh crap, you had to wake that bear up yourself. He was such a heavy sleeper, unfortunate for you. You struggled your way up the stairs, praying that another contraction wouldn't erupt.

"JOHN!" you screamed as you entered the bedroom. The bitch was still sleeping, even after our violent screaming! You took the nearest thing which happened to be the remote and threw it at him, it hit his head. John sprung up and looked around the room frantically. "What the hell Kham?" he asked, groaning.

You haven't seen much of John since that argument two weeks ago, he pretty much locked himself in the master bedroom while you slept on the comfy couch. You loved the couch so you didn't mind much. You gasped when you saw John, he was a mess. He hasn't shaved for days and a beard was starting to show, he had bags under his now-dark eyes, his muscles were clearly thinning because John was starving himself. He was a disaster! "John! Shave your beard and get me to the hospital! My water just broke!" you exclaimed.

John didn't move, he just looked around and asked, "What day is it?"

"Thursday! Come on! Lets go!" you screamed.

"I'm up! I'm up!" John exclaimed then flung up and walked straight to the bathroom and closed the door.

It's a good thing you managed to shave your crotch yesterday, it'd be nice for the doctors to see a clean shaved vagina. You were completely ready for this delivery! John was home (yay!), you shaved, the bags were at the door, you called your doctor, timed your contractions and the kids were sleeping over again at friend's houses. You were so excited!


"I'm gonna be a daddy! Again! To a little girl! Not a son! No not this time! Whoahoahoa!" John sang the whole way to the hospital. It was hilarious and making you laugh, keeping your mind off the pain of your contractions.

"This hurts a lot John." you whimpered, grasping your stomach again.

John's hand found it's way to yours, "Don't worry baby." he whispered.

You smiled at him while he smiled back, maybe he did change after all.


"It took a long time but it was so worth it." you whispered as you held your little 6 pound 8 ounce little daughter.

"Such a dramatic difference between her weight and Estevon's." John laughed.

You chuckled, Estevon was almost 11 pounds. That little nugget! But anyways, you and John just kept staring at the first Cena girl in two generations. It's about time.

"Allaponia-Fiore Pasquelle Addison. Even her name is beautiful." John commented.

"Hold her." you said, gently handing her to him.

John held his daughter carefully and continued to stare at her."She has my eyes but your natural tan, it's beautiful." John commented.

You just smiled, nothing to say at all. No words could express how happy you were at the moment. You just delivered a baby girl, your husband is finally changing- you spoke to soon.

"John?" a small voice questioned. You looked over and saw the last person you'd ever expect to see...