
You Must Be Blind

"Donna?" John questioned, looking up at the tall blonde. Everything got silent and awkward. What the hell was going on here?! How did Donna know you were in labor? Did John invite her? All these questions you were asking yourself.

"What the hell are you doing here?" you asked, angry at her presence. This bitch has the nerve to just walk in, uninvited.

"I came to see your baby, I heard you went into labor. Congratulations." Donna said, smiling at you. Why was she being nice all of a sudden? Maybe it was because you finally delivered a girl...

"I invited her here, don't worry Kham." John assured, handing Ali back to you so he could walk over to Donna.

"What's her name?" Donna asked.

"Allaponia-Fiore Pasquelle Addison Cena., or Ali Cena for short." John chuckled.

You were still bothered by Donna's presence even though she was being nice to you. This woman made your life a living hell just so she could get some money out of John, which she did.

You ignored your thoughts and looked back at your little bundle of joy, Ali. She was so beautiful, you just wanted to take her home as soon as possible and put her in her crib. You and John could just watch her sleep like you did when you delivered Ryan, your first child. Now it's the first daughter, even cuter. Your boys were just as adorable though! But Ali was cute in an obviously different way.

You gently kissed her forehead and watched her eyes drift off into a much needed sleep. You were pretty tired yourself, all that pushing got you exhausted.

"John?" you questioned, interrupting Donna.

"Yes babe?" he asked, looking over at you.

"I'm going to go back to sleep, here's Ali." you said. John rushed over to you and delicately took hold of Ali while Donna watched.

"Good night baby." John said then kissed your temple.

"Night." you mumbled.


"Yeah she is beautiful, Dad. Mhm, she's the perfect mixture of Kham and I. She definitely has those Cena eyes haha." you were awoken by John's voice. Your eyes swiftly opened and you saw John talking on the phone with a smile on his face. You decided not to interrupt him and just close your eyes again, but not sleep.

"Yes I have, I was pretty devastated. Yeah I'm just hoping everything goes the way I want it to, I love her a lot. I mean, I know I screwed up big time but this time I'm serious. I really want to change." Your eyes shot open again, he was talking about you. You felt pretty bad for spying, but you decided to listen in on John's conversation. "If I could give her the world, I would. She's my first love, the mother of my children, the only woman who would ever put up with me. I'm not sure if she loves me anymore, we had a fight about it a few months ago. I told her that I didn't love her like I used to and she basically said the same thing. The only reason we're even still together is because of the kids. But now, I don't want that to be the only reason we're still married. I want us to be married because we love each other, not because it would ruin my rep. I realized what I did and I know I was wrong. I mean, if she doesn't want me anymore I would rather have her leave and be happy than stay and be miserable." John admitted to his father over the phone.

Aw, John really did want to change. You've never heard so much sadness and honesty in his voice before, he was telling the truth. Your emotions were a mess, you knew in your heart that you still loved him but you weren't sure if you two could just start over as if nothing happened. There was nothing more that you wanted than for him to be the "old John", but it's going to be hard accepting the "new him". You're already too used to his cheating and lying. If he truly wanted to change, you'd still doubt him. You can't fully trust him even if he does claim that he still loves you. It's really hard for people to change, but you do believe that they could. You wanted to give John a second chance and your heart was agreeing to it, but your brain was telling John to fuck off.

"John?" your voice crackled as you turned to his direction.

John's blue eyes met your brown ones, "I got to go Dad, she's awake. Yeah I will, love you too, bye." John hung up the phone.

He then turned to you, "Hey baby girl. Ali is in the nursery, sleeping. Also, Randy and Sam, John, Vince and Adam all came in while you were asleep to drop off a bunch of these balloons and stuff." John said, pointing to the huge balloon pile to the right of you.

"Oh how nice of them." you smiled, you had to make thank you cards for them.

"And my Dad and the whole gang says congratulations. My Matt and Dan are going to fly down soon with Dad so that's going to be awesome." John mentioned.

"It'd be nice to have some people in the house while we're still getting settled with Ali." you said.

"Where's Donna?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She left after you fell asleep. She just wanted to drop by and see the baby, no harm done. I hope you didn't feel awkward or anything."

"Just a little, no biggie." you lied.

"Mhm. The nurses taught me how to change a diaper for a girl." John said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Haha, I'd like to see you do that." you chuckled, fixing your position so you were more comfortable.

John nodded as you two sat in an awkward silence. The question was bursting out of you! You had to ask it! Now! "John, do you want to start over?"